You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2323:

When he heard Gu Zhige's voice just now, he was really shocked. The opponent's ability to act is too fast.

He didn't leave any handle to the opponent at all, and the traces were handled cleanly, but he was still traced.

The killer was anxious and flustered.

What should I do?

He turned his head and glanced around, regretting for the first time that he was hiding in such a small hotel.

This small hotel is a residential building rebuilt by itself. The rooms are limited. In order to increase the number of rooms, the previous rooms are separated by simple wooden boards. All rooms have windows, and some do not.

The room he lives in has a separate toilet but no windows.

There is only a narrow window in the bathroom, but adults can't get through it at all.

Just when he was anxious not to know what to do, he only heard a click and the door opened.

Gu Zhige pushed the door in.

The killer was so scared that he immediately raised his gun, but his speed was too slow and he had missed the best time to kill Gu Zhige.

The killer didn't see how Gu Zhige acted, only saw his figure come to him like a ghost, almost completed within a second, and removed the magazine of his gun.

A gun without bullets is not as good as a toy. It is of no use.

Gu Zhige played with the magazine in his hand, with a very friendly expression on his face: "Sorry, you have been reluctant to open the door, so I have to come in by myself."

The killer was pale, and the gun in his hand fell to the ground: ""

There was despair in his eyes. Gu Zhige let him know what a real trump card killer was when he shot.

He may not be able to keep up with one third of Gu Zhige's even if he spends his entire life.

The gun is gone, what hope does he have.

Gu Zhige looked at the opponent. He was not too old, he had a proportion of nine, a little bit bigger, he didn't seem to have seen it before, it should have been not too long since he came out of the training camp.

Gu Zhige asked him: "When did you start your career? Isn't this psychological quality good?"

There was no murderousness in Gu Zhige, and the tone of his speech was always plain, as if he was an acquaintance met on the side of the road. He stopped and said a few words of greeting.

But for the killer, this kind of Gu Zhige is the most terrifying. A person who can restrain his murderous spirit freely, you can't judge when he will make a killer move against you.

Such a person, are you scary?

The killer trembled: "You...what do you want?"

Gu Zhige smiled: "It's not great, give you a chance to kill me, you have to seize it. The opportunity is rare, and time will never come!"

After Gu Zhige finished speaking, the assassin only took two steps back and did not make any offensive moves.

Probably he knew in his heart that no amount of movement at this moment would be futile.

Gu Zhige shook his head, this year's killer was too bad.

He said: "Since you don't do it, then... don't blame me for not giving you a chance."

However, Gu Zhige didn't expect that he hadn't done anything yet, and the assassin suddenly knelt on the ground.

"Please... don't kill me, I just started, I... I haven't even killed anyone... I really haven't killed anyone... I don't want to be a killer, but I can't help it. I don’t want to kill you, but they are forcing me. If I don’t do anything, I will die..."


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