You call me a villain? I don't care if that devil destroys the world.

Chapter 115: A gluttonous feast, obtaining a chaotic body!

Lei Peng can be sure that there is no information about "Tianchu" in the treasure house of Wujian Leichi.

But now it seems!

This must be a magical power, infinitely close to a "great supernatural power", or even a great supernatural power!

Lei Peng was confused and angry!

The earth has shrunk to an inch, the sky is like the earth, the magic is immune, and now there is another "Heavenly Execution"?

"Run, run!" Lei Peng turned around fiercely and screamed at the genius and restricted area successor behind him!

Although he was afraid of this Heavenly Punishment, it would definitely not kill him!

The Thunderbird clan has a very high tolerance for thunder.


The group of people behind him will definitely not be able to bear it.

He is the one who knows best how powerful and violent the thunder technique is.


Lei Peng finished his words!




Thunder thundered down like a stormy wave, and "dragons" that had been dormant for a long time swooped down from the dark clouds towards Tianjiao.

Speed ​​has arrived in the blink of an eye!


Among them, the Five Elements Sect monk standing closest was bitten by the dragon before he could roar any more!

Thunder catharsis——

words never existed

He was instantly killed!

The body turned into black ashes and was absorbed by Jiang Heng's devouring magic power!

The soul naturally entered the Human Emperor Banner

Scenes like this happen everywhere in this jungle and sky.

Wails, roars, insults, abuses, and curses swept across the sky. The hatred of countless geniuses towards Jiang Heng has reached the sky!

"While killing us, I am tempering my body and strengthening my magic weapon. Hahaha, I, Jiang Han, have become a leek!"

"What, how are we going to fight like this? Hahaha, hahaha, I shouldn't have come, you big guys are fighting, why am I involved?!"

"Kill me, I'm too lazy to do anything. You win and I'll kill you."

"Isn't it okay for me to die? Stop laughing and be so scared."

"Jiang Heng, I curse you to die a good death!"


This scene of burning the sky and destroying the world makes some geniuses unable to even think of resisting.

There are some people who recognize the reality and speak out on the spot.

Waiting for death to come.

They were extremely calm, using their magic power to light the "Ningshen Grass" in their hands, and tasted the last "smoke" that was refreshing.

The rest of the people are desperately trying to sacrifice magic weapons and desperately looking for remedies, trying to survive this world-destroying thunder.


Thunder dragons rained down overwhelmingly, completely submerging the sky.

Under the crackling roar.

The corpses of each genius turned into black ashes and became nutrients for Jiang Heng to grow stronger.

One person, three hundred people, eight hundred people, four thousand people, thirty thousand people

Most of the vast army of geniuses was lost in a matter of seconds!

The huge and noisy jungle was completely quiet at this moment.

The remaining people looked at the silver-haired figure in the sky in horror and confusion, with their black gowns swaying in the wind.

The "Human Emperor Flag" behind him also fluttered.

The picture made them indescribable, comfortable and frightened.

"If you don't take action yet, once he finishes devouring these people, everything will be over." Lei Peng looked down angrily at the still shocked Tian Yao, Ming Bo and others.

While talking!

Immediately take out a "flame" shaped "Tao Seed"!

This kind is called "Sky Fire"!

He found it in the Tiangong Hall, and he also wanted to make amends with himself, in case he didn't find the "Tian Lei Seed" and take the path of breaking all laws with thunder.

At least it can form thunder and fire.

After the words fell, Lei Peng quickly integrated this Tao seed, and the aura in his body increased rapidly.

Quasi-sage, saint, early stage, middle stage, late stage, Dzogchen!

Infinitely approaching the "Great Sage"!

at the same time

There was dead silence below.

The monsters in the restricted area, such as Ming Bo and Tian Yao, have not yet recovered from their shock.

Lei Peng's hysteria surprised them!

"What's going on with this Tianzhu, Lei Peng!" The demon was startled and looked at Lei Peng in shock.

Why didn't he know that there was such a perverted "supernatural power" in the thunder system technique?

"We are all in the hands of this kid, hahahaha——"

Ming Bo smoothed his hair with his right hand, took off his hood and revealed his true face.

This is a handsome face, but there is no blood on it, and it is as pale as a corpse.

He covered his forehead with his thin hands and laughed wildly!


The Tian Yao who was beside him was shocked, and after pondering for a few seconds, he also started laughing.


Among the nine restricted areas, in addition to the "Acacia Tomb", there are eight here.


All six restricted areas are present.


They claim to be the master of the world and dominate the world, but Jiang Heng forces them into desperation.

First, Gu Yuan cut off his own path, and now Lei Peng has integrated the "Heavenly Fire Seed"!

both of them

It seems that they can only be forced to merge and become a "saint".

"Everyone, why don't you try your best to fight?"

"I'm really out of patience."

Jiang Heng controlled the "Devouring Demonic Skill" with both hands, constantly sucking in the original power of the surroundings.


It made him more confident that he had made the right move in planning the world.

Where in the world can there be more geniuses like this "Immortal Palace Ruins"?

Even "Aman" couldn't have devoured such a person back then, right?


Which one is not a genius?

Tianyu body, holy body, divine body, war blood, royal blood, various demon races, ancient races, spiritual races.

At this time, he was killed!

All things in the sky seem to have become nutrients, and his body seems to be a furnace, constantly refining and absorbing these "origins"!

The body is transforming

The "sea of ​​clouds, moon reflection, and sun radiance" and other phenomena at the origin of the Dantian began to return to darkness!

It became a void.

Chaotic void!

"Chaos Body"

Jiang Heng's heart twitched, and he was happy!

He had never thought that the "chaos body" would come like this, and he had never thought that this "chaos body" would come so "lightly".

Ye Beixuan had devoured the so-called invincible chaos body for ten thousand years in his previous life, but he had never obtained it.

At this moment

Although it has not reached perfection, it has also achieved a small success!


Two figures that broke through the air rushed and came behind Lei Peng in an instant.

It was Long Yuan and Huang Ling!

At the same time!

Tian Yao and Ming Bo also stood in the air with their hands behind their backs.

In the six forbidden areas, except for Gu Yuan who was killed, the remaining five people stood in front of Jiang Heng.

"Damn, you are too stupid, too stupid. When Gu Yuan died, I invited you to fight with all your strength!"

Lei Peng looked at Long Yuan, Ming Bo and others, and roared hoarsely.

The originally golden feathers now had a touch of red, like a sunset glow.

Thunder and fire around the body!

"My problem." Long Yuan took a deep breath and glanced at Ye Beixuan who was still coughing up blood in the star array.


People are stupid!

This Ye Beixuan is like a cockroach, completely unkillable!

The blood is endless, and thousands of bones are broken!

The heart was dug out twice, and the internal organs were broken five times!

This person.

Just can't die!

As they fought, he became anxious and panicked. Under the panting of Huang Ling, the two had no choice but to let go of Ye Beixuan and came over here!

At present

The identities seem to have reversed, Jiang Heng has become the biggest "BOSS"!

PS: I wish you all a happy day. (Family members, please remember to come and see me every day.)

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