
In the evening.

A heavy and melodious bell sounded from the bell tower of a Catholic church in the distance.

Brian yawned and opened his eyes dazedly, ready to get up from the sofa to see if he could take on some new part-time jobs.

Not only for money.

But also for medical treatment.

I don't know why.

His mental problems have become more and more serious recently, and he often has hallucinations.

The hallucinations are also surprisingly similar: the tragic scenes of the beasts who were sent away by his own hands in the early years before their death are replayed in front of him again and again, or more than a thousand dissected corpses in the past two years, constantly smiling at him, questioning why he disassembled them into parts.

After each hallucination.

Brian felt that his hands were itchy and wanted to destroy something.

He relied on part-time jobs one after another.

He survived until now.

At this moment.


There was a sudden knock on the door outside.

Before Brian could ask who it was.


Accompanied by the harsh sound of metal twisting.

The thick door lock of the apartment door had been deformed and was forcibly pushed open.

A tall, black-haired, white middle-aged man, nearly two meters tall and as strong as a wild bear, looked like a wall of people. After glancing at the room, he strode towards Brian and then sat on the sofa opposite Brian.

Behind the man, two men dressed in suits and dressed as bodyguards closed the door with great vigilance and stood guard outside.


The sofa, which had accompanied Brian in bloody battles for countless times and was still strong, made a strange sound that could not bear the weight.

"Brian, my nephew, you haven't attended family gatherings for several times!"

The middle-aged man like a wild bear looked at Brian who sat down again with sharp eyes.

Brian suppressed the killing intent in his heart and shrugged: "Uncle, you know, my adoptive parents need a lot of medical expenses every month. Now I can only work part-time every day except for work."

The middle-aged man is Brian's uncle, the patriarch of the Camo family, and also the boss of the largest Italian gang in Los Angeles, Billy Camo.

This is a truly cruel and cunning guy.

Brian once saw Uncle Billy fighting a North American gray wolf with bare hands at a family hunting party, and then tore the gray wolf's jaw alive, chewed it, and sucked the wolf's blood, which was even wilder than a real beast.

In addition.

The other party's grasp of human hearts is terrifying.

After Brian deliberately practiced micro-expressions for a long time, he was able to conceal his hostility in front of this uncle and deliberately pretend to be weak.

I just don't know why.

This uncle has always been very low-key in New York, until he came to Los Angeles, he began to gradually show his style.

In just a few years.

Uncle Billy took his family members and replaced the small gangs in the original Italian community. Later, he even fought directly and annexed several small and medium-sized gangs in succession, creating the current Blood Gang.

Billy heard the complaint in Brian's tone, and smiled lightly on his rough face: "Brian, I said that as long as you cooperate later, the family will bear all the medical expenses of your adoptive parents."

Brian nodded: "Uncle, is there anything urgent that you come here for?"

He finished speaking.

He looked at the broken door lock on the door half-truthfully and distressedly.

It costs a lot to change the lock.

The lock is not expensive, but the labor is expensive.

This is all his hard-earned money!

Really hard-earned money!


Since you want to break in, knock on your mother's door!

Billy seemed to hear Brian's voice, and said with certainty: "You are scolding me in your heart!"

Without waiting for Brian to respond.

He continued to throw a bank card on the coffee table:

"Knocking on the door is polite, breaking in is because I don't have the patience to wait!

Brian, what you want to say is all on your face.

This won't do.

It's not conducive to your next arrangements."


Brian's heart moved, pretending to be calm, but his hand trembled as he picked up the bank card: "Uncle, what is this?"

"There are more than two million US dollars in it. Even if you provide the best and most expensive medical plan for your adoptive parents, it should be able to support more than two years."

Billy took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it, with fatigue on his face: "Don't pretend to be calm, your disguise is too poor, your hands are shaking, Brian, you are actually very surprised, which means you understand what I mean."

"Okay, uncle, sometimes I really suspect that you can read minds." Brian raised his hands in surrender and said resignedly: "The plan for the three-year agreement has changed. ? "

Billy blew out a big puff of smoke and nodded:

"More than two years ago.

I learned a very surprising secret from an old forensic doctor.

This secret may be the opportunity for the Kamo family to take off.

The old forensic doctor told me at that time.

The Los Angeles City Government will implement a plan to expand the crime experimental team in March 2006.

Those team members will give priority to the Forensic Bureau, veterans, and some other groups.

There, you can get in touch with some things that ordinary people don't know. "

"Those things are the amazing secret?" Brian was aroused by Billy's words.


Billy nodded:

"I arranged for you to enter the forensic bureau and make a three-year appointment just to verify the authenticity of this secret.

