You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2383:

Gu Zhige drove to the hotel where Chongjiu lived and went straight upstairs.

However, after he went there, he found that Chongjiu was not on top at all.

Gu Zhige called Chongjiu again: "Come up, I'm here, come if you have a seed."

Chongjiu cursed: "You wait for Laozi."

Chongjiu felt that Gu Zhige was really insane, and since he had to come to die, he definitely had no reason to shrink.

Chongjiu put on his coat and went straight to the top floor.

The wind on the top floor was very strong, very cold, and very biting...

Chongjiu saw Gu Zhige at a glance, and he strode over: "Xiang Qiuchi, what are you doing? Did you come to find the fault on purpose? I tell you, I, I..."

Before he finished speaking, Gu Zhige had already punched him.

Chongjiu quickly dodged sideways, but was still hit by Gu Zhige in the shoulder, "I, Cao, Xiang Qiuchi, why are you so shameless..."

Gu Zhige said coldly: "Put Xiaoyuan away."

Chongjiu wondered: "What Xiaoyuanxiaofang, is there something wrong with you."

As they spoke, the two of them had already fisted together and made several moves.

Rui's female partner sent someone to hide in a big cardboard box, dug a hole, used a mobile phone to take a picture of the fight between the two, and sent it to the female killer.

Gu Zhige had already discovered the big cardboard box. The box was on the top of the bare building, and it seemed too gregarious.

He deliberately said to Chong-jiu: "Dare you say that you kidnapped Madoka this afternoon, Chong-jiu, I know what you want to do, I'm here, you let Madoka go..."

Chongjiu is almost annoying: "I don’t know what you are talking about. Besides, I can’t do such a low-level thing. I want to move you. I don’t need to kidnap at all. Besides, I don’t even know. Who is Madoka you talking about?"

Gu Zhige kicked it over: "You still pretend... The last WeChat that Xiaoyuan sent to his friend said that it was a person with a heavy surname who claimed to be my friend and took her to kindergarten, and the two killers you arranged. , Also said, you are behind the scenes..."

Chong Jiuyi’s forehead fog: "If I say no, it’s no. What I have never done before, what do I admit? Can you think more about it? This is obviously a framing..."

Gu Zhige's tricks didn't stop at all, and they played very well, as if they were all trying to kill them.

"Why frame you, why don't you frame other people? You obviously did it... You let me go, otherwise, I will kill you today."

Chongjiu evaded, and said: "I said, my mother, I didn't kidnap any Madoka, Xiang Qiuchi, do you have a brain..."

However, at this time, Gu Zhige just wanted to show no brains.

He made heavy shots against Chongjiu, as if a sea of ​​blood and hatred.

At first, Chongjiu wanted to make it clear to Gu Zhige that he defended more and didn't attack much, but until Gu Zhige punched him with a black eye, he didn't care anymore.

He roared: "Xiang Qiuchi, I have fought with you..."

The two played fiercely, as if endlessly.

Gu Zhige and Chongjiu hit the ground and fought together. There were no more tricks but no tricks. They all relied on brute force.

Gu Zhige whispered while the two were fighting hand-to-hand: "Chongjiu, someone framed you to kidnap Madoka and wants me to kill each other..."

Chongjiu paused with his hand pinching Gu Zhige's neck: "Then you believe it, you idiot..."


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