You Are My Gravity

Chapter 577: Peach Blossom

Zhou Ping's words surprised the two of them!

He Zhaowen and Huo Tianen glanced at each other, and they both felt a little surprised. Merry debt, what is this?

They naturally understand what the romantic debt is, but they don't understand what Zhou Ping meant!

Just `what does this have to do with romantic debt!

"Master..... Could you please give me some pointers, what you said... understand a little bit, we don't understand too much!"

Huo Tianen asked cautiously!

Zhou Ping looked at the two of them without speaking.

He Zhaowen couldn't help asking: "Excuse me...what's the matter with the romantic debt?"

Zhou Ping really doesn't like this kind of young people who owe a bunch of romantic debts!

In her eyes, playing with Huo Tianen is really not a good thing!

Zhou Ping said indifferently: "What have you done yourself and who you have let down, don't you know that you have to remind me!"

Huo Tianen quickly explained when Zhou Ping looked very bad.

"No, Master, my friend, he is really nice. He never messes up the relationship between men and women, let alone abandoning the relationship between men and women. How can he owe a romantic debt?"

Zhou Ping sneered, "Since I don't owe romantic debts again, don't you use it to find me!"

Anyway, it seemed to Zhou Ping that this young man surnamed He was clearly afflicted with romantic debts and therefore committed the evil spirit!

I must have done something bad earlier, otherwise this kind of romantic debt will never be caused for no reason!

Otherwise, why would people resent him?

Even... you can't stop even if you die, resent him so much?

Zhou Ping felt that He Zhaowen must not tell the truth!

She sneered, turned and left!

He Zhaowen and Huo Tianen hurried to catch up again!

Huo Tianen tugged He Zhaowen and asked him to talk later!

"Master, please tell us, what you want to ask, we must tell you everything please... can you... can you... half a busy, my buddy, he found that everyone is going crazy Up!"

Huo Tianen asked after Zhou Ping

He Zhaowen also hurriedly said: "You can rest assured that we will never let you work in vain. Since just now, it has been billed? I have a bank card with 60,000 in it. These are considered today’s consulting fees. Are you optimistic?"

He Zhaowen is very sincere!

He really didn't believe in Zhou Ping very much in his heart, but Huo Tianen was his good friend. Since the other party admired it so, then... it shows that the other party has a certain ability no matter what.

And He Zhaowen really had no choice, he even went to the temple to get a long amulet!

But it's not very useful after coming back!

He Zhaowen is getting nervous now!

Huo Tianen told him a few days earlier that he must go find the aunt who did the job for his family back then!

That is really a very powerful master!

But it has never been pity!

But I didn't expect to encounter it today!

Zhou Ping looked at the bank card and the sincere look in He Zhaowen's eyes, reluctantly: "For your sincereness, well, I can take your order, but you must tell me all the truth!"

Huo Tianen looked surprised: "Yes, yes, we promise to know everything!"

"Master, please, let's find a place to sit down."

Suddenly Zhou Ping's cell phone rang and Xu Mu called.

"Where are you, can I find you?"

Zhou Ping: "No."


Zhou Ping said casually: "I'm with another man, I'll talk about it later."


Motor, finally has a net.

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