You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2515:

So she backed up a copy of the video surveillance, and after going back, she looked for it herself.

However, the whole city is big and there are so many videos. It is really difficult to find a car from so many videos without knowing the license plate number. You can only infer which one is from the time, and then, Search the whole city again.

Fortunately, Gu Jingyuan called at 10 o'clock and brought useful news.

Gu Jingyuan quickly said on the phone: "Mom, I found the car. The license plate is XX4902C. It is a black Volkswagen Phaeton. The owner of the car is a man named Wang Kui. I will post the picture later. You will see if you know it first. ..."

Zhou Ping said, "Okay, okay, you can send it here soon..."

Gu Jingyuan went on to say about the car: "The last place where these two black Volkswagens disappeared was Chengdong. After the intersection of Guangsha Road and Anping Road, that was the place where the last surveillance probe photographed. After that, no other surveillance cameras I photographed this car again. Before early this morning, he first appeared on the surveillance screen at this intersection, so I infer that the place where he lives should be nearby, no more than two or three kilometers from the listing. It is estimated that there is no surveillance nearby. Homes."

The range that Gu Jingyuan gave Zhou Ping has been greatly reduced. The search area, her feelings of frustration, were wiped out in an instant. She said: "Okay, I see..."

Gu Jingyuan said again: "Mom, there is a lively ancient street in that area, there are all characteristic homestays nearby, and some residential areas. The environment is relatively a bit complicated. I think it is not advisable to make a big fuss when searching, lest you get mad, after all. , That person does not know that you are already there, nor does he know that you are looking for him. This is beneficial to you."

Zhou Ping nodded: "I know, I will make an idea, this matter has been hard..."

"You are still polite to me, if you have any questions next, you can directly contact me."

"it is good……"

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Ping's spirits improved a lot.

She opened the mobile phone WeChat and saw that Gu Jingyuan had sent the owner's information of the Volkswagen Phaeton.

When she clicked on it, Zhou Ping was stunned: "This...seems to be the person next to the master..."

Xu Mu: "It seems to be him."

Zhou Ping gritted her teeth: "Then we didn't guess wrong, it's the man. Find out the map for me."

Xu Mu pulled out the map and handed it to Zhou Ping.

Zhou Ping spread the map on the table, she found the intersection of Guangsha Road and Anping Road, and marked an X with a red marker.

Zhou Ping said: "He drove all the way from the cemetery to here, and the last scene captured by surveillance video is here..."

Zhou Ping drew a circle on the map: "This is Anping Ancient Street, and there is a month old temple here. This is a nearby guest house. This is a residential building that is deceived and antique... Where do you think he will live?"

Xu Mu drew a big circle and circled the area inside: "Go to the area and check it out. Since it doesn't appear in the surveillance anymore, that is to say, where he lives, there is no surveillance, and it's always two to three kilometers away Not much."

Zhou Ping got up: "Go, clean up, go around today..."

Xu Mu held her: "Can't you go like this?"

"what's happenin?"

Xu Mu said: "Let's put on makeup, what if you are recognized by that person? Be careful."


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