With this "supernatural power", the ancient royal family has firmly occupied the top spot in the restricted area and dominated the Tianluo world for countless years!

"Now that everyone has spoken, no one will compete with me for the 'true dragon seed', right?"

"I have been waiting for this moment for 150,000 years."

After Gu Yuan finished speaking, a burly man walked out slowly from the crowd, with blue "scales" looming all over his body.

The dragon walks like the tiger steps, with a cold and arrogant expression!

His appearance made many monsters with majestic aura take a step back unconsciously: "Forbidden Zone·Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest, Longyuan."

"Lei Peng, Ming Bo, Huang Ling, Gu Yuan. These descendants of the restricted area are all here as expected!"

"I can only pick up what they have left!"


Although the water in the field of ancient monsters is very deep, there are still strong ones like the ancient Buddha.


Compared with these passers in the restricted area, there is still less "introduction"!

after all--

Since ancient times, it has been rumored that there are "immortals" in the restricted area, although they may be "disabled immortals or fake immortals"!

Once you reach that level, it is equivalent to transcendence!

According to rumors, magic immunity is an "immortal magic", otherwise the strength would not be so abnormal!


Just when everyone was fearful and the disciples in the restricted area were competing with each other, at the end of the crowd, a young man wearing black clothes and a cloak came to the front.

Stand with these restricted area descendants!

This scene made the arrogant Lei Peng instantly furious!

The creatures in the restricted area are all connected to each other, and there is no possibility of "strangers"!

In the journey of spiritual practice, there are also nobles and inferiors!

Not everyone is qualified to stand with them.

"Unbridled." Thunder rumbled, and Lei Peng's pale face showed a look of solemnity.

at the same time

Gu Yuan of the ancient royal family said indifferently: "Kill with a stick——"

As an ancient royal family, if there is such rebellion, the first thing to do is to kill!

Their clan is famous in the Tianluo world. The main reason is that they have been born many times and destroyed many holy places and great religions!

The young man looked around without changing his expression and took off his hood, revealing his childish face.

"Is it you-?"

Seeing him, a burly man in the crowd was startled and immediately became angry: "You kill my clan brother and you dare to show off your power?"

Among them, he is a descendant of the Golden-winged Dapeng clan!

This clan holds a grudge and has never given up tracking Ye Beixuan.

"You dare to come here?"

"How dare you be so crazy when you practice the magic of swallowing demons?"

"Pull off this kid's skin, break all the bones, dig out the kidneys and dry them in the sun!"


At the scene, not only the human race, but also many demon race and wood race geniuses looked at Ye Beixuan angrily!

The Devouring Demon Technique is a disaster that will destroy the world for their kind.

after all

Their origins have more characteristics than humans!

170,000 years ago, the Devouring Emperor hunted their race like crazy and almost killed them.

The sounds of the crusade all around made Ye Beixuan's eyes twitch, and he glanced at them fearfully.

He mustered up the courage to look at the successor of the restricted area: "Everyone, I did not practice the 'Devouring Demon Skill'. I was wrongly accused!"

"Everything was done by Jiang Heng!"

"Ancient Buddha, the White Tiger clan and other geniuses have already suffered at his poisonous hands."

Ye Beixuan spoke sincerely, fearing that people around him would not believe it, so he immediately swore to God: "If it was me who did it, why would I bother to come here?"

"Wouldn't it be better to wait peacefully and wait for the ruins to end?"

After saying that, Ye Beixuan looked at Lei Peng, Gu Yuan, Long Yuan and others sincerely. He knew that with so many people present, he still wanted to look at a few people.

These words

Lei Peng, Gu Yuan and others, who originally had unhappy expressions, frowned.


This is indeed the case.

Since Ye Beixuan is really practicing magic skills, there is no need to put himself in danger.

"Then you came here to ask us to attack Jiang Heng?" Lei Peng raised his head and looked at Ye Beixuan arrogantly: "If you use us as gunmen, you have to provide evidence, right?"

His words made Gu Yuan, Long Yuan, Ming Bo and other restricted area disciples nod their heads.

Even they are a little afraid of the Devouring Demonic Art!

"Yes, you can follow me. At this time, Jiang Heng should still be devouring those geniuses, right in the passage over here."

Ye Beixuan replied sonorously, raising his finger to point to the way he came.

According to his calculations, if all those thousands of people smoked, it would take at least three to five hours.

If these people go together at this time, they will definitely bump into each other!

These words left the entire audience speechless, and they all looked towards the passage in shock.

Lei Peng and Gu Yuan also stared at each other.

"Let's go and have a look. I originally planned to wait for him to meet him, but now it seems I have to go see him in person!"

Gu Yuan, who was wearing a golden robe, spoke proudly.

It is no longer a big secret that Jiang Heng has magic immunity. Anyone who pays attention will know it.

he is curious

Where does Jiang Heng's magic immunity come from!

Once the Jin Geng Fruit in the Tianluo Realm appears, it will be captured by the ancient royal family.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, some disobedient Taoists who wanted to snatch the Jin Geng Fruit were destroyed by them in this way.

Although there are one or two from time to time, it is impossible to collect so many!

"Since Brother Gu Yuan is going, I should also go and have a look."

Long Yuan, who was covered in blue scales, nodded immediately and took the lead in walking towards the passage.

Afterwards, Huang Ling, Ming Bo, Tian Yao and others kept up the pace and galloped towards the passage pointed by Ye Beixuan.

Lei Peng grabbed Ye Beixuan's neck and said, "Don't move. I, the Thunderbird, can break all laws with thunder. No one can bear it."

Drag Ye Beixuan and follow the pace of several people, running slowly!

The rest of the Tianjiao followed closely behind.

Under Ye Beixuan's mobilization, 80% of the Tianjiao of Yunshui Palace went to "punish" Jiang Heng.

The passage, the bushes.

The deep blue altar, two bonfires burning, Jiang Heng sat on the altar, looking at the wounds around him, his eyes deeply focused

"Do you need me to serve you?"

"I, I think you are a little angry."

Seeing Jiang Heng's displeased attitude, he seemed to have something on his mind, blushing face, looking up at the star-like eyes

Before, when Jiang Heng was angry, he liked "like that"!


Jiang Heng raised the corner of his mouth, looking at the deep end of the road, his eyes flashed a touch of coldness

A moment——

At the end, a dense crowd of people rushed towards this side, with a number of no less than 80,000

It was the people led by Gu Yuan and Long Yuan!

This group can be said to have gathered all the geniuses in the Tianluo Realm!


At this time, everyone stopped and looked at the girl in a pink dress on the altar, kneeling on the ground to serve the silver-haired man.

They were a little bit overwhelmed!

They all looked at Ye Beixuan as if they were looking at a ghost!

They didn't understand!

What does Ye Beixuan mean?

Does anyone like the "minotaur" himself?

It's not enough for him alone, and he likes to call others to watch his fiancée serve other men together?

Isn't this strange hobby too strange?

PS: I wish you all good health and happiness every day.

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