You Are My Gravity

Chapter 559: Sun sweet

"Xu are looking for death!"

Zhou Ping slapped Xu Mu's forehead and grabbed his mobile phone.

Xu Mu shuddered with fright, and quickly waved his hand: "Listen to my explanation, I am also trying to...make everyone believe us more..."

Zhou Ping gritted her teeth: "They already believe it."

Xu Mu's fans are convinced, no, it should be said that the whole network is convinced.

After all, Wannian single dogs now turn to be butchers, butcher dogs all day long.

Posting jokes on Weibo all day, posting sweets.

Sometimes like a mentally retarded person, both the agent and the fans will not come.

Because of love, unintentional work, because of love, the past image is ignored, she is always driven out by the shepherd's wife, and blocked by the shepherd's wife...

And Xu Mu's fan still has a passer-by who is now "alive" on Xu Mu's Weibo.

Zhou Ping raised her hand to smash Xu Mu's phone.

Xu Mu hugged her: "I was wrong..."

The corner of Zhou Ping's mouth twitched, and this guy admitted his mistake quickly.

She said: "You..."

"Mom, you wake up, then you hurry up..." Zhou Ping ran up from downstairs and heard Zhou Ping's voice and wanted to urge her to hurry down.

As a result, before finishing speaking, I saw Zhou Ping and Xu Mu hugging each other.

Qin Se stood at that moment and didn't know whether he would continue to rush over, or it would be better to turn around and run away.

Why does she interrupt every time Uncle Xu and his mother are making each other?

Qin Se thought he might be a little too light bulb.

Zhou Ping was stunned for a moment, and pushed Xu Mu away: "Okay, I see, let's go down, go and change your clothes."

"Hungry...oh... got it..."

Qin Se quickly turned and ran to his room.

Zhou Ping threw the phone to Xu Mu: "I warn you, next time I dare to post something that has no nutrition and no content, you can see how I can pack you."

Xu Mu nodded in a hurry!

He said in his heart: OK, OK, I won't post this kind of connotation again, he must post more predictable next time.

Xu Mu hurriedly put his phone in his pocket, and honestly followed Zhou Ping downstairs.

Downstairs, Gu Jingyuan faced a dozen people in the program group alone.

Standing next to Zhou Ping, Xu Mu introduced to the program crew: "This is Qin Zheng's mother, Ms. Zhou..."

That is your shepherd's wife.

Xu Mu secretly added these words in his heart.

Xu Mu sighed in his heart, when can he say it openly, it seems...still a little far away.

So, keep working hard!

Director Zheng saw Zhou Ping's eyes brighten, and quickly got up and said, "Hello, hello..."

"Before we came here, we were thinking about what Qin Zheng's mother would be like. As expected, if there is a son, there must be a mother..."

Zhou Ping twitched the corner of her mouth. Was this complimenting her, or was she hurting her?

If there is a son, there must be a mother?

Qin Zheng, that stinky boy...

Director Zheng didn't notice what impact his words had on Zhou Ping. He was still very excited and said: "No wonder Qin Zheng is so good-looking, it turns out that it was inherited from you."

Zhou Ping laughed...

"Mother Qin Zheng...really decided that you still want to hit Mesek on the face? Both you and sister Qin Zheng have outstanding looks. I believe that the broadcast of the interview with you will definitely cause another sensation ..."

Director Zheng tried to persuade Zhou Ping to give up the idea of ​​mosaics on her face.


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