This broken dog.

It actually barked at me!

Is it worthy of my efforts?

Brian was a little upset.

He felt that he had saved a scumbag dog.

It didn't recognize me.

Besides, why is his dog here!

Wasn't it taken away by the murderer in the hotel where veterinarian Laura died?

Thinking of this.

Brian directly reminded Ivan: "Draw your gun and be alert, this person may be dangerous!"

After saying that.

He kicked the tree with his feet, and under the exquisite strength, the whole person flew into the air to the wall more than one meter away, and then with a parkour-like roll, he fell from the sky and landed in front of the glasses gentleman who was squinting his eyes and enjoying the happiness of "nurturing".

Hearing the movement.

The man opened his eyes belatedly.

The puppy Thirteen was also frightened by Brian who fell from the sky and hid among the flowers and plants.

With its big eyes, it looked at its new owner lying on the ground, then at Brian who suddenly appeared, and then hesitantly poked its head out again, crawled on all fours, and crawled behind Brian.

"Who are you?"

The man with glasses subconsciously covered his chest and looked at Brian with a gun in horror, his eyes full of embarrassment and fear after being discovered doing something weird.

It seemed that he felt the bad situation of his new owner.

The frightened Thirteen no longer hid, and bravely rushed out, blocking in front of the man, and called out to Brian in a childish way.

Touched flashed in the eyes of the man with glasses.

He hid Thirteen behind him and said to Brian righteously: "You can hurt me, but you are not allowed to hurt my dog!"


Thirteen also poked his head out from behind the man and grinned at Brian.


What a scene of deep affection between man and dog!

It turned out that he became a villain.


He hated betrayal the most!

This dead dog!

Brian's eyes flashed with hostility, and he was about to kick it.

Thirteen seemed to sense something was wrong and suddenly twitched his nose.

It raised its head, its big eyes turned very humanely, and then without hesitation, it ran in front of Brian, turned around, and howled at its new owner.

The man with glasses:


The man with glasses looked at Thirteen in shock, pointing his finger at it and trembling: "Simba, you you you."

This dog, his expression changed too quickly!!!

Seeing this, Brian smiled.

It seemed that he recognized him.

That was more like it.

He was like a little girl who was coaxed back by a scumbag, and he felt much better.

Brian looked at the heartbroken man with glasses, stepped over Thirteen's body, and kicked him to the ground: "What Simba, this is my dog! It's called Thirteen, and I spent a lot of money to save it. Tell me, why is it here with you!"

"This is my dog!"

The man with glasses was heartbroken by the scumbag Thirteen. For a moment, he actually forgot the threat of the gun in Brian's hand. He roared, waved his thin body with a turtle fist, and rushed towards Brian with gritted teeth.

As the saying goes, seven steps away, the gun is fast, and within seven steps, the gun is fast and accurate!

Bang bang bang~

Three gunshots went off.

Three bullet holes immediately appeared in front of the man with glasses.

His body, which rushed over, also softened under the shock of the gunfire. From the momentum of the collision, he turned into a kneeling slide, which happened to stop in front of Brian and gave him a solid kowtow.

The courage of the man with glasses also faded away with the gunshots.

He put his head on the dirt in the yard and raised his hands high: "Don't be impulsive, don't kill me, your dog, this is your dog."

On the big tree outside the yard.

Ivan, holding the tree with one hand and holding the gun with the other, stared at this scene in amazement.


For the dog, two men drew their guns against each other.

What kind of bloody soap opera plot is this?

The love between man and dog is not over?

Ten minutes later.

Rob Reid, a man with glasses, with handcuffs on both hands, glanced at the dog Thirteen who was rubbing against Brian, and told the story of what he did for the Bloody Gang in a heartbroken manner.

Rob was originally a website maintainer for a company.

After his parents died unexpectedly, he received a large amount of insurance compensation, so he quit his boring job and lived a life of luxury.

That little money was quickly spent.

Forced to do nothing.

Rob began to look for a job again, and finally, he was spotted by the Bloody Gang without knowing why.

The Bloody Gang had very low requirements for him.

Through technical means, we search for key words in various forums to find those netizens who are curious about mysterious phenomena, blood moons, mutations, etc., and then find ways to pull them into chat rooms one by one, and then screen them.

The screened people are then deceived to Los Angeles, a place provided by the Bloody Gang, under various excuses.

For this reason.

The Bloody Gang will even provide travel expenses for some targets who are short of money.

Rob adjusted his dirty glasses: "There are many people who help the Bloody Gang do these things. I am just one of them. I don’t know the specific situation. I only know that the Bloody Gang will organize various activities to help those people with free physical examinations. Some people will be sent back after eating, drinking and having fun. Very few people"

He was entangled, but still said honestly: "Very few people have completely lost contact. I mean the contact in reality. As for their online accounts, they will occasionally appear, but I feel that they are no longer the real people."

Ivan on the side heard this and sneered: "You know something is wrong and you still help them?"

Rob said nothing.

He also struggled.

But for every person I bring over, there are thousands of dollars.

Work is easy.

In the end, he chose to ignore them.

Brian heard Rob's description and already guessed what the Peaky Blinders were doing!

The Yuxue Gang was founded by the uncle.

Judging from the various actions of the uncle, I am afraid that the other party not only knows about the aberrations, but is also planning to use the blood moon to reappear to find those new aberrations in society, and then conduct human experiments, or other things.

But no matter what.

Brian felt that his uncle would rush to the street without him taking action.

"Uncle, you may know some inside stories, but I'm afraid you don't know how deep the water is inside."

Brian remembered the information he heard after being radiated by machines at the Ais base, and with the help of his supercomputer perception talent in a blur of consciousness: Lurker No. 132!

His uncle Billy has long been targeted by the FBI.

Think of this.

Brian felt a little disappointed.

After learning about the existence of aberrants, he had some guesses as to why his uncle arranged for him to enter the forensic bureau a few years ago.

If you have a chance.

He actually wanted to find his uncle and confirm his guess from the other person's mouth.

Brian cared about this.

He is a man who lacks love.

For family affection.

Deep down in his heart, he still longed for it.

But now it seems.

I probably have no chance.


Ivan patted Brian on the shoulder: "Man, did you think of something?"

Brian came to his senses.

He gently kicked away Thirteen, who was tired of trying to please him, and nodded to Ivan: "Yes, this should be a case of a private organization collecting aberrants. Report it to the police. As for this person?"

Brian looked at the worried Rob: "You haven't told me yet why Thirteen is in your hands."

Ivan also cheered up.

He already knew part of the embellished truth from Brian's mouth.

This dog may be involved in the skinning case stolen by the FBI.

We are all law enforcers.

Ivan was very unhappy with the FBI people who went to the B6 team and directly stole their cases!

It would be a great pleasure to be able to slap those bastards in the face and gain some of the merits Brian mentioned!

Rob looked at the puppy who had been kicked away by Brian and kept approaching him. He felt like the minotaur clown who was cheating on his ex-girlfriend and asked how he hooked up with his ex-girlfriend.

He told the story of himself and puppy Thirteen with a disappointed expression.

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