You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1019: Suspicion

Finally, she avoided the reporter and finally returned home. Tong Xinyan was still very scared. Her agent had resigned overnight, and the assistant was gone. The company was obviously not planning to continue to care about her. The army retreated, and the company's crisis public relations were not done.

Is the company going to abandon her completely?

Tong Xinyan didn't dare to look at the phone, but couldn't help it.

She has been in the entertainment industry for nearly 10 years, and she has been able to get to this position now. Only Tong Xinyan knows what the road has gone and how she has come here.

After finally becoming a popular female star, Tong Xinyan certainly refused to give up everything she got easily.

She tremblingly turned through the list of those who had been like her in her mobile phone. These people are either directors or producers. If a rich boss, she thinks, as long as she gets out, she can always find one. Will you help her?

But Tong Xinyan called one by one, but no one answered.

Yes, no one is willing to answer her call.

After finally getting through one, the other party also said that he was not in the country, so he could talk about it when he returned.

Tong Xinyan wanted to talk again, but the other party had hung up and called again, and it was turned off.

Tong Xinyan yelled like crazy in the room, smashed the phone to the ground, and swept everything on the table to the ground.

Tong Xinyan cursed: "When I was going to sleep with my grandson, all of them were like grandsons. They said they could give me life. If something happened, one would hide farther than the other, bastard, bastard, fucking. All the bastards..."

After scolding Tong Xinyan, she began to cry, crying that she was unlucky, scolding those cowards and scolding Xiang Qiuchi as cruel.

However, she never regretted it at all.

She grabbed the phone and sent a private message to Xiang Qiuchi:

Doctor Gu, I'm sorry, I was wrong. It was because I was confused for a while. I'm sorry, please forgive me. Can you let me go? If you release those videos, I will be ruined. My future, my life All ruined...

Doctor Gu, are you a doctor who rescues the wounded? You can't help me die?

Doctor Gu, if you tell the netizens, you just said that those videos are fake and were filmed in advance. Please, please let me go?

Tong Xinyan sent dozens of private messages, but Xiang Qiuchi didn't reply to one. Those private messages were completely silent, and the other party hadn't heard anything.

On the Internet, the encirclement and suppression of her has left her with little shelter.

With the fermentation of this matter, the things she had done before were also picked up by others, such as sleeping with them, unspoken rules, framing female celebrities, playing big names, fraudulent donations... all kinds of ugly things have been taken by people. Picked it out.

Tong Xinyan's public relations company had long since given up, did not make any resistance, and let things continue to develop in a bad direction.

The endless variety of black materials made Tong Xinyan smell too bad.

The celebrities framed by Tong Xinyan, the celebrities who had celebrated the holidays with her, jumped out one after another, and the various revelations were dazzling.

Tong Xinyan gritted her teeth and scolded all those people.

At dawn, Tong Xinyan fell asleep scolding.

After falling asleep, Tong Xinyan had a dream. In her dream, she was still the most popular female celebrity who is like Zhongtian. She will always be the most beautiful woman under the spotlight...


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