You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1704: Bring over

With a guilty conscience, his father pointed at Ji Chenxuan and hurriedly left the hospital.

As soon as he walked away, Gu Meiyun was almost dead, and the heartbeat monitor started to alarm, and Ji Chenxuan quickly called the doctor.

Subsequently, he entered the ICU.

This entry... never woke up again.

Ji Chenxuan thought, probably, his mother was really desperate, he didn't have any nostalgia for this world, and he didn't have any desire to survive, so he left.

His dad is the murderer who murdered her.

Since I lied to her back then, why, I can’t lie to her forever, why, at the last moment of her life, let her know how pitiful she is and how pathetic she is. The happy marriage she once thought was gentle and caring for her. Good husband, all are fake.

Gu Jingyuan had originally thought that he would leave when it was dealt with, but the Ji family hadn't opened up, so he had to let people take care of the funeral, and he couldn't leave.

Gu Jingyuan waited and got more irritable. Looking at the time, it was **** four o'clock. Even if it was raining outside, even if it was rolling, it was time to roll over.

Anyway, this is the person from his family, so I can't let people be so contemptuous.

Gu Jingyuan shouted: "Come here..."

Several bodyguards came to Gu Jingyuan.

Gu Jingyuan said: "You call the master, go to Ji's house, one of them counts as one, and all are brought over to me. I don't care what they are doing, as long as I have a breath, even if the leg is broken, I have to carry it."

The bodyguard said: "Yes!"

Ji Chenxuan looked at Gu Jingyuan, only to feel that at this moment, he was extremely relieved.

In the end, Gu Jingyuan was the only one who could call him the shots.

Gu Jingyuan then called Gu Zhixin again, "Don't sleep, come to the hospital."

Gu Zhixin slept in a daze, "Brother, what's wrong, you won't be sick anymore?"

"I'm not sick. Come here quickly. My aunt has passed away. You may have to fight for a while."

When Gu Zhixin heard this, he immediately became sober: "Fight, okay, I'll be there right away, right away... here we go..."

Since the injury, Gu Zhixin hasn’t fisted for a long time. There are steel nails in his two legs. However, for a person who loves fighting, he hasn’t loosened his muscles for so long. Uncomfortable.

Therefore, as soon as he heard of a fight, Gu Zhixin became energetic and quickly got up.

Zhen Baoer was awakened by him: "What's the matter?"

Gu Zhixin said: "Something is wrong, my aunt is dead, I'll go to the hospital."

Zhen Bao'er didn't get confused for a while, "Aunty?"

Gu Zhixin said: "Don't worry about it, continue to sleep, I will be back soon."

He put on his clothes and hurried to the hospital.


Gu Jingyuan's bodyguards, a man in his 20s, and a tall man, raced all the way to Ji's house in the rainy night.

The villa the Ji family lives in is still the same year when the Gu family married Gu Meiyun.

Without Gu Meiyun's dowry, Ji's family still doesn't know where it is.

After they arrived, they rang the doorbell frantically.

The nanny of the Ji family got up and opened the door in pajamas. When he opened the door, he saw a crowd of strong men outside, so scared that his soul flew away, thinking that the underworld was about to kill the door, so he screamed and ran back.

Next, all the rooms in Ji's house were kicked open one by one by the bodyguards.


Pulling the sleeping Ji family from the bed one by one, for a while, Ji family went up and down, screaming again and again...

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