You Are My Gravity

Chapter 813: Heavyweight

He Chuan, a miracle in the music scene, became famous when he was young, and his first album directly broke the sales volume of one million. His songs were played on the streets and alleys, and he was soft when he won prizes. But two years after his debut, his reputation was at its peak When everyone was looking up, he suddenly announced that he would quit the music scene and travel the world alone. The reason is that I don’t want to sing anymore, I want to travel.

Then this walk is four years.

In four years, the music scene has been renewed in many ways. Everyone knows that the times have been discovered rapidly, the record time has passed, and few people have bought any albums.

When everyone was not optimistic, and after returning from a four-year absence, under the circumstances that everyone was not optimistic, it took a year to produce and record, and then released a record.

Everyone said that it is impossible for anyone to buy it. Who else will buy it these years.


He Chuan slapped them in the face, and his album broke 500,000 copies in a week.

In today’s era of rampant piracy and the development of online media, records can buy this amount. It’s... shocking...

He Chuan is a maverick. He is in the music world, but he is more free than anyone. He does not participate in variety shows, does not receive commercials, and occasionally records an interview in a good mood. At other times, he is a missing person, but he is a fan. Diehard.

Many people say that after listening to Hechuan's brother, it seems that he is infatuated with him. They want to know what kind of person he is, want to run in the wind with him, and wander at sea with him.

He is the music scene and the mudslide of the entire entertainment circle.

He Chuan responded to that sentence: Even though Brother is not in the arena, but the legend of Brother is everywhere in the arena.

Accompanied by everyone's exclamation, Hechuan had already walked up to Qin Zheng.

Qin Zheng was dumbfounded when he saw Hechuan, his mind was a little blank.

My goodness, my goodness, isn't it, Hechuan, is it... Hechuan is their guest singer?

"Qin Zheng, I heard that you can do fortune telling, and you do for me. How about I get the first place for you tonight?"

This was the first word Hechuan said, with a smile on his face and his eyes as deep as the sea.

His hair is not like some people who make music. He has some obvious characteristics. For example, he has long hair. He is a sturdy person. He probably travels all the year round. His skin is a healthy wheat color, his features are handsome, and his teeth are white. His body seemed to have the breath of sunshine and the sea, making everyone close to him want to swim far with him.

"Even if you don't help me, I can get the first place."

Qin Zheng said this subconsciously, but after he said it, he suddenly regretted it.

This is Hechuan. When he faced Hechuan, he even said such things. It seemed that he owed a little beating.

He Chuan raised his hand and patted Qin Zheng on the shoulder: "Good boy, the tone is really good."

He didn't have the slightest pretension of a superstar, and he talked to Qin Zheng as if he were a big brother.

Everyone looked at them, and other groups did not practice anymore. Many people looked at Qin Zheng enviously, and some of them were extremely excited. They wanted to come over and ask Hechuan to sign. Some staff even picked up their mobile phones to secretly take pictures. A photo of Qin Zheng talking with Hechuan.

None of them expected that Xu Mu would temporarily help Qin Zheng invite a guest, who was still such a big coffee, hey, the actor, it was so awesome to make casual shots.

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