You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1332: Wasted

The fear in Shui Xingyun's eyes couldn't be concealed, so she pulled Song Mingjue and turned around and left.

Just now, Song Mingjue couldn't pull her away, but now it's okay, she took the initiative to run away.

And they walked fast, as if they were running away.

Zhou Ping shouted from behind them: "Mrs. Song, one last word of advice, if you are not in a hurry to rein in the precipice, beware that the evening is not guaranteed, the evening scene is bleak, and it is too late to regret..."

Three night words, only Shui Xingyun, my heart trembled, as if I saw a ghost.

She quickened her pace, got in the car with her son, started the car and left without stopping.

Seeing their car crooked out of the yard, it seemed to have a sense of panic.


The air in the house feels better when the obstructive person is gone.

However, Gu Huaizhang was trembling at the moment, walking on thin ice. If he could, he wanted to find a hole to go in.

At this moment, he really wanted to give himself a big ear scrape, and he thought about the words Zhou Ping had just said-it's too late to regret.

At this time, Gu Huaizhang was also very fond of Song Mingjue and Shui Xingyun. Now he understands that these two people are using him. Gu Zhixin didn't bother to pay attention to them. The two had no way out, so they came to him.

It was just that he was stupid, was fooled, and really brought people over.

However, Gu Huaizhang thought about the two treasures at home at this time, and felt that it seemed...a little worthwhile, they were rare treasures.

Gu Jingyuan watched him slowly and said, "Father...what are you going to do? Don't explain?"

Gu Huaizhang shuddered, swallowing saliva, and said: "I...I know that I was wrong, Jingyuan, I...I will never make this confusion again. These two men took it with me early this morning. A Yuan blue and white porcelain, a Northern Song Dynasty Jun porcelain came to me, know how much I cherish porcelain, and those two pieces are genuine products, when I saw it, I was so excited... I lost my ability to think and listened to them. The flicker of the two...I will never do this kind of thing again."

Gu Huaizhang didn't feel embarrassed at all to say to his son, he was not at all ambiguous, and apologized honestly and sincerely.

Gu Jingyuan shook his head: "You shouldn't tell me this, you should... tell Zhixin..."

Gu Huaizhang looked at Gu Zhixin, "Zhixin, uncle can't help you, you... don't worry, when you and Baoer get married, I will definitely give you a big red envelope, and it's my apologize."

Gu Zhixin nodded: "The uncle, you are spending money, thank you."

He is also welcome, of course he wants to give money.

Although Gu Huaizhang was a little confused about this matter, it was not intentional in the end, and Gu Zhixin could not really do anything to him.

Gu Huaizhang waved his hands again and again: "This is what I should just don't care about this."

He swallowed his throat twice and said, "Then... Then I will leave first. Don't worry, I will definitely not do anything like this in the future."

At this time, Gu Huaizhang didn't dare to stay here, he was afraid for a while, Gu Jingyuan thought of something, and asked him to trouble again.

Gu Jingyuan said indifferently, "Father, go slowly. I have one more thing to tell you. It’s not very good for you to live in Mid-Levels alone. Life is inconvenient. You are getting older and need someone to take care of you. A life assistant will be arranged for you to take care of your daily life."


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