You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1507: Forced me to death

She sang and played, crying, and everyone looked at her. In addition to her deliberate misunderstanding, and her heartbroken cries and tears, it was too easy to get the favor of the audience, too. It's easy to make enemies for Zhen Baoer.

Zhen Bao'er has clearly felt the condemning gaze of the people around, and some people who are old and good, can't bear to speak.

"Being a mother is not easy. People are dying. What can't be forgiven? How can you be so cruel?"

"That is, you can't be too cruel to be a human being. After all, you are a biological mother. There is no overnight hatred between a mother and a child. What's more, people are already like this. No matter how big the grievances, they should be dispersed. You can't let people go with regret... I'm really not afraid of retribution."

"The young people nowadays are so indifferent. It's his own mother anyway. No matter what wrong thing he did, he gave birth to you. Without her, where would you be?"

Zhen Baoer really thought, it's simple, what do you know one by one?

If you don’t know anything, just pick up the keyboard and blame others. You really think you are a guardian of justice?

Zhen Baoer was so angry that she wanted to kick the water, so angry, but she had to endure it again.

Shui Xingyun was determined. At this time, Zhen Baoer didn't dare to do anything, so she dared to do this. She was also a dignified lady at any rate, but she did not expect to do such a shameless thing.

Shui Xingyun covered her face and cried miserably. She also deliberately said to the people around her: "Don't say it, please, don't say it... Whatever I do, I should be punished. This is mine. retribution……"

Zhen Baoer really wants to slap her over and make you sell badly and pretend to be a white lotus. It's not cheap. Isn't she trying to force her to compromise and help, and she doesn't want to think about it, even if she verbally agrees, what if she doesn't have these to watch the fun People who are not too serious, in private, she should still play with her, just as she should.

Zhen Baoer took a deep breath. Today's ears must not be able to pass so hard.

Looking around, Zhen Baoer really wanted to tear off her old face when she was playing a series of Shui Xingyun.

Too hateful...

The people around were still pointing, asking her to quickly help Shui Xingyun up, and what else to say, as she let her parents kneel down, this will be condemned by God, God will not go around her in the future, there will be retribution of.

Zhen Baoer was puzzled. How could these one by one have such a sense of justice and the ability to meet those robbers armed with knives, dare to be so justice?

Shui Xingyun covered her face, crying while secretly watching Zhen Baoer's face being forced to anger but unable to break out. She was so unhappy at the moment, she was finally able to clean up this cheap girl.

Shui Xingyun pretended to cry: "This is what I deserve to be my retribution, please... don't say anything..."

She understands that the more she says this, the more people who don't know the truth will stand on her side and will target Zhen Baoer more. This is the result she wants.

Zhen Baoer listened to the accusations made by those people, and really wanted to get their tongues out.

Zhen Bao'er took a deep breath, slammed the thing in her hand to the ground, and cried: "You all forced me to death...I'm not alive..."

Isn't it just slapped, it's not shame, or crying, who can't be?


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