You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1660: Help brother

Gu Zhixin hehehe said: "When I look at you, your kid is not honest and has a wrong mouth."

Zhen Jinbao flattened his mouth and did not speak. He was afraid of Gu Zhixin. This was true, and he couldn't help it.

Gu Zhixin faced Zhen Jinbao, he hadn't faced Qin Zheng naturally, and he could still play games with Qin Zheng. Everyone was familiar with him, and he didn't have so much scruples when he spoke. It didn't matter whether he was joking or making trouble. ,

But in the face of this... It should be said that the brother-in-law who is still relatively unfamiliar, Gu Zhixin really doesn't know how to alleviate the feeling of strangeness between the two.

Gu Zhixin thought for a while and wanted to find a topic: "Recently... it's alright?"

Zhen Jinbao nodded: "Well, it's good."

Gu Zhixin asked again: "How about in school, are you bullied?"

Zhen Jinbao shook his head: "No, it's pretty good at school, and getting along with classmates is also good, the teacher, there is no dissatisfaction with me because I am not very good at studying."

At school, Zhen Jinbao really felt that it was much better than the school in his hometown.

Although he is still not very good at studying here, he works very hard. Although he occasionally encounters some troubles, he is a student, and he won’t say how much trouble, and he is gradually losing weight now, usually with the same class The boys also play football together, and everyone gets along well.

Zhen Jinbao had a very happy time in this school.

Gu Zhixin saw himself asking, Zhen Jinbao said, he secretly shook his head, this kid is still too strange to him: "I think your grades are really not very good, should I ask you a tutor, or else, how about you? University entrance?"

Zhen Jinbao: "I...I worked hard, but..."

Gu Zhixin patted him on the shoulder and said, "So, don't work this weekend, and spare time to study. I will find a tutor for you, so you don't care."

Zhen Jinbao was photographed and shaken: "But I'm afraid...I still can't learn, and I wasted money..."

"Then you should work hard and put all your energy and time on studying. As long as you work hard, even if the results are not satisfactory, we will not say anything to you. The most afraid is that you don’t work hard to know? Yes, you can’t go to college. Besides, you’re only a sophomore in high school and you still have time."

Zhen Jinbao looked up at Gu Zhixin: "Okay, I...then I will work hard, thank you...thank you!"

He did not refuse Gu Zhixin, because he knew his grades that he would never be admitted to college, unless he was planning to go to some pheasant schools that could be paid for.

If he wants to get better grades, in addition to his own hard work, he really needs to ask a tutor.

Gu Zhixin hooked Zhen Jinbao's neck: "However, if you ask a tutor for you, you have to do a little favor."

Zhen Jinbao shrank his neck in fright: ", you said..."

"When your mother comes back, you will..."

Gu Zhixin lowered his voice and said to Zhen Jinbao.

After Zhen Jinbao listened, he opened his eyes and cautiously said: "I think my mother... should not object. She has always been grateful to you. If it weren't for you, my mother wouldn't get divorced so easily, she and me Say, thanks to you last time..."

Gu Zhixin let go of Zhen Jinbao: "Is that so? Then I'm late."

I had known that his future mother-in-law had such a good impression of him, he should have come earlier.

This is too long!

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