You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2381:

Therefore, Gu Zhige feels that Xiaoyuan is at least not life-threatening now.

The next step is to see if Chongjiu is willing to cooperate with him.

However, Gu Zhige was still very confident and felt that Chongjiu would help him.

So Gu Zhige contacted Chongjiu.

"It's me, see you..."

Hearing Gu Zhige’s voice on Chong Jiu Yi, he cursed: "What did he see, Gu Zhige, do you think Lao Tzu is so good-tempered? If you dare to appear in front of Lao Tzu again, believe it or not, I will hack to death. You..."

Instead, Gu Zhige smiled and said, "Believe it, so I give you a chance to hack me to death. It's up to you, if you want it."

Chongjiu cursed, "Gu Zhige, are you sick?"

"No, I just think that the fight hasn't been finished yet, go ahead."

Chongjiu was anxious, and the place where Gu Zhige hit his face was still hurting. He said angrily: "Go away, I think you are really sick and unclear!"

Gu Zhige provoked Chongjiu with one sentence: "I'm serious, just go to the rooftop of your hotel, dare you go."

Chongjiu roared: "You guys come to give away the head, I dare to kill you!"

Gu Zhige, "Then, when I was a kid, I'll see you on the rooftop, don't let your appointment be missed."

Without waiting for Chongjiu to scold someone, Gu Zhige hung up.

He didn't say it on the phone, mainly because he felt that it was better to say that it was not clear on the phone, and it is better to say it in person. Moreover, he and Chongjiu really have to fight to fish.

Afterwards, Gu Zhige called the killer who helped him.

Tell him that he is a big nine, when he is a child, on the roof of the hotel, there will be a life and death battle of the century.

Not much time, the news that Chongjiu and Gu Zhige were going to fight to death soon spread in their hidden assassin circle in Kyoto.

Of course, this word also reached Rui's ears.

Rui's female partner heard the news and was happy: "He believed it, we succeeded..."

Rui was not too optimistic. He turned around twice and said, "But is it too smooth?"

"Do you doubt, what does he already know?"

Rui shook his head: "Not really, I just think he believed too quickly...could it be that he didn't doubt it at all?"

The layout this time is tight and short of manpower.

In some places, the loopholes are really big. He himself feels that the directionality is too obvious. With the IQ of taking care of Zhige, he shouldn't believe it so quickly.

Therefore, he felt a little uneasy.

His female partner said: "Perhaps, you think too much. After all, it is a matter of life and death. He tracked down the two killers. All the suspects pointed to Chongjiu. Before he got any new clues, he Only to find Chongjiu to settle accounts, because in his opinion, Chongjiu Na has clues. After all, time is not waiting for anyone. If he spends all his time on finding new clues, how would he know that Madoka would not? Will there be fate?"

"Also... Maybe, Xiang Qiuchi suddenly discovered that he liked that Madoka more than he thought. Therefore, if you want to rescue her quickly, it will be messy if you care for a while, and it is not impossible that your brain can't keep up."

Rui thought for a while, "What you said makes sense."

The female partner said: "What's more, is it true... I don't know if I go to the balcony to see."

Rui nodded: "Yes, it depends on whether they are real or fake."


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