You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1676: Give sugar

He scanned the crowd and thought, none of you can compare to my son, my son is too good.

At this moment, Xu Mu felt that as an old father, he was really proud of him. It was really much happier than winning the prize. He wanted to tell everyone that my son was super!

However, the director did not agree with Xu Mu's words. He turned to Xu Mu and said, "You can't say that. How old is he. He didn't go to a professional drama school. The formal training was barely a month, and he can reach this point. Very powerful, he can't ask for too much, he is still young, and...the future is really limitless!

When the actors waiting for the performance heard the director's words, probably apart from Zhuang Shuo who was really happy for Qin Zheng, everyone was not feeling happy.

Qin Zheng's performance is indeed very good, very smooth, and his lines are very well said. People who even look at his tone and expression hate him.

But, is it really good enough to make the director so happy?

The main reason is that the actor in front was scolded too badly by the director. They thought that the director was such a picky temperament. No matter how good you are, you should scold him first.

Unexpectedly, he would actually boast!

Moreover, the rainbow fart is so powerful that they can hardly believe that this is a person!

Xu Mu smiled and said, "That said, you are very satisfied!"

The director swept away his previous depression and laughed: "It's more than satisfaction. I really should thank you. Otherwise, I really want to miss such a good seed. The last time I met an actor with such a talent was more than ten years ago. Now, this child is really no worse than you did!"

"That is, my son will only be blue and blue, he will only be better than me!" Xu Mu did not hide this time, directly speaking out his own thoughts.

The corner of Qin Zheng's mouth twitched. Isn't Xiao Ye still your son back then?

He interrupted the two of them: "It's OK, I'm still waiting later, can you respect other people's time!"

Qin Zheng was not polite to say this to the two of them. Instead of irritating the director, he was very happy, "Hahaha, okay, okay, actors with personality can go farther. You should sit next to you and rest. ."

The director said to the actors behind: "Come on, go on, don't waste time, don't drag on!"

"You have all seen it. The test just now can be said to be very big for Qin Zheng, but he can perform so well in such a short period of time. It is really very powerful. You are all older than him. He has more experience than him, and most of them are professionally trained. Many of them are from academic classes. If your performance is not as good as him, then you really have to reflect on it."

The crowd did not speak, they all bowed their heads, they also thought, but they don't have such a good talent, and they don't have a step-father who can make up lessons for themselves anytime, anywhere!

This is what they are saying, but they dare not say it!

Xu Mu asked Qin Zheng to carry a chair, sat behind him, and took out a candy from his pocket and handed it to Qin Zheng.

Qin Zheng grumbled: "I'm not a kid anymore..."

With that said, he reached out and took the candy.

Xu Mu rubbed his head twice with a smile. The little movements of the two made the director jealous.

He really envied Xu Mu. He had picked up such a great son for nothing, and he wanted such a son too!


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