I don't trust outsiders.

The other members of the family are not highly educated, have dirty status, and are not very smart.

There was no way they were going to join those criminal experiment groups.

And you, Brian, my most cherished nephew.

You are different.

Your file is very clean, your academic qualifications are the highest among the family members, and your relationship is with your adoptive parents, who are my blood relatives.

You are my best choice. "

"So uncle, you came here this time because the plan was advanced?" Brian waved the bank card in his hand: "Okay, what should I do next?"

According to Brian's understanding of his uncle.

I'm afraid I can't use this card now.

Billy habitually pinched out two or three puffs of cigarettes with his fingers. Seeing Brian's actions, he couldn't help but laugh: "Your great-grandfather was right, taking a loss is the fastest way to grow. At least you are not as naive as before. ”

"People will always grow up. Life is like Q-tip. Since you can't resist, then choose to enjoy it." Brian spread his hands as if appointing: "We are a family. I believe you will not treat me badly, uncle." ”

People are forced out.

Without the threat to his uncle's life, he would not have been able to perform as well as a professional actor.

After listening to Brian's words, Billy nodded with satisfaction.

He skillfully stuffed the cigarette butt into his pocket, stood up and said:

"My people have been paying attention to the news from the Z mansion.

do not know why.

Plans to expand the crime lab are half a year ahead of schedule.

You'll get the message then.

Remember to register in time. "

Seeing that the other party was about to leave, Brian quickly asked: "Then what is the secret that I want to verify after I go in?"

This may be related to the password of the bank card in his hand.

Have enough money.

Only then can his adoptive parents leave this world with dignity.

He could also take action without thinking and vent the anger he had accumulated over the past few months!

"You will know it yourself then." Billy said, patting Brian on the shoulder: "Secretly change the password, don't let me down."

After saying that, he walked straight to the door, suddenly stopped, turned his head, and said with a hint:

"That's right, Brian.

Today is a blood moon that occurs only once in thirty years.

I saw it once when I was a kid.

For countless days and nights in the future, that scene often appeared in my dreams.

That is simply the most beautiful treasure God has given to mankind.

Believe me.

The blood moon returns tonight, and you won’t want to miss that beautiful sight.”

"Blood moon vision?"

Brian nodded and said perfunctorily: "Okay, uncle, if there is no new appraisal order tonight, I will"

"There are no ifs!" When Billy heard Brian's words, a pair of dark brown eyes spread with chilling bloodshot streaks at a speed visible to the naked eye. He looked directly into Brian's eyes: "I mean Yes, you must bathe in the light of the blood moon tonight and appreciate the gift God has given to mankind!"

What a pair of eyes that is!

Brian swore that even the extremely cruel look in his uncle's eyes when he tore the strong adult gray wolf into pieces was not as terrifying and chilling as it is today.

I don’t know how long it took.

Brian shuddered and came back to his senses.

He glanced around absently.

Except for the apartment door with its twisted lock.

His uncle's figure had long since disappeared.

Brian rubbed the goosebumps on his arms, sat back on the sofa a little sluggishly, and weakly covered his violently beating heart, still in shock.

That look.

It was simply more suffocating than being stared directly at by a ferocious and bloodthirsty beast.


Something is wrong! ! !

Brian's eyes flashed with thought.

My childhood experience and more than two years of experience in the Forensic Bureau as an adult!

Especially in recent years.

Under severe mental torture.

His personality has already undergone earth-shaking changes!

Now, Brian could laugh and dismember the same kind of autopsy corpses and then eat spaghetti with tomato gravy.

These are all trivial matters.

When illness strikes.

He may even have some very perverted thoughts and impulses.

If it weren’t for the ‘pressure transfer method’ suggested by the doctor.

Brian has no doubt that he has long been driven by his inner desires and has become a professional serial killer.

Such myself.

How could it be possible that he was frightened out of his mind by someone's eyes, as if he had been hit by a hard control skill in a game?

This is not scientific at all!

It can't be that his uncle launched a mental attack on him, right?

Think of this.

Brian laughed to himself.

A thought emerged in his mind uncontrollably: Uncle Billy, is he really a human being?

I changed the uncle's name, it was Capone in the second chapter, and it was changed to Billy in this chapter.

I've been so busy these two days.

Sort out the endings of old books.

Sorting out the rewards from previous old books (Nightclub, I won’t say anything else. You can pick it up when you have time, I don’t have any objections)

Revise the outline and plot outline of the new book (due to the scale, all saved manuscripts need to be revised)

The only advantage is that you get into the state quickly.

There will be another chapter later. Thank you brothers for your support. Only by updating steadily and writing good stories can I be worthy of your loyalty.

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