You Are My Gravity

Chapter 394: Beg you

Qin Se's words, heard in Gu Jingyuan's ears, were simply the most beautiful sounds of nature in the world.

He took great pains to tell Qin Se that, just to change her logic, so that she felt that being with Gu Jingyuan was the best revenge for Mrs. Gu.

Originally Gu Jingyuan thought he would not succeed, but he did not expect it to be.

Gu Jingyuan looked at Qin Se's face obsessively and said: "Okay, in the future...I will be your weapon, always obey you, and overcoming difficulties for you. I will do whatever you ask me to do, okay?"

Standing outside the door, Song Yizhi heard Gu Jingyuan say this. He originally thought that this should be a very nasty sentence.

However, when he saw Gu Jingyuan's eyes, he suddenly felt that the flesh was no longer numb.

What kind of love story is this?

This is clearly a plea from the heart of a man who has lowered himself into the dust and is afraid of being abandoned.

Song Yizhi University knows Gu Jingyuan. In his eyes, King Gu is always looking up to people. Every time you feel that you are getting close to him, he slaps you resoundingly with his strength and tells you, Want to catch up with Lao Tzu, next life.

When did that lonely, cold and arrogant man who became the flower of Gaoling with such a humble attitude to keep his beloved woman.

Song Yi was a little melancholy for a while.

The old bachelors he once thought of in old age have changed so much for love.

But he... is still a single dog with a fragrance all over his body.


Why, no one came over and infected him with the sour smell of love?

Qin Se felt a lot more relaxed at this moment, and finally had a way out, and finally had a perfect reason to continue to be with Gu Jingyuan.

This is good!

In this way, not only does it need to be separated from Gu Jingyuan, but it can also avenge the father, killing two birds with one stone.

However, Qin Se cleared his throat and said: "Okay, but, although I promised you, but my mother...I'm not sure if I can promise. If she insists on leaving, I can only go with her."

Gu Jingyuan smiled: "Can you let me meet my mother-in-law again? I'll tell her."

"Okay, I'll go back and talk to her, but will she come to see you... I don't guarantee."

Gu Jingyuan nodded: "I believe... Mom will agree."


Gu Jingyuan's crisis was temporarily relieved, but Gu Meiyun jumped up.

After Qin Se left, Gu Meiyun asked Ji Chenxuan to call a doctor immediately to take out the bugs in her stomach.

She panicked and said: "Chen Xuan, hurry up... you go call a doctor, call me right away, hurry up..."

Ji Chenxuan didn't dare to approach Gu Meiyun, he always felt that if there was skin contact with her mother, maybe a bug would get into his body.

Ji Chenxuan tried to comfort her: "Mom...maybe, maybe that woman is a liar..."

Gu Meiyun shook her head, "No, no, it's true that she didn't lie, my stomach hurts more and more..."

As Gu Meiyun was talking, she really felt a pain in a cold sweat.

Ji Chenxuan hurried to find a doctor.

She was too scared and too nervous. Qin Se's words kept ringing in her ears. Under this psychological effect, Gu Meiyun felt that she was about to die.

"I can feel the bug, it crawls in my stomach, it's eating my hurts, it hurts me to death... Go find that bitch, I don't want to die... I don't want to die... "

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