You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1382: very scary

The smile on Song Mingjue's face disappeared after Mr. Wei left, and he took a breath and covered his head.

I slept too late last night, I haven't slept for a few hours, and my head is noisy like an explosion.

Song Mingjue rubbed the temples on both sides, got up and went out.

When he walked, he felt a little floating under his feet, which was really not so wonderful.

Song Mingjue's life has always been self-disciplined. He goes to bed at 10 o'clock in the evening, wakes up at 6 o'clock in the morning, and eats at 7 o'clock in the morning. Most of the young people in him have no self-discipline.

However, I broke the ring last night.

Song Mingjue's body is extremely uncomfortable now because of the serious lack of sleep time.

His phone rang, and he took it out to see that it was Jin Yumeng calling.

Song Mingjue's head was about to explode at this time. There was really no time to perfuse Jin Yumeng, so she hung up the phone.

But Jin Yumeng did not give up, he hung up, and she continued to fight.

Finally, Song Mingjue simply shut down.

Out of the tea room, called a taxi, reported the hotel address.

Soon after getting in the car, Song Mingjue fell asleep.

The driver went to the place to wake Song Mingjue: "The young man got off the car... got off the car..."

Song Mingjue woke up in a daze and paid to get out of the car.

Just a gust of wind came, and the temperature dropped today. The wind was a bit cooler, and Song Mingjue's mind was a little clearer.

He remembered what he said to Mr. Wei last night, feeling a little chill in his heart inexplicably, he grasped his clothes tightly and frowned...

He seemed to talk a little bit last night.

But, it should be... all right?

Song Mingjue feels a little regretful at this moment. He has completely let go of his defenses against someone he has just met, which is not normal.

In fact, Song Mingjue is a very defensive person. He has almost no friends, because he never makes friends with others.

However, he told Mr. Wei almost everything about himself.

Thinking about it at this moment, Song Mingjue felt a little weird, that Mr. Wei seemed to have magical powers.

Song Mingjue thought about it carefully, but couldn't think of anything wrong. Moreover, he didn't talk about the crisis of the Song family. He cared about his mother and Gu family. Although he said that, he felt that it was not very important.

Because in the end, it's just an old story, and it doesn't have much value.

Song Mingjue was sure that there should be nothing wrong, so he entered the hotel.

However, he secretly said in his heart that next time I see Mr. Wei, he can't do this anymore.

You must have reservations. He told Mr. Wei so much last night, but the other party didn't mention a word about him personally except for some financial matters.

Don't look at the conversation yesterday, it was a very happy conversation.

But in reality, Mr. Wei has always been leading, and he has always been passive.

But during the conversation, he didn't notice this.

This Mr. Wei is really not terrible in general.


Song Mingjue opened the door of the hotel and saw Shui Xingyun sitting on the sofa.

He called "Mom", and then walked to his room.

However, Shui Xingyun suddenly asked: "Where have you been, why didn't you come back overnight?"

Shui Xingyun's voice is very sharp and her intonation is also very high. It can be heard that she is very angry at the moment.

Yesterday Shui Xingyun saw Song Mingjue and Jin Yumeng leave with her, and she had a knot in her heart.


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