You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2003:

The security guard was originally a fan of Xu Mu, and he was so excited to see him.

Xu Mu said that they came to find friends to play, and hope to travel with them.

The security guard hesitated, and finally asked Xu Mu to sign him and let him in.

The car parked downstairs...

Zhou Ping said to Xiaobao, "Do you want to go up by yourself?"

Xiao Bao's grimace was against the car window, and he looked up upstairs: "Are they asleep?"

Zhou Ping nodded: "Well, I should sleep..."

Little Treasure sighed: "It's not bad to see this way..."

Zhou Ping couldn't bear it, and said, "I will let you into their dreams."

Little Treasure's head, which was originally hanging down, lifted up, "Can you?"

Zhou Ping nodded: "Yes..."

This girlfriend of Zhong Wenqing has good conditions at home and a stable job. Her boyfriend has good conditions at home. The two began to fall in love at university and got married after graduation, and their relationship has always been stable.

Later, I became pregnant. At seven months, I was framed by Zhong Wenqing and had an accidental abortion...

Since then, my best friend has injured her body. Although she has been undergoing treatment and tried IVF twice, she failed and she has never been able to get pregnant.

However, the husband and wife did not hinder their relationship because of this incident. Although there are regrets, their romantic life is still good.

Zhou Ping let the little devil into the dream of the couple...

This first child was the heartbreak of the two of them, and every time they thought of it, it was always stinging.

Zhou Ping raised her head and looked upstairs. After about half an hour, the light in the room turned on.

Zhong Wenqing's best friend sat up and wept loudly, and her husband's eyes were red.

She cried: "I dreamed of our child..."

The husband said: "I also dreamt about..."


Zhou Ping asked the Three Treasures: "Can you go now?"

Sanbao nodded: "Well, it's okay..."

He knows that his father and mother have not forgotten him, and still love him, that's enough...

The car left the community, it was already three in the morning.

Dabao, who has not spoken much and never mentioned his wishes and requirements, suddenly said, "I can... ask for one last wish..."

Zhou Ping nodded: "Of course."

Dabaodao: "I think, watch the sunrise once."

They are bitter babies, worse than ghosts. They will never see the light. The sunrise is a scene they have never seen before...

Zhou Ping's heart trembled...

Watching the sunrise, for them, is moths fighting the fire...

Zhou Ping was sad, but there was a smile on the corners of her lips: " problem."

Xu Mu smiled and said: "The time is just right. We are now driving to the suburbs to climb the mountain. When we reach the top of the mountain, we can just see the sunrise."

After 4 o'clock, I came to the foot of the mountain.

After parking the car, Qin Zheng put the jar on his back and walked up the mountain.

They haven't slept all night, but... they don't feel sleepy...

Xu Mu worried that Zhou Ping could not hold his body: "How can it be eaten? If you can't hold it, tell me, I'll carry you up..."

Zhou Ping smiled: "Well, you are not a young man, you are still carrying me up, don't miss two steps, you flashed your waist..."

Xu Mu was upset: "Tsk, look at what you said, my age is a good time to be rich and strong... My waist is very good, it's you, and I have never shown my waist strength."

Zhou Ping's face blushed, and she muttered silently in her heart: It's not that she wants to be crooked, it's not that she wants to crook, it's not...

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