You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1691: here you are

I wanted to teach her a lesson, but...

Qin Zheng is a good boy, the real kind of good boy, arrogant temper is correct, but in fact there is no crooked mind.

Seeing Qiao Weiwei's pitiful appearance, Qin felt a little contradictory. He didn't know if he should or not. Forget it, you can go...

Qin Zheng frowned and thought for a while, then turned to Xu Mu and said, "Old Xu, leave it to you."

Xu Mu nodded: "Okay, you don't have to worry about this."

Qin Zheng nodded, and he almost said it to forgive Qiao Weiwei, but then think about it, if this is the case, will everyone think he is a bully?

Will it be more troublesome in the future?

So, leave it to Old Xu. He didn't know what to do, and he would definitely know.

Xu Mu said to Qiao Weiwei: "Since you admit it, then we don't need to call the police, or I don't need to hold you accountable, but...with me in one day, you are wanted to be in the entertainment circle..."

Although Qiao Weiwei was vicious, but luckily did not succeed.

Moreover, this matter has reached this point. Xu Mu knows that if it is really pressing hard and not forgiving Qiao Weiwei, the people present will definitely feel that they are too aggressive, which is not good for Qin Zheng's future development.

However, he would not really just let Qiao Weiwei go.

With him, Qiao Weiwei would never want to get involved in the entertainment industry. He would cut off all her retreat in the industry, and would prevent her from getting a job, and she would even be involved in the work that is related to the film and television industry. Don't think about it.

Qin Zheng would not let Qiao Weiwei appear in front of Qin Zheng again to disgust him.

Qiao Weiwei knew that this was her best ending. At this moment, her heart was mixed and she regretted that she nodded: "Thank you Teacher Xu, thank you..."

After speaking, Qiao Weiwei turned around and ran. When she passed Gao Fang, she paused, and then ran away quickly.

Watching Qiao Weiwei leave, Gao Fang's tense nerves finally relaxed. He was afraid that Qiao Weiwei would give everything away and shake him out.

Fortunately, he holds Qiao Weiwei's handle in his hand, otherwise, he really can't get through today.

Gao Fang quietly breathed a sigh of relief, trying to wipe the sweat from his forehead, only to realize that his palm was soaked.

He thought, now, he is finally all right?

As soon as Qiao Weiwei left, no one could prove that the man in the video was him, even if... someone suspected, they had no evidence.

Gao Fang was thinking, and the director said: "It's all quiet and quiet. You all remembered what happened just now. No one is allowed to tell me a word. Did you hear it? If anyone dares to spread it, let me Check it out, I also let you in this circle, it is difficult to move."

Everyone nodded repeatedly, saying that they understood the seriousness of this matter, and they would definitely not talk nonsense.

The director said loudly: "Okay, that's the end of this matter, you guys..."

However, Xu Mu interrupted before he finished speaking, "Wait, who finished."

The director was surprised: "Why is there something?"

Xu Mu: "Something!"

The director wondered: "It has been proved that Qin Zheng was wronged, and Qiao Weiwei has also apologized. Now, people have also been driven away. Why... there are others?"

Xu Mu nodded: "Yes, there are others."

This matter is not over yet. Now that you have done it, don't leave any troubles, and save yourself troubles.


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