You Are My Gravity

Chapter 380: To settle accounts

When Mrs. Gu heard Qin Se's voice, she was startled, and all the tea cups in her hand fell.

Because she couldn't think of her life or death, Qin Se would suddenly appear at her home.

According to the development of the plot, at this time Qin Se should collapse and cry bitterly, should he go to his good grandson to settle the accounts?

Why does she appear here?

Old lady Gu looked up too abruptly, but saw that Qin Se was already standing in front of her.

The scary thing is...

Qin Se's hand...holding a brick.

There is red liquid on it!

Old Mrs. Gu saw Qin Se's face, and she felt a powerful murderous intent rushing toward her face!

The air seemed to be frozen at this moment, and the atmosphere was quiet and strange.


A drop of blood fell from the brick and fell on the floor. The drop of blood shattered, making it particularly dazzling on the mirror-like floor.

Old Mrs. Gu shivered almost subconsciously, whizzing coolly behind her back.

Suddenly remembered that the butler had just said that Qin Se had broken in, and now she knew how Qin Se had broken in.

Moreover, she saw that Qin Se was less than half a step away from her behind her, standing another girl with a brick in her hand, raising her chin, aggressively.

Old Mrs. Gu glanced sideways, but the butler kept winking at him, asking him to go and calling people in.

But the butler is helpless. If someone can be called in now, can they still break into the living room through the door?

These two girls, really, look very thin, but when the bricks hit people, they are not soft at all.

If it wasn't for him to run fast, he would also be smashed.

Old Mrs. Gu gritted her teeth, pretended to be full of confidence, and said: "Miss Qin...I wonder what you are doing? Look at what you look like now? I know your tutor is not good, but... ...This image..."

With a loud sound, she interrupted Mrs. Gu.

Because Qin Se's slabs smashed over and landed on the tea set in front of the old lady Gu, smashing all the tea sets she treasured.

Seeing her beloved tea set so broken in front of her, Mrs. Gu almost didn't vomit blood in distress.

"you you……"

Old Mrs. Gu gasped for breath, "You lunatic, do you know what you are doing? A woman like you..."

Qin Se stepped forward and grabbed a handful of purple clay pots that were not affected. He looked at the base and said coldly: "The works of the purple clay pot master Meng De'an are not bad, they are very valuable.

When the old lady saw it, her heart was immediately lifted up. It was her favorite purple clay pot. After a lot of ties and spent a lot of money, she asked the famous purple clay pot master Meng De'an to make one.

This can be said to be Mrs. Gu's beloved thing.


Old Mrs. Gu didn't finish speaking, and fell to the ground, falling apart.

Seeing the moment when her favorite purple clay pot was broken, Mrs. Gu went crazy and screamed: "What are you doing today?"

Qin Se was only three or four steps away from Mrs. Gu, and she slowly walked over.

"What do you do? Don't you know, or you are old, confused, and really don't remember, what did you do?"

Old lady Gu's fear made her tremble.

Qin Se contemptuously said: "It doesn't matter if you don't remember, I can remind you!"

She walked up to Mrs. Gu, bent down, her eyes gleamed like a sharp blade, "Pay off debts, kill and pay!"

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