You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 60: The tea-filled Rector, convincing Brian with reason


On the bench outside the ICU, five figures were yawning and waiting.

There is another one lying on the ground.

Three of them are Harden Sr., Ivan, and Glenn, the three team members.

Among them, Glenn didn't know what he had done, and he was sleeping soundly on the ground.

The other three people should be the new members Susan recruited a few days ago.

Brian only knew one of them.

The other party's name is Rector, and he looks a bit like the agent Karen that Brian killed before. He is about 1.82 meters tall, has an elegant appearance, and wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. He doesn't look like a forensic doctor, but more like a young university professor. .

The two were in the Forensic Bureau before and didn't have much communication.

no way.

One is a powerful person, and the other is a 'popular' person. They are naturally incompatible and can only be regarded as acquaintances.

Brian looked directly at Old Harden: "What's going on?"

He called Susan's phone, but it was Old Harden who answered.

He didn't know what the situation was now.

Old Harden wiped his tired face with his hands:

"The team leader felt a little guilty because of what happened to the K9 team, so he called us to study the case of the skinned female body in the hotel overnight. As a result, a group of FBI people came out and said that the deceased was one of theirs and asked us to hand over everything they found. physical evidence

The team leader proposed a joint investigation.

As a result, the other team leader didn't know what Yin Yang strangely said.

The team leader kicked his bird open.

There was a conflict later. "

Hearing this, Brian glanced at everyone who was safe and sound, and frowned: "You mean, the other party's people shot our team leader in front of you on our territory?"

As it gets stronger.

He has his own ambitions.

If these guys don't even dare to take action.

Then Brian will have to consider suggesting that Susan change a group of people.

The strong man Ivan took a step forward: "How is it possible? The question is"

"What's the problem?" Brian was amused by Ivan's words: "Is it because they are the FBI that you are scared?"

Glenn, who was yawning, quickly spoke to his friend: "Brian, don't be so excited. The problem is, we don't have a chance to react. When Susan saw them raising their guns, she felt like she was going crazy. Wait until we When they reacted, the dozen or so FBI people were all lying down."


Brian was confused: "That"


Rector, the newcomer, held out a finger to signal everyone to keep quiet.

He had a very feminine smile on his face and said softly to Brian:

“Brian, don’t get excited.

I know you are worried about the safety of the team leader.

Didn’t Old Harden say that?

Encountered gunfire.

Not shot!

She's fine.

Things got really big.

Although the team leader deliberately avoided the vital points of those people and hit their body armor.

But her pistol is too powerful.

Among the FBI people, eight had broken ribs and four had torn shoulders that were basically useless.

Their supervisor basically couldn't use it. If I didn't take some first aid measures and sent him to the hospital in time, the other person almost died from the pain.

Just to be on the safe side.

When sending the FBI people to the hospital.

The team leader accidentally fell and fell unconscious. "

Seeing the calm look on this pretty boy's face, Brian knew that this idea came from Rector.

Because he had seen this attitude of the other party many times when he was in the Forensic Medicine Bureau.

Every time, the other party is the most dazzling person under the forensic doctor.

Compared with the other party, Brian, who used to suffer from kidney deficiency, was like a passerby with the face of the protagonist, dull and dull.

Seeing that Brian stopped talking.

Rector glanced at the other people from the corner of his eyes, raised the corners of his mouth, and adjusted his glasses: "Brian, I remember you joined the Forensic Bureau in 2003. You were only 20 years old at that time and had just graduated from college. After graduation, you looked quite calm, but I didn’t expect that nearly three years later, you would still be so impatient when things happen.”

Know that Susan is okay.

Brian was no longer in a hurry.

Looking at the brown color of Lector in the tea.

Brian smiled.

What the other party said was very simple:

One, to show that he is more qualified and capable than Brian.

2. Say that Brian is young and unstable.

3. Remind the other ‘old men’ again of the contrast between themselves and Brian.

He didn't speak when he saw Brian.

Rector felt a little disappointed.

It's really not a sense of accomplishment to deal with such an eggy guy.

He patted Brian on the shoulder: "Find a place to sit down. The team leader's room is guarded by armed soldiers from the NW organization. Now I heard that NW is negotiating with people from the FBI. After the processing is completed, we can go back ”

Brian looked at the hand on his shoulder, looked down at Rector, and said softly: "Rector, I don't drink green tea."


Rector didn't understand Brian's words.

Are we talking about tea?

next moment.

A strong top knee hit Rector's abdomen.


Rector held his stomach and was about to kneel down.

The afterimage flashed.

Brian's leather shoes made the sound of whistling wind, and he whipped his leg from close range, hitting Rector hard on the chin. His kneeling body flew up in the air and hit the ground hard. He twitched twice and vomited several times. Broken tooth, fainted.

All this happened too suddenly.

One moment everyone was watching Rector comforting his little boy, and the next moment Rector fell to the ground.

Ivan even rubbed his eyes.

Something is wrong!

He just reacted.

Isn't Brian's left leg broken?

Why don't we see each other for more than a day? It'll be fine! ! !

Kick out.

Brian just felt refreshed.

No wonder Susan likes to draw her gun at every turn.

Convince people with reason.

It is indeed the fastest way to shut up the mouths of annoying people.

He waved to the little nurse who was passing by: "This beautiful lady, please come over here. I am a new patient in the ICU. I will reimburse you from public funds. There is no shortage of money."


Brian spread his hands towards everyone who was still silent: "Guys, don't look at me like this. I just got inspiration from Rector's words. It took a lot of effort to invite a team leader and the Forensic Bureau. Elite forensic doctors are now in the hospital ICU because of those bastards from the FBI. Wouldn’t this be better?”


If they say it's not appropriate.

Do we need to add another ICU?

The strong man Ivan was not afraid.

He glanced at the unconscious Rector and shrugged: "To be honest, I don't like this kid either. He looks too feminine, like a poisonous snake wearing a fake face, but..."

"What's wrong with your legs?" Ivan stepped forward and reached out to touch Brian's legs: "Look at these well-developed quadriceps and biceps muscles, man, aren't you broken? But I saw your deformed calves and X-rays with my own eyes."

Brian dodged Ivan's dirty hands: "You guys make arrangements for Rector, and I'll go in and see the team leader."

Old Harden shook his head: "Armed soldiers are guarding it and we can't get in."

Brian smiled: "Maybe they let me in because I think I'm handsome..."


Brian flashed his watch in front of several people and some soldiers at the door.

The four heavily armed soldiers nodded to Brian and moved away.

Thanks to the book friend "The Glory of the Night" for the 10,000 book coins reward, and thanks to the nightclub!

Brian: Thank you to the book friend "Let's Drink and Wait for You to Come Back" for the gift of two chicken legs characters. Thank you boss!

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