You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 7 Obsession, is this it?


Push open the door to the small room.

The sound of rapid keyboard tapping flooded into my ears.

From time to time, I can still hear the high-pitched and excited scolding of my colleague Thom.

This guy was wearing headphones and was engrossed in using the office computer, playing a game similar to Warcraft in Brian's previous life.

Brian looked at Thom who was attentive, then looked at the time and data on the game interface, and he understood.

No wonder he made a noise just now, and Tom seemed to be deaf.

This game requires a lot of speed and concentration from the opponent.

Thom probably didn't act.

Think of this.

Brian breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the possibility of Goldfinger being exposed is low, he had behaved strangely before and was suspected of having a mental problem, which put him in trouble.

Because he is really sick.

Tom, who was immersed in it, suddenly felt a cold feeling on his back.

He subconsciously turned around and met Brian's kind eyes.

Thom thought Brian wanted to question why he didn't help after he was busy, but instead hid here and played games. He quickly explained: "Man, it's not that I don't want to help you, I'm just afraid that my clumsiness will cause you trouble."

Brian waved his hand magnanimously: "It's okay, it's just that the scars on the faces of the two corpses are not only cruel, but the marks are highly overlapping. I'm afraid this is not a simple homicide."

Speaking of cases.

Thom, a former police detective, perks up.

He stopped playing the game, put down the headset, and analyzed with interest:

“The legacy of this case is clear.

The two deceased persons were both obviously injured by blunt force blows, and blood was spattered at the scene and the wounds were scattered in a messy manner, indicating that the murderer was in a very high mood when he struck.

In addition, after on-site testing, the time of death of the two deceased people was not more than half an hour apart.

This shows that after the murderer killed one victim, he did not hesitate to attack another victim.

Do you know what this means? "

"What does it mean?"

Brian felt like he had thoughts popping out of his head after listening to Thom's analysis.

But it's just a bit stuck.

As a result, thoughts linger in my mind, but I just can't express them.

Maybe this is the difference between ordinary people and geniuses, IQ.

Seeing Brian's lack of reaction, Thom couldn't help but rolled his eyes:

“This shows that the murderer’s purpose in choosing to take action is very clear.

The two deceased women were neighbors.

The murderer most likely had conflicts with the two deceased persons, or had some common interests. "


Tom said confidently:

“This information is so obvious!

I bet that my colleagues in the detective bureau can arrest the murderer in a few days at most. "

"So that's it."

Brian nodded thoughtfully, then felt a little disappointed.

Colleague Thom did not have any outstanding performance in his career as a police detective.

But many times, logical abilities, etc., still overwhelm me.

When he was in undergraduate school, his subject knowledge was not advanced. Thanks to his hard work, Brian did not feel that his classmates put too much pressure on him.

Wait until we get to the forensic bureau.

The colleagues around me are all top academics and have high IQs.

Even Thom's field personnel were experienced in related industries before joining the Forensic Bureau.

Brian often felt that his IQ was not enough to integrate into this group. In the end, he relied on his abundant second-hand car resources and bribed the forensic seniors to survive until now.

The gap between people.

Sometimes, it's even bigger than the gap between humans and dogs.

I don’t know if my golden finger can help my brain.

Brian shook his head, thought of his purpose, quickly suppressed the random thoughts in his heart, and changed the subject: "The two deceased people are neighbors and have fixed residences. It should be easy to collect information, right?"

Tom nodded: "Well, the database has their basic information."

As he spoke, he handed two printed reports that still smelled of ink to Brian.

Neither report is thick.

Pinned with paper clips in the upper right corner are a color photo of a female portrait.

Brian read the first report first.

The deceased's name was Carolina Ellis, 34 years old, unemployed.

Because of selling Y and organizing to sell Y, I have been imprisoned twice.

Carolina Ellis has been married three times.

But due to physical reasons, they left no descendants.

The last husband was named Andres Cook.

Um? !

Brian was shocked when he saw this name!

Isn't this the obsession of the female corpse on the right?

The two of them are actually a couple?

Why was the deceased's obsession to kill Andres, and judging from the title, it seemed that the deceased was very angry with his husband.

Could it be

An idea flashed in Brian's mind.

The murderer is Andres?

Brian quickly looked at another report.

This should be the basic information about the female corpse on the left.

Brian glanced at the photo first.

This is a blonde woman with a gentle smile.

The moment you see each other, you will subconsciously think of the spring sunshine, gentle but not hot, and your mood will become happy involuntarily.

Then I thought about the unrecognizable face I saw on the morgue.

Even Brian, who had long been numb inside, still couldn't help but sigh.

Why do beautiful things always suffer bad experiences?

With regret.

Brian's eyes moved downward.

The gentle woman named Emmaline Keller, 27 years old, is an employee of a housekeeping company and has no bad record.

Emmaline Keller had a husband.

But looking at the information sheet, the husband's column says he passed away.

This means that Emmaline Keller was not divorced, but a widow.

But the other party also has a daughter.

The daughter is three years old, and her full name is Ellie Decker.


Brian immediately extracted the information elements!

The obsession of the corpse on the left is to ensure that Ellie survives safely!

Could it be that she was thinking about her daughter before she died?


The deceased Emmaline Keller was a widow and her daughter was only three years old.

When the murderer commits the crime.

Emmaline Keller’s daughter Ellie most likely lives in the house!

However, Tom said that there were only two dead people at the scene.

Did the murderer let Ellie go?

Or maybe the other party took away the three-year-old girl Ellie?

Brian pretended to feel sorry and said, "The deceased's name was Emmaline Keller. Her smile looked very gentle, and her daughter was only three years old."

Tom sighed:

“Emmaline Keller died in the bathroom.

Fortunately, her daughter was sleeping upstairs at the time.

The reporter of this case was Andres, the husband of another deceased person.

He and his wife had a big fight because of financial reasons.

Andres went to the bar to drink.

When the results come back.

He found his wife dead in the living room and reported the crime.

At that time, the police cordoned off the scene and knocked on the door of the deceased Emmaline Keller's house next door to ask for some information, which woke up the little girl upstairs.

The police discovered that there was also a deceased person here. "

I heard the little girl was okay.

Brian breathed a sigh of relief.

Almost at the same time.

The countless blood-colored light spots that originally rushed into his mind, representing the obsession with the corpse on the left, turned into a blond woman with a gentle smile, said thank you to Brian, and then turned into countless rays of light and completely integrated into Brian's body.

Brian was a little confused.

Obsession, is this done?

What about the reward for me?

Okay, good night, brothers.

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