You Are My Gravity

Chapter 212: Pack him

Song Yizhi's mouth was cheap, and said: "Then if I...really try..."


The usual cup of tea on Song Yizhi's table was crushed by Gu Zhixin, and the glass ball fell on the table.

Song Yizhi: "..."

Gu Zhixin smiled, showing white teeth, white sensual, very scary, "Try it!"

The silly smile on Song Yizhi's face turned into a sincere smile, just as sincere as he usually treats patients!

He slowly put down the phone, turned off the video, and silently deleted Zhen Baoer's frequently used live broadcast app.

Then he raised his hand and patted Gu Zhixin on the shoulder, and smiled earnestly, "Oh, look at you young people, it's... so angry, isn't my brother just kidding you? I'm in our department. It’s the backbone of the country. How many patients come here to see me for treatment. They are so busy every day to die. The operation is scheduled until next month. Where can I find time to chase after any anchor? If I really have that time, I would have taken off long ago. Isn't it successful alone..."

Gu Zhixin looked at Song Yizhi lightly: "Oh...just kidding!"

Song Yizhi nodded again and again: "Of course it is, you see how sincere I am smiling!"

Gu Zhixin hesitated!

Song Yizhi touched his nose: "But my water glass..."

Gu Zhixin glanced at him: "What's the problem?"

Song Yizhi's neck was cold and waved.

"No problem, no problem, it's all trivial things. If you have something to do, you can... go ahead and be careful of these glass shards, don't get your hands, I'll clean it up!"

Gu Zhixin straightened up, "Well, since you don't talk about compensation, then I will leave first."

The corners of Song Yizhi's mouth twitched. After Gu Zhixin left, he was heartbroken, "I really owed you brothers in my last life!"


On Gu Yuan's side, after Gu Jingyuan left, the expressions of Gu Meiyun and Mrs. Gu changed instantly.

Old lady Gu smashed all the vases on the table angrily.

Gu Meiyun cried and said, "Mom, this Gu Jingyuan is too much. He is getting less and less of your attention, as well as the one he wants to marry. What is that? If you really enter the door of the Gu family , Our Gu family is not laughed to death in Kyoto!"

There were a few more wrinkles on the angry face of Mrs. Gu. She really regretted that when Gu Jingyuan first returned to Gu's house, she was too negligent, and as a result, he became stronger and stronger.

Today, she is even more ignored.

Gu Meiyun sobbed: "Mom, should we just give up on this matter? Just let him ride on our heads? Our family Chenxuan is now forced by him to dare not show up in Kyoto, Chenxuan is you Raised, when did he suffer this kind of grievance?"

Mrs. Gu's eyes were harsh: "Of course I can't swallow it..."

"But, will Gu Jingyuan deny the six relatives?"

The old lady said coldly: "Since you can't start from him, then start from that woman!"


In the middle of the night, in a black car across the road from the Tianxia Club, Gu Zhixin and his younger brother waited for an hour.

At 3 in the morning, Ji Chenxuan came out with his arms around the two girls.

The two people who had been staring at the front row immediately said, "New brother, shall we go?"

Gu Zhixin disliked: "What do you want to do, can you use your brain, a society ruled by law, to be civilized, how many times have I told you about it."

"New song, then... how do we clean up?"

Gu Zhixin glanced at Ji Chenxuan, showing a frightening smile: "Don't he like to lead people to catch rape, let him taste what it's like to be caught today!"

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