You Are My Gravity

Chapter 877: Foolishly

Hey, that's not right. Qin Se turned her head and took another look, and found that someone was taking a sneak shot, probably a paparazzi or something, so she hurriedly pulled the mask on.

Qin Se wanted to remind the two of them quickly, but after thinking about it, shoot...just shoot.

Anyway, huh... a couple.

Take a few more photos, slowly, fake, and become real.

After the child ran over, Xu Mu asked Zhou Ping, "Is it all right?"

Zhou Ping realized that she was in Xu Mu's arms, he was holding it too tightly, and the breath on his body was too strong, making her feel a little short of breath, and her cheeks became a little hot involuntarily. She avoided his sight and said, "It's okay. Thank you……"

Xu Mu: "You're welcome."

It would be great if there were more opportunities like this.

Zhou Ping struggled lightly: "Um... you can let me go."


Xu Mu deliberately froze for several seconds before answering Zhou Ping, and then slowly letting go of him.

Zhou Ping quickly bent over to pick up something.

Xu Mu stretched out his hand and pulled him up: "I'll be fine, don't pick it up..."

Zhou Ping looked at the two of them from behind, and the more they looked, the more they felt matched. It's a good match...

So, hurry up together, okay?

Qin Se took out his cell phone and secretly took a picture of the two of them.

Then she ran to help pick up things.

But Xu Mu stopped her and said, "You eat yours, I'll pick it up, and if there is anything else you want to eat, there is a western food nearby, which was served by a friend of mine. The taste is okay, especially the desserts. I'll take you to taste it later."

Xu Mu picked up the things, and the three of them continued to walk forward.

Follow the paparazzi, keep following up.

As they walked, the two said, "This is a family of three traveling.’s too warm..."

"It's a pity that I didn't show her face, so I took the profile face of Xu Mu's stepdaughter. It's not clear yet, but she looks like a beautiful woman."

"Nonsense, Xu Mu's ability to like her mother means that her mother is a big beauty, and she is naturally not bad..."

"But this kind of thing is not hot, will anyone watch it?"

"Of course someone has watched it. If you look at Xu Mu's painless show of affection every time, you can make the last hot search. How many people are waiting to see them both... it will definitely explode."

After visiting a few stores, Xu Mu bought her two bags and some clothes regardless of Zhou Ping's obstruction.

Coming out of a store, Xu Mu put his arms around Zhou Ping's shoulders: "There are paparazzi behind, don't move."

Zhou Ping was a little uncomfortable but still did not struggle.

Qin Se snickered.

Old Xu, old Xu, amazing, take advantage of the paparazzi.

This time the paparazzi can have a good time.


Before 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the agent and assistant brought Qin Zheng and Chen Mo to the studio early.

On the way, the agent told them: "This is the first advertisement for you two. You two must be diligent. You must mix in this circle. You want to get a foothold and stand firm. In addition to being able to attract fans, you must Remember to be humble and polite. Don’t play big cards just because you are popular, and don’t feel inferior because you are not popular."

Qin Zheng and Chen Mo nodded: "I see."

"Arrive early, never late, to leave a good reputation in the industry."

The two nodded: "Oh, I see."

The agent looked at the two of them with emotion. The two children look better than the other, and they look very smart. How do you feel... so dumb?

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