You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1024: Random graves

Chen Mo obviously felt that it was still hot down the mountain. After walking for another hour, he sweated a lot before, but now his body is getting colder and colder. He knew that he was coming to the mountain and worried that there would be more mosquitoes, so he specially found Qin Zheng. I didn't expect it to be useful at all when I put on his long-sleeved sweater.

Zhou Ping said: "It's right to be cold. Cold shows that we didn't find the wrong place. This place was a messy grave more than half a century ago. The place we guessed under our feet doesn't know how many bones are piled up. This kind of place is extremely yin and sinister. ."

More than half a century ago, when the country was at its most turbulent, human life was the least valuable thing.

Especially on this piece of land, before the founding of the nation, this place was a must.

There has been a melee of warlords and invasions of great powers. The people here are deeply poisoned. The dead ordinary people and soldiers are countless.

The place under their feet is the chaotic grave many years ago, and the bones are piled up.

However, most of the people who were thrown into chaotic graves after death died horribly. After death, this kind of people had the heaviest grievances, not to mention the gathering of so many grievances. This place is naturally extremely cloudy and extremely cold.

Since they entered this area, there have been fewer birds on the tree, and fewer animals around.

Even the animals can't stand the cold here.

Zhou Ping's words made Chen Mo tremble with fright: "Ah...chaos...chaos graves...really, really?"

Qin Se patted him on the shoulder: "Of course it's true. You haven't noticed that there are no birds in this generation, but don't be afraid. That talisman, it’s warding off evil spirits. It can protect your body from being corroded by Yin Qi. Don’t be a joke. If you lose that thing and be caught in Yin Qi, it may not kill you, but after you go back You can’t raise it for ten days and a half months, and most importantly, your body will become very poor, so... you have to take good care of it."

Chen Mo nodded again and again when he heard it: "Hmm, I remembered, I remembered... I will take it, and I will definitely not lose it..."

Qin Zheng shook his head: "I told you before. If you are not allowed to come, you have to follow, are you afraid?"

Chen Mo's face was embarrassed, "Who...who is scared, I am not afraid, I am just...just frozen..."

Qin Zheng shrugged: "It's fine if you are happy, whatever you say."

Qin Se reminded the ladies: "Okay, you two should stop quarreling and be careful around you. Although there are evil spirits on your body, it is not omnipotent. If you really encounter a powerful ghost, the charm is not very useful. "

Qin Zheng and Chen Mo shut up immediately.

Chen Mo was very nervous, very scared, but very excited. This was the first time he had done this kind of thing.

Although it sounds scary.


I really want to see it with my own eyes.

As we go deeper, the temperature gets lower and lower,

It felt as if it had entered winter, and the exhaled air was all white.

"Mom, are you here? I feel that the Yin Qi here seems to be stronger than before." Qin Se asked in a low voice.

Zhou Ping looked around, "It should be almost done."

Qin Se asked in a low voice, "Or, let me ask him..."

Zhou Ping raised her hand and patted her head: "What's the question? Do you still want him to get on you? Why don't you have a long memory?"


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