You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1555:

Qin Zheng actually wanted the stewardess to leave first. After all, she had been bent over and squatted in front of him for so long, and she couldn't hold it for so long, and others would regret it.

The stewardess had a silly smile on her face: "Ok...ok..."

She stood up and shook it twice. At this time, the plane was already in the process of descent, and there was some turbulence in the airflow.

The stewardess held the seat next to him: "Then... Then I'll go there first, for a while... If something happens, remember to call me..."

Qin Zheng nodded, "Good sister..."

The stewardess is now all over the world with Qin Zheng’s smiling face, I really want to scream, I really want to hear the younger brother call her sister!

Although the stewardess didn't want to leave, she still left. She was swaying when she walked. She felt that everything she stepped on under her feet seemed to be clouds, one foot deep and the other shallow, and the whole person was dizzy.

After returning home, her colleague found that something was wrong with him and asked, "What's wrong...what's the matter?"

The stewardess sat down with a crazy smile on her face. She shook her head: "It's okay... It's okay... It's okay..."

"Hey, there is really something wrong with you, what did you do when you squatted there for so long?"

"it's okay no problem……"

The colleague was so puzzled, he stretched out his head and looked back, but didn't see anything.

Qin Zheng wakes Chen Mo: "Hey, wake up, it's coming soon!"

After two hours of sleep, Chen Mo's sleepiness was not so strong anymore. He stretched his waist and did it: "I still want to sleep a little longer."

Qin Zheng: "I'm getting home soon, I'll go to bed again when I get home."

Chen Mo nodded: "Okay..."

Qin Zheng asked him: "Have you taken a picture of the combination?"

Chen Mo was a little puzzled: "What's the matter?"

Qin Zheng asked again: "Then did you bring your solo photo?"

Chen Mo was curious: "What do you want these to do?"

"Don't ask so much, just say whether you brought it or not? Hurry up..."

"It seems that there is a picture of me." Chen Mo took out his schoolbag and touched it for a while before he found the picture with this folded picture of himself, his face was folded.

"That's fine, pick me up and use it, I'm useful." Qin Zheng said and borrowed, already drawing the photos.

Chen Mo was confused: "What are you doing? What are you doing with my photo?"

"Wait, you'll know..." Qin Zheng found a pen and signed his name on the photo.

I was going to give it to the stewardess later. After all, they helped him and didn't say it directly.

And, big sister fan, be nice to them!

Chen Mo stared, "I wipe, are too shameless, are you signing your name on my photo?"

Qin Zhengbai glanced at him: "Looking at what you said, you think I would use yours. It's not because I didn't have my own photo. I had to use you as a last resort. Otherwise, who would use yours? "

Chen Mo is so angry, "You still dislike me, then don't use it, you return this photo to me..."

Qin Zheng put away the photo: "No."

Amidst the bickering of the two, the plane finally landed at Kyoto International Airport.

Qin Zheng and the others only got up when everyone was almost gone.

Sure enough, he saw the flight attendant at the door of the cabin. Qin Zheng walked up to her, took out the signed photo, and handed it to her: "Thank you, sister, I didn’t bring my own photo. I grabbed one of Chen Mo, but the signature was mine. , I hope you don’t dislike it."

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