You Are My Entire World

Chapter 734: Taozi's Plan 9

Stop! You don't need to go into so much detail about the part that fell down. Please tell the key points, OK?? Tao Zi hurriedly interrupted Jin Xiaowei's words, feeling anxious for her expressive ability. Why, who wants to listen to so much nonsense...

Oh... In short, when I threw my brother down, my parents came back... They said that they were too hasty when packing yesterday, and they forgot to bring the most important passport, and the two of them flew back from Shanghai overnight Get your passport, and then rush back... Jin Xiaowei always felt that this paragraph was a bit disgraceful, and she felt embarrassed to say it, but was urged by Taozi, so she had to continue: That...that is, when they came back, they saw this At one scene... I was stunned, and even the luggage in my hand rolled directly to the bottom of the stairs... Then my mother pointed at me and my brother with trembling fingers, and said with a face about to have a heart attack, You... You two... what's the matter??' Then when my brother and I were thinking about how to talk to my mother so as not to cause her heart attack, she continued to say, Yi Xia, you have been unwilling to take your daughter My friend came home because you like Xiaowei?' As soon as my brother nodded, my mother excitedly shook my father's collar, dancing and said, Did you see, did you see, these two children finally became a pair I was worried that the age difference between the two of them was too big, a child like Yi Xia wouldn't like a naive little girl like Xiao Wei...'

When Jin Xiaowei talked about this passage, she always felt that she was sweating constantly on her forehead.

On the other side of the phone, Taozi let out a puchi laugh, Could it be that your mother has long wanted to match you and your brother as a pair?

That's right... She said that the fat and water don't flow out to outsiders. For a boy as good as my brother, it's best to stay at home... Jin Xiaowei couldn't help sighing, Later they gave us Tell me what I told you just now...

Oh... Tao Zi nodded, scratched her head with a small hand and said, Then if you two talked about this matter earlier, you wouldn't have to work so hard...

Who knew it would end like this? Jin Xiaowei rolled her eyes in the air angrily and said, My brother used to doubt whether I was adopted, and even secretly helped to test the DNA of me and my parents. The results showed that I was the biological child, why didn't he doubt himself, if he and his parents' DNA were done earlier, then he wouldn't have to worry about it...

Haha, an outstanding person like your brother is usually very conceited. If he is killed, he will not suspect that he is not his own... Tao Zi couldn't help covering her mouth and giggling, Anyway, the end of the two of you As long as it is good, the people in our dormitory will never laugh at you for incest again...

Okay, be serious. Jin Xiaowei yelled at Tao Zi on the phone, and when she was about to continue complaining about this bloody incident, Tao Zi heard a knock on the door.

Huh? Jin Xiaowei's voice was full of doubts, Didn't my parents leave after taking their passports, and my brother has already gone to bed... Who will knock on the door...

Xiaowei, are you asleep? Dr. Jin's clear voice sounded outside the door.


Tomorrow's Dragon Boat Festival, I wish you all a happy Dragon Boat Festival and Children's Day! ! What do Dragon Boat Festival welfare want?

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