You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2190:

Longing to be like Qin Zheng and others, with someone caring and loving.

Longing to be the lonely one no longer.

No longer need to face countless dark nights alone.

It took a long time for Big Brother Ghost to say: "Then... Okay, I will reluctantly believe you..."

Qin Zheng laughed and said, "Don't force it, you should really believe me."

"Besides, even if you don’t believe me, I should believe my mother? For someone like my mother, she can definitely think of a way, but I need to give her some time. My mother paid me the last time she called me. Say, she has always remembered your things."

Qin Zheng's words made the ghost feel a kind of warmth inexplicably, this is a very magical thing for a ghost.

It feels good to have someone caring about themselves behind their backs.

Brother Gui proudly said: "That's what you said. That little girl from your mother is quite reliable."

Qin Zheng was very proud, "It must be! My mother is the backbone of our family, our empress dowager."

At this time, the empress dowager was at home with her daughter to chase the palace battle drama. She sneered while watching. Suddenly, she sneezed severely.

Qin Zheng asked: "So are you in the mood to eat now?"

Brother Ghost: "I have always been in the mood for eating. Food is the most important thing in the world. The thing that cannot be disappointed."

Qin Zheng smiled and asked, "So, you have finished eating, can you get out of my body?"

Brother Ghost: "I haven't chewed pig's feet yet."

Qin Zheng was upset: "You can't do this, I haven't eaten yet, you can save me some belly anyhow."

Brother Ghost: "I haven't eaten it yet, you can wait..."

Qin Zheng yelled: "You are too unconscionable..."

Brother Ghost is getting angry: "Smelly boy, who do you call devil? Who do you call? Believe it or not, I strangled your neck. Don't forget, I control your body now, making me unhappy, I just want to Do you believe it or not to toss your body?"

"Believe it..." Qin Zheng said quickly: "Brother, brother, you eat slowly, I don't want to eat, you eat slowly... Do you want to eat barbecue? Old Xu should be back soon, do you want to give it? He makes a call and asks him to bring you some when he comes back?"

Brother Ghost: "Count you acquaintance..."

Qin Zheng: "Where is it, brother, you are happy."


At home, Qin Se held a petal of orange in his hand and stared at the TV closely, forgetting to eat it.

On the screen, the vicious female partner is bullying Bai Yueguang, the most distressing of the show.

Bai Yueguang was vomiting blood out of anger. Qin Se was so angry that he smashed the orange with his hand, and the juice flowed down his hand, cursing: "Oh grass, it seems to kill this bitch, why is this woman so shameless."

Zhen Baoer was also furious on the sidelines: "It's too shameless, ah, when can this **** get the box lunch, no, I want to go to Weibo, I want to scold her."

Gu Jingyuan silently took out a tissue, took Qin Se's hand and wiped it up for her.

Zhou Ping calmly ate the pistachio, and said: "Prenatal education and prenatal education, you are a mother, can you pay attention to your words... Don't just use swear words..."

But soon, on TV, the vicious female partner seduce the male lead.

Did not wait for Qin Se Zhen Baoer to scold.

Zhou Ping gritted her teeth and said: "Fortunately, this woman was only played on TV. If it were in reality, the old lady would definitely kill her."

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