You are not allowed to play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 33 The blocked summons! The Void Demon!

Lu You walked over calmly, picked up the [Void Demon] and put it in the card box provided by the client. In these two hours, he not only had to build a usable deck, but also had to compete with the other three. If the card he needed was taken away by the other party first, he would have to start from the beginning.

The other three professional duelists naturally discovered this. They looked at each other vigilantly, and then each chose a card wall to start building.

Lu You was lucky. After getting the core monster, he also got the quick-attack magic card [Emperor's Split].

Since [Void Demon] is a 5-star monster and cannot be special summoned, the superior summoning has become the only way to appear.

And [Emperor's Split] can liberate a monster on the opponent's field as a sacrifice for the superior summon.

I will directly use your monster as a sacrifice!

However, in the turn when this card is activated, you cannot special summon monsters from the extra deck.

This side effect is nothing to Lu You. His extra is at best just the material to provide the activation conditions for the Strong Gold Pot.

Since the terminal of his deck is the Void Demon, he must ensure that this monster will not be solved by the opponent. Since neither side can special summon when the Void Demon is present, it is time to compete for attack power, and it must be ensured that it will not be destroyed by battle.

The equipment magic card [Moon Mirror Shield] is a very good choice.

When the monster equipped with this card and the opponent's monster are fighting for damage calculation, the attack power is always 100 points more than the opponent's monster, so there is no need to worry about being destroyed by battle.

As time passed, Lu You's ideas gradually took shape, and a brand new deck was slowly constructed.

The other three people had a dispute as expected, and even wanted to fight.

"Hey! I found that [Whirlwind] first, give it back to me!"

"Give it back to you? Don't be ridiculous, there is no rule that whoever finds it gets it, but I got it first!"

"Asshole! I need that [Explosive Armor], give it back quickly!"

Because time was very tight, the three people were very nervous, and the secret room was full of gunpowder after a few words.

If duels were not allowed here, they would have already opened the duel disk.

Of course, it was precisely because they could not duel that several people immediately decided to use other methods to reason.

"Humph, if you don't understand human language, then I also know a little bit of boxing and kicking."

"Haha, which professional duelist doesn't know some self-defense these days? Come on!"

"Okay, okay, today I will make you come and go!"

In an instant, the duel disks in the hands of the three people seemed to have turned into weapons, and a real duel was about to begin.

Fortunately, the clerk who had been monitoring the camera noticed something unusual and spoke out in time to stop it, which prevented it from evolving into a fist-and-kick melee.

"Please calm down, fighting and dueling are prohibited in the secret room, and violators will be disqualified!"

After receiving the warning, the three people calmed down. They glanced at Lu You who was silently advancing the construction and started to build the deck again.

At this moment, Lu You has found the core of the deck. In addition to using [Void Demon] to block special summons, there is also [Glorious Demon] to block monster effects. As long as this card is on the field, both parties cannot activate the effect of effect monsters.

Cannot special summon, nor activate effects. Duel with this combination, the opponent must smile from the bottom of his heart.

To make the blockade successful, some cards are needed to assist. When Lu You attacks first, the opponent has no monsters on the field, so he cannot activate [Emperor's Spin]. In order not to pass in vain, he must summon at least one demon without sacrifice.

The card that can achieve this goal is the field magic card [Tomb of the Dead Emperor].

This card can pay 1000 life points as a substitute for releasing a monster and perform a higher-level summon.

It must be said that the cards in this secret room are quite rich, but there are relatively fewer field monsters, which looks messy.

After putting the continuous trap cards [Summon Limiter] and [Rest] into the deck, Lu You's construction is almost complete. Unfortunately, he only had time to find one of the three impedances that needed to be played, and he might not be able to draw it at the critical moment.

Of course, this requires relying on the power of bonds.

Now, it is time to use "Bond" on the mysterious client.

"My construction is complete."

Lu You clenched his fists at the monitor, his expression innocent and sunny.

The other three people turned their heads immediately, anxious expressions appeared on their faces, and their hands holding the card box trembled slightly. This construction is essentially a race. If Lu You completes the deck first and defeats the client, then they will have nothing to do.

Now they can only pray that Lu You will fail in the duel.

Thinking of this, the three people's needle-like gazes all fell on Lu You. Even if he turned his back to them, they could feel the resentment.

Sorry, first come first served, duels are so cruel!

Soon, another door in the secret room opened, leading directly to the duel field under the card shop, where the strength of the deck was tested.

Passing through the dark corridor, Lu You came to the underground duel field.

The client's store manager was standing in the center of the field, and he had obviously been waiting for a long time.

Her fiery red hair had a wisp of lilac highlights, her facial features were exquisite and her eyelashes were long, and her eyes were sharp. The coat was taken off and tied around the waist, leaving him wearing only a white top and a pair of black boots under the short skirt. There is also a tattoo of feathers on the arm that is not wearing the duel plate.


That tattoo... looks a bit like a feather sweep?

"Oh? You are actually from the Chenxing Club. Isn't your main business business disputes? Why did you accept my commission to build a deck?"

Lu Yan looked at Lu You for a moment, showing an expectant look. More than a month after the commission was released, there was no build that met the standards at all, and she was a little fed up.

Lu You naturally knows that each club has a different division of labor and different types of business. The reason why he gave up the business task and accepted the deck construction commission was just because he was not level enough.

"I have just become an official member of Chenxing, and I am temporarily unable to accept business commissions." Lu You replied with a smile.

"You just became a full-time member? Then you are only a one-star duelist now?"

After getting Lu You's answer, the expectation in Lu Yan's eyes suddenly turned into deep disappointment. What wonderful construction can a newcomer in the industry have?

It seems that this time was really wasted.

After sending these people away, let’s cancel the commission.

Lu Yan sighed, raised the duel disk in his hand, and gradually stretched out his other hand towards the deck.

"Then let's start the duel. I hope you can give me some surprises."

With the change of posture, the feathers on Lu Yan's arms spread out like real wings, lifelike.

At the same time, Lu You also started the duel disk, and both sides said in unison:


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