You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2177:

Being chased by someone makes me feel good.

But after recognizing the true face of that woman, Gu Zhige instantly felt, damn, so annoying.

That's right, he just turned his face and didn't recognize people.

Zhou Ping was a little worried and asked, "Isn't there a reliable girl who pursues you?"

Gu Zhige thought about it seriously: "Not yet."

Strictly speaking, few people blatantly confessed that they pursued him.

Zhou Ping said: "This is really a headache, you are not young anymore, it is time to fall in love and get married."

At this time, Zhou Ping finally had the worry of all parents in the world worrying about life-long events for their older unmarried children.

She finally understood what the psychology of those forced marriage parents was like.

Gu Zhige looked bitter, he also wanted to fall in love,

A few days ago, he also saw the little nurse in the department watching the most youthful school drama with her mobile phone while she was resting at noon.

When the little nurse watched, her aunt smiled all the way, and Gu Zhige was standing behind her and watching for a while.

Looking at it, he felt uncomfortable, turned and left.

So angry, so sad.

Gu Zhige ate two mouthfuls of rice and was in a bad mood. Today, he ate a lot more at noon than usual.

Putting down the chopsticks, Gu Zhige said, "Auntie Ping, I'm finished, I'm leaving now, and I'll be on duty in the afternoon..."

Zhou Ping waved her hand: "Go, drive carefully on the road."

"Well, I got it."

After Gu Zhige left, Bai Lu let out a long sigh: "Zhige's marriage is a big problem. Wait. It's very difficult to get married in a short time. Hey, this good girl, why is it so hard to find."

Zhou Ping said: "It still depends on fate. If fate is not there, just wait..."

The two sighed at the same time, the mood of the old mother.


In the afternoon, Gu Zhige sighed again that his Aunt Ping was a real cow, not to mention a fairy, she was also a half fairy.

Basically, there is no time to speak.

Zhou Ping said that his peach blossom hasn't broken yet, so he might come back to look for him.

Sure enough, at about four o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Yulu came.

Gu Zhige was on duty today and the patients came in one by one.

At 3 o'clock, the number of people with multiple illnesses gradually decreased, and Gu Zhige breathed a sigh.

After a while, when someone pushed the door, Gu Zhige put on a mask and was about to see the doctor. When he looked up, he saw the senior woman.

The name of the senior woman is Wang Yulu.

When I first entered high school, my family immigrated abroad.

After finishing high school and university abroad, and then studying for a master's and doctoral degree, it can be said to be a master of study.

It is precisely because of this that she is very conceited and proud.

She originally thought that he would find Gu Zhige for a few days, as those men were like before, and she thought that Gu Zhige would be no exception.

But no.

The other party, really calm,

No way, she could only find it by herself, and began to check Gu Zhige's family relationship.

This investigation really found it incredible.

When Gu Zhige saw Wang Yulu, his brows only frowned, and he asked in an official manner, "Where is the injury and what is the condition."

He is now a doctor, and since Wang Yulu comes to see the doctor, she will treat her as a patient.

Unexpectedly, Wang Yulu sat on a stool, clutching her chest, staring at Gu Zhige, and said: "I'm sad, lovesickness, Doctor Gu, you can treat me..."


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