Long Gong didn't believe Jiang Heng's words. If the 'law of cause and effect' can be controlled at will.

Then the number one transfer target would not be him, Long Gong?


If you want to activate it, there must be unknown conditions!

In this case.

He is fearless!

He doesn't care if everyone here dies!


Jiang Heng did not hide this statement and admitted frankly: "You are too strong, I can't transfer you!"

"However, everyone here is the object of my casual play!"

"He, him, you, or you!"

Jiang Heng said, raising his hand to point at the Divine Silkworm, the God of the Underworld, the White Tiger Demon King, the Holy Bathing Ancient Buddha and others!

These people are all his targets.

To put it bluntly, if you want these people to die, you can tamper with the 'law of cause and effect' at will.

These, he can do!

"I don't believe it!" Lord Long sneered, his sharp fangs like cold light: "Dragon Master, Seven Directions Supreme Lord——"

After the voice fell, Lord Long's body flashed and came in front of Jiang Heng, his fingertips kept flashing cold light

Seven clever slashes broke the space here, and the vast chaos was displayed in front of everyone!

Jiang Heng

was cut into dozens of pieces!



Lord Long was shocked, his eyes widened and looked to the side, the originally indifferent Immortal God Silkworm.

At this time, he looked at him with a face full of fear!

"Lord Long."

The Immortal God Silkworm looked at Lord Long unwillingly!

This 'Seven Directions Supreme Lord' is a slash that breaks through space. Even if he has an immortal body, he can't resist it.

Jiang Heng's figure is the same as before

The green blood of the Immortal God Silkworm painted the reincarnation road, and the body was chopped into dozens of pieces.

Soul, enter the Human Emperor Banner

Dead can't die anymore!

"You, this is impossible!" Long Gong stood in front of Jiang Heng, lowered his head and stared into Jiang Heng's eyes.

All this happened very suddenly, catching him off guard

Why is this happening!

Jiang Heng's operation is already incredible!

Changing the established cause and effect, transferring all the misfortunes to others.

This is outrageous.


At this moment, the people around him didn't think so, and they all looked at Jiang Heng in shock.


were completely shocked!

Jiang Heng conveyed the misfortune to others, and this other person refers to "them"!

Including, and possibly excluding, all of An Hongyi's people!

"Damn, what kind of "Taoism" is this, the end of cause and effect is not the fire of karma?"

"It's outrageous, you know?"

"Jiang Heng, I have never had any ill will towards you, I have always supported you!"

"I, I want to become an immortal, the road to immortality is right in front of me, don't pass it on to me, okay? Jiang Dad!"


When the blood collapse reached their heads, many people knew that suffering was not to be tasted

At this moment!

All scared!

Counting the descendants and successors of the eight forbidden areas, there are about a thousand people present.

In other words

Jiang Heng can be transferred a thousand times and die a thousand times!

Let’s not talk about whether Jiang Heng will die or not. Long Gong must be exhausted to death for using killing moves so frequently, right?

“You are not cold enough.”

Jiang Heng raised the corner of his mouth and looked at Long Gong sarcastically: “If I were you, I would kill them all.”

“In this way, I can’t be reborn?”

As if thinking of something, Jiang Heng raised his head and said jokingly: “Why, haven’t you played enough of the game of power?”

“This is playing house.”

“You can’t extricate yourself?”

“Ha, hahahahahaha”

As he said, Jiang Heng laughed out loud and pointed at the golden dragon, silver dragon and other descendants of Long Gong in the distance.

Or the phoenix of the Phoenix Clan, the snake man of the Sky Demon, and other creatures in the forbidden area!

In his opinion, Long Gong is now sinking in such a world!

Being flattered by a group of people who are not as good as himself, calling him Long Gong and following his lead.


How could the death of these ants make him feel distressed?

Sinking for millions of years, this seems to be the only pleasure of Long Gong, otherwise how can this rotten heart be so at ease?

"You are looking for death"

"Long Yu·Nine Heavens Lin Chen--"

"Long Yu·Eight Desolations Giant Halberd--"

"Yu Long·Nine Turns of Samsara--"


Jiang Heng's words seemed to stimulate Long Gong, and all that was left in his red eyes was indifference!

At this moment, he kept waving his arms, and the unspeakable "Tao and Fa" had a fatal blow to Jiang Heng's body!

Like a crushing blow, Jiang Heng's body was shattered dozens of times!


"Father--" On the dragon boat, the previously unruly golden dragon looked at Long Gong in panic.

His body was split in half from the middle, and then shattered into thousands of pieces!

The soul was cut into pieces!

The severe pain made him fearful and uneasy!

After the roar, it turned into meat foam, and the soul flew to the Human Emperor Banner!

In addition, there are descendants of Silver Dragon, Black Dragon, etc.!

Or other descendants of the Eight Forbidden Zones, all of whom were "transferred" the cause and effect at this time!

Become Jiang Heng's knife blocker!

The shrill screams swept across the huge reincarnation road. In addition to unwillingness, there was also the desperate gaze of the remaining people

Speech, silence!

Everyone looked at Jiang Heng as if they were looking at a ghost.

"How did he do this?"

In the distance, Linghu Changmei was hesitant to speak, wanting to say something, but his mood was a little confused.

He was very curious

Whether his power of creation could stop the cause and effect that Jiang Heng "transferred"!

Although he was afraid of Long Gong's moves, he could resist it!


If it is "transferred" in this way, it will be real damage!

The head will be blown up!

Black Mist was silent, and the pair of malicious eyes stared deeply at Jiang Heng and Long Gong.

Looked at Linghu Changmei!

Finally, turned his eyes to look at Jiang Heng.

"Have you made enough trouble?"

At the core, Jiang Heng was still indifferent, and glanced at the "Heavenly Gate" in the distance, the light was getting more and more dazzling.

Turning to look at Long Gong's red eyes, a bright smile rose at the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, the farce is almost over!

The Heavenly Gate is open, and the final reckoning is coming!


Long Gong nodded, and his eyes looked around indifferently: "You said a lot, this drama has been over for tens of thousands of years, and it's time to end it!"

"Imperial Dragon·Eight Directions Demon-"

After the words fell, above the dim dome, naked thunder roared wantonly.

In the astonished eyes of many people, thunders washed down, taking away many creatures who were still in shock.

Among them, the Phoenix Clan, the Ancient Royal Clan, the descendants of the Heavenly Demon Clan, and the descendants of the Immortal Mountain

These people are all followers of Lord Long!

They are also actors in this farce!

At this time, Lord Long ruthlessly destroyed the "flowers" and slaughtered all these people, leaving no one alive.

After the thunder!

At the scene, except for a very small number of people, most people withered under this raging thunder!

"Okay, now we can start!"

Lord Long smiled playfully and turned to look at Gu Tianxing, Ji Wuchang and others.

He deliberately kept these people.

He wanted to see if he would also sink into Jiang Heng's so-called "house game".

Will he show leniency to these people and show mercy!

"Vengeance is very strong, ha, hahahahaha——"

PS: Family members, remember to be happy every day.

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