You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2145:

In a short period of time, he couldn't attack Zhou Ping and the people around him again.

The master wiped the blood from the corners of his lips and said coldly, "It's... hateful..."

As for Zhou Ping, she and Bai Lu squatted by the brazier, watching the grass man burned through, and lightly poking it, turning into powder.

When the last flame burned out, Zhou Ping poured the ashes in the brazier into the toilet and flushed away with water.

After solving the grass man, Zhou Ping turned and went out, destroying the enhanced version of the Juyang formation at the bottom of the cup.

Bai Lu asked Zhou Ping: "What about the Tongyang grass inside?"

Zhou Ping said: "Naturally it is ruined."

"Although this Tong Yang grass has a very powerful effect, it has been soaked in this water for several days. Even if it is taken out, it will still be useful to store it carefully, but who knows whether anything has been added to this potion? Harmful things, although this Tongyang grass is rare, it is not worth our risk."

Bai Lu nodded: "Well, you are right..."

Zhou Ping took out Tongyang grass with tweezers, and after it was ready to dry, it was also burned.

Zhou Ping hesitated about the water in this cup. The medicine in it is also very ferocious. You can't just pour it casually. The ghost knows what impact this thing will have if it flows into the sewer.

Who knows, will any animal be affected by this potion and mutate.

In the end Bai Lu and Zhou Ping discussed it, and felt that this potion should still find a way to let it evaporate naturally what remains of the best streak.

After dealing with these, both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Once the matter was resolved, the tight body was relaxed.

Bai Lu rubbed her shoulders, and said, "Xiaozheng is finally able to sleep well now."

Zhou Ping nodded: "Yes, I can finally close my eyes."

Before that, Qin Zheng had not rested, nor did he feel tired.

Now, my body is not affected, so I can't carry it anymore. After returning from the next door, I didn't even walk to the bedroom, and fell asleep on the sofa in the living room.

It was Xu Mu who resisted the people.

When Qin Zheng was able to fall asleep, Zhou Ping's major event was finally over.


Xu Mu went to deal with Wen Xiaoyun's funeral. She ran a red light and was hit to death. Many people saw it in broad daylight. The surveillance camera was also clearly shot. It was her own reason and nothing to do with others.

Therefore, there is no homicide, this is a simple traffic accident.

The traffic police was surprised to see that Xu Mu turned out to be the one who came to deal with the matter.

Xu Mu told the traffic police about Wen Xiaoyun's situation: "After her mother died, she had no relatives around her. My parents saw her being pitiful and asked her to work at home. Now she is gone. This funeral, our family, naturally It is to be done."

The traffic police paid deep respect to Xu Mu and the Xu family.

However, the policeman was curious and asked if he knew why Wen Xiaoyun rushed out of the hotel crying. Witnesses said that Wen Xiaoyun was in very bad condition.

Xu Mu sighed: "She...should know the real cause of her mother's death, so she can't accept it..."

Xu Mu is the actor, there is nothing different about what he wants to act.

In front of the police, it is natural that more is worse than less.

What Xu Mu showed was the response that a normal familiar person should have.

The police were curious: "What's the real cause of death?"

Xu Mu hesitated: "You should call the police station where his mother's accident occurred. I... don't think it's good for me."

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