You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1272: White-eyed wolf

At this time, Xiang Qiuchi had already prepared everything for Mu Chaochao, including all kinds of evidence to be prosecuted.

After the police received the report, they came to the hospital to find Russell and understand the situation.

By this time, Russell finally knew that her daughter had been in the same hospital with herself for so long.

Upon learning that Mu Chaochao had called the police and brought her and He Zhiyong to court, Russell was like a shrew in the hospital yelling, making people feel like they had been raped.

Ru Sulan kept saying that she was the one who gave birth to Mu Chaochao and she gave her life. Even if she was beaten to death, no one else could do anything to him. She also called a group of people to sue the hospital. People in the hospital abetted Mu Chaochao, who believed that the hospital abducted an underage girl and threatened to sue the hospital.

The police had already seen the evidence, and Xiang Qiuchi and the others had already prepared for Russell to bite them like a mad dog, so they went to the Women and Children Protection Association to tell the details very early.

The police sneered and answered Russell’s words: "Look, if you beat your daughter to death, do you want to go to jail or pay for your life? We are here now, not to tell you what happened, but now you are the suspect. , No evidence, do you think we will come?"

Russellland screamed: "That's my daughter, who crawled out of my stomach. What happened to my own daughter when I hit her? If I want to hit my own daughter, it is impossible for you to still want to catch me. I tell you, I can Not afraid of you..."

She turned her head and looked at Mu Chaochao viciously, and opened her mouth to curse: "Dead girl, don't you get out of here. After a few days out in the wild, she didn't even recognize her mother, right? The old lady really raised you for nothing For so long, if I knew you were such a white-eyed wolf, I should have strangled you as soon as you were born..."

When Mu Chaochao saw Ru Sulan again, he was still instinctively afraid.

However, looking at Xiang Qiuchi standing next to her and so many uncles and aunts in the hospital, Mu Chaochao's fear gradually dissipated. She knew that this time was different from before.

This time he was able to get rid of that hellish place completely, and she never had to go back.

Mu Chaochao plucked up the courage to raise his head and looked at Ru Sulan: "You are my mother, but have you ever fulfilled your responsibility as a mother? In the past so many years, one day, even if there is only one day, you did not beat me. I will call you mother again, but is there any? No... In that house, I am not even as good as the dog you raise. Your dog can eat at least three meals a day, but what about me? When I ran out of the place, I knew what it felt like to have a full stomach, and what it was like to sleep in bed."

There are a lot of people in the hospital, patients, their families, and many people are onlookers, and many people are taking pictures with their mobile phones.

When Mu Chaochao said this, everyone looked at Russell's eyes with contempt, disgust, and nausea...

The crowd pointed and pointed at Russellan, and the seven-seven-eights voices burrowed into Russell’s ears, making her sit on pins and needles. She yelled: "Then my old lady also raised you, without me giving birth to you, where is this world? With you, no matter what I do to you, I will be your mother. If I hit you, you deserve it. You should suffer..."


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