You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1959:

Lao Cai said to the side: "I think Zhong Wenqing is probably causing something, otherwise it won't happen %..."

When they said this, other people came over to gossip and waited. What happened? Some people have already started to take out their mobile phones for live broadcasting.

But in the room, Zhong Wenqing hugged her head and squatted on the ground. She was bitten by the little devil and had no skin. Large areas of festering, burning, and pain made her suffer every minute.

She knew without looking in the mirror that her current appearance should be similar to that of the dead assistant. Last night, and the night before, seemed to be a reincarnation.

However, this is not what she fears the most. What she fears the most is her current appearance, being exposed and seen by everyone.

In this situation of Zhong Wenqing, let alone girls, even if two policemen were born under the red flag and grew up in a new society, the public servants of the people who took the protection of the people’s property as their responsibility and were not afraid of gangsters were all frightened. I don't know what to say.

The assistant who called the police finally couldn't hold it, his legs softened and knelt on the ground: " Sister Qing... why are you?"

"It's not me, I'm not Zhong Wenqing, you have admitted the wrong person, I am not..."

After a huge shock, the two policemen looked at each other and felt that this incident was really not a trivial matter. Maybe there was a big case, because they had already smelled a very strong pungent smell in this room. Wei'er, as the policemen handling the case, they haven't seen the dead body. It is clearly the smell of animals or people that rot after death.

So they immediately asked the police patrolling nearby to support, they felt they could not handle it.

After the police requested support, they asked the police assistant: "Are you sure it is her?"

The police assistant shivered and said: "I...I'm sure, sure, this is Zhong Wenqing, the jade button she wore on her wrist, I saw that she had worn it for many years, and rarely when she was in debt...they still have voices and voices. Also... Although she is hoarse, it is definitely her..."

Of the two policemen, the younger said to his colleague: "Look at her first, and I will search the room."

"it is good……"

The young policeman scanned the room and walked first to the urn beside the bed. He put on his white gloves, and when he opened it, he saw the contents inside. He could not help covering his mouth and wanted to throw up...

It turned out to be a formed fetal specimen.

The young policeman felt cold all over, his hair was horrified, and his stomach was overwhelmed...

However, when he turned around, he saw that there was a similar jar on the table with a lot of cosmetics.

The corner of the young policeman's mouth twitched, took a deep breath, and walked over to open it...Although he was mentally prepared, as a normal person, he couldn't help but see this thing.

Then he put down the lid, covered his mouth and ran into the bathroom, vomiting...

He sighed. Fortunately, he didn't have breakfast when he came this time, otherwise... I would really be crazy.

Not long after he graduated from the police station, he was not a criminal. He saw very few homicides, and he hadn't been able to cultivate the mentality of being in front of him like a criminal policeman.

However, as soon as he looked up, he saw that there was also a jar of the same type on the washstand, and the rotten smell of the toilet was heavier than outside, and his face turned pale slowly...

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