You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 72 Important notice: Stop raising the book! Rules for adding comments after the book is publ

Chapter 72 [Important notice: Stop raising books! ] Remarks on the bookshelf + rules for additional updates


The piglets are out of the market, ready to be put on the bookshelf.

It will be put on the bookshelf at 12 noon tomorrow.

The minimum is 10,000 words.

After that, there will be daily updates + additional updates.

Additional updates:

How can the author be locked in a small dark room to write, night after night, until he dies?

Please see the VCR below.

The rules for additional updates are as follows:

1: 24-hour first order subscription.

The first order is based on 2,000. For every additional 100, one additional chapter will be added (the standard is about 2,500 words per chapter). So those who raise books should stop raising them. Brothers who read pirated books, please come to the "Qidian Reading" APP to support the genuine version, and do it!

2: Average subscription!

Starting tomorrow, for every 200 increase in average subscription, one additional chapter will be added!

Average subscription is almost the life and death line of a book. Now Qidian has allocated most of the traffic to new books. The requirements for recommending books for listing are based on daily sales and average subscription data.

The average subscription is too low, so it doesn't matter how many words are updated.

3: Monthly tickets!

For every 1,000 monthly tickets, one chapter will be added, so don't hoard them, just throw them at my face!

4: Rewards!

It's up to fate, I'm very grateful for the subscription.

So the standard is set high.

For every cumulative reward of 50,000 book coins, one chapter will be added. At the end of the chapter, the author will count and list the readers who have accumulated rewards and help again to thank them, so as to avoid mistakes.

The leader will add two chapters.

The current owed extra chapters:

There are six alliance leaders, but the book friend value of the night general "Night of Glory" is four alliance leaders, and the book friend value of the book friend "Post-80s Fishing Man" is two alliance leaders.

There are ten alliance leaders in total, and twenty chapters will be added.

In terms of monthly tickets.

Currently, there are about 1,500 monthly tickets, and 1,000 monthly tickets plus one chapter means one chapter of extra chapter.

These 21 chapters of extra chapters will be redeemed after the listing.

At the end of each additional update, the daily additional update statistics will be recorded in the author's words. Welcome to supervise!

Recommended books:

"Being a Policeman in Mexico", author: I snore when I sleep.

A friend's book.

Killing drug lords, the content is super exciting.

A rising reserve player.

You deserve it!


"Martial Arts Immortal in the Modern World", author: Chengfeng Yujian

The work of Chengfeng Yujian.


Martial arts master, the limit of the human body, one against a hundred, founded a school.

But he could only dominate in ancient times.

Can be immortal...

Feng Xu rides the wind, enters and exits the blue sky, travels to the North Sea in the morning and to Cangwu in the evening.

Eat wind and drink dew, transcend the world, live a carefree life.

That is the ultimate romance of mankind.

Immortals are fictional?

Does the real world not exist?

Things are in people's hands!

Martial arts is a road against the sky, beyond the limit, turning the impossible into possible!

So, I want to cultivate into a human immortal, travel to the North Sea star in the morning and reach the Cangwu world in the evening, what's wrong?


《The Destiny is Burnt》, author: Yintian Shenyin

The work of Yintian Shenyin.


This world is sick, and it must be cured with swords and iron and fire.

Punish tyranny and defeat the lawless. Overturn the heaven and earth and shape the world.

Everything starts with the sword in your hand.


《The King of Beast Tamers》, author: Qingquan Liuxiang

The work of Qingquan Liuxiang.


In this new era of beast taming, who can become the undisputed king of beast tamers?

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