You Are My Gravity

Chapter 956: Nightmare

Gu Jingyuan nodded: "Well, I understand."

After dinner, Qin Se remembered that today was exactly Saturday, and quickly turned on the TV. Today was the penultimate episode.

This episode of the program Qin Zheng was added and the time he participated in the recording was very short, so he did not have much material, but in order to maintain the popularity, the program group put in the material that had not been edited before.

Strictly speaking, this program is a bit watery, and there are no important points to watch.

However, Qin Zheng is still an important point to watch. Even if it is the previous material, the fans will be very excited.

After watching the show, Qin Se asked: "Mom, did Uncle Xu call you? How is Xiaozheng now? Should we let him come back for two days?"

Zhou Ping said: "The schedule arranged by the company for him is a bit tight. There have been announcements for these two days. If there is nothing to do at home tomorrow, we will go and see him."

Qin Se was happy: "Well..."

Hey, you can go to see Chen Mo.

Gu Jingyuan glanced at her, his eyes a little cold.

Qin Se sat down immediately and smirked at him.


After watching another TV series with Zhou Ping downstairs, Qin Se and Gu Jingyuan went upstairs to sleep.

As soon as the front foot entered the door, Gu Jingyuan grabbed Qin Sejiu's wrist, then pressed her against the door, bowed his head and kissed fiercely.

Gu Jingyuan kissed fiercely, and Qin Se's body soon softened, and the arms around his neck couldn't get any strength.

If it weren't for Gu Jingyuan's arm around her waist, she would have fallen to the ground.

After a kiss, Qin Se limp in Gu Jingyuan's arms.

Gu Jingyuan picked up the person, strode over to the bed, put her down, looked at her moist red lips, couldn't help but lowered her head and took a bite: "Don't think I don't know the little nine in your heart. If you go tomorrow, don’t miss it."

Qin Se blinked: "I'm not that kind of person..."

Gu Jingyuan squeezed her face: "You better not."

Qin Se said seriously, "Mr. Gu, you have to have confidence in your own."

Gu Jingyuan was amused by her serious look, lowered his head and kissed his forehead: "I still have some work to be done. You go to bed first, don't wait for me, don't stay up late to check your phone, you know?"

Qin Se nodded again and again: "Well, I know...Don't be too late. If you can't finish your work, just don't do it and talk about it tomorrow."

"it is good……"

Gu Jingyuan left and went to the study.

Qin Se was lazy in bed for a while, got up to take a bath.

Before taking a bath, she put the talisman painted with Gu Jingyuan's blood in the drawer of the dressing table to avoid getting wet.

After the shower, lie on the bed and use the phone to scan Weibo.

Sure enough, not surprisingly, Qin Zheng was on the hot search again.

Qin Zheng’s fans sighed #This is my source of happiness, I count on Qin Zheng’s brother alive every week#

#Why is there such a good boy Qin Zheng Didi in this world, look at my brother, can I hammer him? #

Qin Se shook his head, these netizens are too young.

Probably because he ran too much today, Qin Se made money and was a little sleepy.

Qin Se closed his eyes unknowingly, and the phone slipped from his hand onto the pillow.

Not much time asleep, Qin Se showed pain on his face, frowning, a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, and holding the sheets under him with both hands.

Because Qin Se was having nightmares at the moment, she was sleeping extremely restlessly. .

In the dream, the sky was full of fire, and she could see nothing but the tragic cry of the child.

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