You Are My Entire World

Chapter 188 Aunt and Guoer 4

She has had a strong interest in China since she was a child. She met and fell in love with Qin Ao when she was in college, and they got married after graduating from college. When Amy planned to choose a Chinese name, she thought that she could take her husband's surname after marriage. So I rummaged through Chinese legends and historical documents, and finally, holding a blank paper with the words Qin Shihuang written on it, I ran to ask Qin Ao, what is she planning to call this name, how about it? Isn't it domineering?

Qin Ao was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped, he explained to her that Qin Shihuang was not a name, but the respectful title the world gave to King Qin Yingzheng after his death. Only in this way did she dispel her thoughts, but The burden of the Chinese name fell on Qin Ao.

It's just that Qin Ao is usually busy with work, so he wrote it casually, and Qin Xiaoai, a name that is more lazy than serious, came out. Fortunately, Amy still likes this name.

Although Qin Xiaoai has a strong interest in China, Chinese is too difficult to learn, and she did not grow up in a place with a strong Chinese environment like Chinatown. Therefore, although she has learned some Chinese after falling in love with Qin Ao and getting married, most of them Sometimes I still use English to communicate with Qin Ao.

But Guoer is different. After all, he is a child with a strong learning ability. He has understood since he was a child that he should use Chinese when talking to his father and English when talking to his mother. The whole person is like a small machine. Between Chinese and English switch freely.

That's why, as soon as Amy came, she pulled Shen Mochen and talked non-stop. In the whole room, only Shen Mochen could communicate with her in English and understand her three-legged cat-like Chinese.

During the whole breakfast, various discussions revolved around Qin Ao's work and life in the United States.

After breakfast, the family invited some monks to pray for the deceased grandma. The ceremony will last for two days. Mom Taozi and Aunt Taozi continue to fold paper ingots. These are to be burned for Grandma Taozi. The more the better, Qin Xiaoai watched for a long time, then rolled up her sleeves and asked to participate in the activity of folding ingots.

Uncle Taozi, Dad Taozi, and Qin Ao were smoking cigarettes and chatting about some work matters. Grandpa Taozi went back to his room to rest because he was not in good spirits.

The whole lively restaurant finally quieted down.

Shen Mochen went back to the room to write the topic, Taozi thought about it and followed him, and went back to the room together, but this little follower was naturally clinging to Taozi, and followed along.

Thus, such a picture appeared in the whole room.

Shen Mochen sat at the desk, lowered his head and wrote the topic seriously, while Taozi lay on the bed, listening to the sound of monks chanting scriptures outside, while flipping through a few books he had borrowed from the library. Beside him, he leaned over from time to time to look at the book in her hand, but he was helpless, he couldn't understand other words except for the pictures, so he had to give up in the end and lay down by the window, looking at the snowy scenery outside.

After a long time, Guo'er finally turned an excited little face, and shouted at Tao Zi: Auntie, the snow has stopped outside!

Taozi raised her head when she heard the sound, and looked at the sunny weather outside the window. A thick layer of snow had accumulated on the ground, reflecting the soft light against the blue sky.

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