You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2214:

Song Yizhi just finished checking the room and saw the two of them, with a look of surprise: "Oh, you two have not seen each other for a long time, are you here to find me?"

Zhen Baoer nodded: "Well, I'm looking for you, I'm a little uncomfortable lately."

Gu Zhixin frowned and saw that Song Yizhi didn't want to speak. He really doubted that this obstetrician and gynecologist was reliable, although Song Yizhi referred to himself as a friend of women and a star doctor in obstetrics and gynecology.

However, Gu Zhixin just doesn't believe him much.

Song Yizhi suddenly came to the spirit: "Then...Is this to show you me?"

Zhen Baoer nodded: "Yeah."

Song Yizhi smiled and said, "Then... let's go, go to my office first."

When she arrived at Song Yizhi's office, Zhen Baoer said to Gu Zhixin: "Zhixin, I'm a little thirsty, you can buy me a bottle of water."

Gu Zhixin hesitated: "But you are alone..."

Zhen Baoer said, "It's nothing serious. Besides, Dr. Song is not an outsider."

Song Yizhi immediately realized that Zhen Baoer didn't want to let Gu Zhixin listen to it. The two had quarreled?

The gossip in Song Yizhi's heart was only burning.

He quickly said: "That's right, I'm not an outsider, just go."

Helpless, Gu Zhixin had to rush to buy water.

Song Yi asked Zhen Baoer with a gossiping face: "People are gone, let's talk, what's the matter? Have you quarreled? Tell me quickly."

Zhen Baoer's mouth twitched: "You are a doctor, not a paparazzi, can you be more serious."

Song Yizhi quickly cleared his throat: "Ah, um, is there any problem with your body?"

Zhen Baoer said: "I have lost my appetite recently, and I am lethargic. Moreover, my period is more than a week late, I..."

Before she could finish her words, Song Yizhi exclaimed: "I'm pregnant!"

Zhen Baoer: "I just doubt if I'm pregnant, so I came to you to check it."

Song Yizhi has a lemon in his heart, oh, rub...It's hard to say that even Gu Zhixin is going to be a father, but he is still a single dog!

Song Yizhi's spirit was weakened, and he was not in a good mood, so he picked up a pen and invoiced Zhen Baoer.

"Oh, eh, why didn't you let Gu Zhixin hear about this matter, my God...could it be..."

Song Yizhi's eyes lit up suddenly, and he stopped and turned to look at Zhen Baoer.

The expression on his face was so obvious, Zhen Baoer's mouth twitched, "Can you stop thinking, if you have children, it can only be Gu Zhixin, I'm just worried that if you don't have a baby, I will disappoint him. I don’t know how you became a doctor, you should really be a paparazzi."

Song Yizhi...

Madan, was fed another mouthful of dog food, heartbroken.

Single dogs have no dignity!

Song Yizhi, privately handed the receipt to Zhen Baoer: "Let’s go for a urine test..."

Zhen Bao'er took the receipt and said, "Wait when I know that Xin is back, you must not say anything, you know?"

Song Yizhi rolled his eyes: "I know, I know, keep it secret, you want to surprise him, really... can't you give me some dog food? Go check it out."

He called a nurse to take Zhen Baoer over.

When Gu Zhixin ran back, Zhen Baoer had not yet returned.

Gu Zhixin didn't see Zhen Baoer and asked, "Where is Boer?"

He ran all the way back, breathing a little while talking.

Song Yizhibai glanced at him: "Go to check."

"Where to check?"

Song Yizhi: "Urine test, do you want to go?"


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