You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2338:

These killers, every task, the commission paid by the employer, they can't take all of them, and they have to be shared with the organization.

The lower the assassin, the less he gets, and some of them may only get 30% or the range at most.

Conversely, the higher the level of the killer, the higher the score.

For example, the previous Gu Zhige, his share with the organization has always been 60%.

Later, he said Chongjiu here, the old guy who organized the management, in order to stabilize him, he was better than taking care of Zhi Ge and gave him 60%.

You know, Gu Zhige can get 60% of the rake, not within a short period of time, but for a long period of time, to keep the task from failing, the organization has to give him a relatively high rake.

But Chongjiu showed his edge for a period of time, but compared to Gu Zhige's position, his position is actually still a bit short, whether it is influence or comprehensive ability.

Said that this organization gave him 60% of the rake is quite a lot.

I don't know how many killers have died of jealousy.

However, now, he has to give him a 70% rake, which is unprecedented.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

Chongjiu can't believe that there will be such a good thing, 70% of the rake, 50 million US dollars of such a large sum of money, those high-level organizations in the organization, can't wait to swallow them all.

They were willing to give him so much. Chongjiu felt that there was something wrong with it.

The old voice said: "70% is indeed a lot. It is really urgent and difficult for this task. No one can complete it except you. Such a dangerous task, if you don’t give you more I guess you are reluctant to get a rake."

Chongguo said indifferently: "But here Xiang Qiuchi is not dead yet. Before I came, you didn't mean to get rid of Xiang Qiuchi at all costs, even if the entire organization has no income for a while, let him Dead? Except for me, I one can go back and forth in Xiang Qiuchi's hands, right? I'm gone, what should Xiang Qiuchi do?"

At the beginning, those old guys in the organization mobilized all the killers from all over the organization and asked them all to kill Xiang Qiu Chi.

They promised quite attractive conditions, as long as Xiang Qiuchi was killed, whoever could become the next leader to take over the killer organization.

This is no ordinary temptation.

Being able to master a huge killer organization can be said to be able to turn hands for the cloud and turn the hands for the rain.

What a lethal attraction to the killer who licked the blood with the knife's edge, it allowed them to spare no effort to fight.

However, this is enough to prove that Xiang Qiuchi is completely a thorn in the flesh to those upper levels, and it is not unpleasant.

However, now, let him perform other tasks first, this... seems to be contrary to the original intention.

The old voice did not rush and said: "Xiang Qiuchi can wait for now. After all, others can't run there, but our employer this time requires us to solve the target within a week. This task is Only you can do it."

"What's more, you and I know the situation of Xiang Qiuchi. It is not easy to come up with him. You are not untouched. Now, you two should only be tied, and no one can kill anyone. Since So, you might as well go and do this business first, and then go back and kill Xiang Qiu Chi."

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