You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2207:

2L: Sympathize downstairs, a woman is a very unreasonable animal, sometimes you can’t understand her at all, but is the host doing something that shouldn’t be done to make your girlfriend unhappy, woman Sometimes it's awkward and angry with you, but refuses to tell you why you are angry. You have to guess for yourself. Of course, it may be that your girlfriend is not feeling well, or... I really don't like you!

3L: I think what the first floor said is a bit right. I have a buddy who has encountered a situation similar to that of the original owner. Anyway, I finally broke up! Maybe your girlfriend is planning to break up with you. This is more likely. Hold your arms around.

4L: There is another possibility, there is someone outside your girlfriend...

5L: Sympathy to the original poster, maybe, the head is planted!

Gu Zhixin saw that there was a reply and looked carefully.

The reply from the first floor and the second floor made Gu Zhixin feel a little flustered. Isn't Bao'er really interested in him anymore?

If it weren't for holding Zhen Baoer now, Gu Zhixin would really like to rush to the bathroom to look in the mirror.

Take a good look at your face, is it not handsome anymore.

Or I have lost my charm.

Looking down in a panic, when he saw the 4th floor, Gu Zhixin cursed: "Fuck..."

If the opponent is in front of him, maybe he has already kicked out.

Gu Zhixin gritted his teeth and replied under 4L and 5L: Impossible, my girlfriend is an otaku. She spends most of the day at home chasing dramas and playing games. It is impossible to like others.

Gu Zhixin touched his face. He was already handsome. It was impossible for Bao'er to show his handsome face and like others.

Gu Zhixin refreshed it, and saw that there were replies behind, so he looked through them one by one.

Most of them are useless, they are just random guesses, and some people guess whether Gu Zhixin’s ability is not good, and there is no way to satisfy the female ticket, and can not make her physically and mentally happy, so the female ticket is very unhappy.

Gu Zhixin gritted his teeth, can't he? Hehe he was too good, and Boa refused to make affection!

Gu Zhixin replied below this building: I am just the opposite!

Later, someone replied: the host should sit down and talk with his girlfriend, and solve the problem. No matter who the problem is, it is you who are wrong. A gift for the New Year and a holiday, a little surprise every day, a little romance, All are ready to make your girlfriend full of freshness to you every day.

There is another answer: let me say, your female ticket is not happy. Most of the male tickets are stingy. Spending money to buy and buy is definitely more effective than any panacea.

Gu Zhixin felt that these two items were barely enough.

He is indeed not romantic enough for Zhen Baoer, he can't be like the heroes in those romance novels.

Gu Zhixin thought to himself, how could he be more romantic.

But after thinking about it, he always felt that his head was going to be bald, and he couldn't think of how to create romance.

Think about it, it's his brother who is the best, making his wife happy all day long.

The only thing Gu Zhixin can think of is to take Zhen Baoer out to buy. I hope that when dawn comes, Bo'er's situation will be better and she can cheer up and go shopping.

Gu Zhixin was thinking wildly in his mind, as time passed, he still had no sleepiness and was upset.

Gu Zhixin closed his eyes until the sky was about to dawn.


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