You Are My Gravity

Chapter 927: Scare the soul

Wei Hongsheng knew that this was also a medical emergency, but he really had no other way.

The child was lying on the hospital bed, dying, and the doctor was helpless. As a father, if there was a way, he could use his life to exchange his son's life willingly.

However, this is his wishful thinking. There is no such thing as a life-for-life in this world. If there is, it would be good for him.

The doctor's words gave Wei Hongsheng the last glimmer of hope.

He told his wife to guard his son here, and then hurried to find someone.

Wei Hongsheng never believed in this before, he only believed in himself.

Outsiders know that Wei Hongsheng can have everything he has today because he started from scratch.

Therefore, he does not believe in feudal superstitions, he believes in himself even more.

But the current situation forced him to turn his head and ask for help from the feudal superstition he didn't believe in.

Wei Hongsheng is a successful entrepreneur who has been doing charity all year round. He has a very wide network of contacts. Moreover, people who do business like them actually believe this more. Let me ask the boss of the business district in Kyoto, which one Didn’t find a top feng shui master in your house?

The site selection of the factory, the foundation laying of the real estate, and the date of opening, all of these have to be carefully calculated by the people before they dare to start.

Therefore, it is very easy for Wei Hongsheng to find a master. Just find a big guy who has a good personal relationship on weekdays, and just ask.

The other party will naturally help Wei Hongsheng introduce a reliable master.


Here Wei Hongsheng ran to find the master, and Xiang Qiuchi returned home with a yawn.

It was already late, so naturally it was impossible for Xiang Qiuchi to run to Zhou Ping at this time.

So he went back to the room to wash and sleep, and planned to wait until dawn.

This night, Qin Se and the others slept exceptionally. After all, everyone was tired after the bumps during the day.

So everyone got up late the next morning.

Because Xiang Qiuchi was on the night shift last night, he went to work a little later today, but he has been a killer for so many years, and he has developed a physical habit. No matter how late he sleeps at night, he will definitely get up before 7 in the morning.

Here Xiang Qiuchi can still sleep until 7 o'clock. If he had been awake at 5 o'clock before, his mind and body were in a tight state at any time. Sleeping was a luxury for him.

Because you don't know if you fall asleep at this moment, the price you will pay is life.

After Xiang Qiuchi went downstairs, he found that no one was up at home.

The corners of his mouth twitched. Are you not planning to make breakfast?

I was thinking whether I would go out for dinner and then go to work, or be kind, buy breakfast and bring it back, Bailu came down.

She was so broken last night, lying on the bed until now.

After waking up, Bai Lu's head hurt and was about to explode.

Xiang Qiuchi glanced at her: "Morning... Auntie... I didn't expect it to be easy for you to be alive."

Bai Lu didn't care about it with him, opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of mineral water, unscrewed the lid, and poured it down.

Xiang Qiuchi remembered that Bai Lu was also a kind of docile person, and asked her: "Auntie, let me ask you one thing. A child with a high fever has been going on for more than half a month. The doctor can't check it out, so there is nothing he can do. Evil?".

After Bailu had finished drinking, he glanced at Xiang Qiuchi: "In this situation, 80% of the time is because of something that scares my soul...what, your child?"

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