You Are My Entire World

Chapter 110 I am very specific 4

Thinking with a smile, Tao Zi took the schoolbag with the pink, fluffy rabbit hanging on it, and said mysteriously: Honey, I gave this rabbit a name!

Oh, what's your name? Shen Mochen asked casually without raising his head. He was really out of shape all day today, and he piled up a lot of homework and didn't do it.

Hey, it's Motutu.


Do you still remember the handmade rabbit I gave you when I was in elementary school? It also has a name, it's called Dust Tutu, and the two of them together are Mochen Tutu! Tao Zi didn't care if Shen Mochen looked at her or not. , talking on his own.

That ugly rabbit? Shen Mochen's delicate eyebrows frowned slightly, and his hand holding the ballpoint pen paused a little. He still remembered that when he took that rabbit home, he was laughed at by his mother and father for a long time, saying that he Such a clever kid can actually make such an ugly rabbit. It wasn't until he said with a dark face that the rabbit was given to him by Tao Zi, that his mother suddenly changed her face 180 degrees and kept praising the rabbit for how cute it was. How creative, how individual, cute...

What ugly rabbit, it has a name! Taozi gave him a very dissatisfied look, and then continued to smile: So, they are a couple!

Oh, since you gave me that ugly rabbit, the naming right should be mine. Since you named the rabbit I gave you as Motutu, then that ugly rabbit should be called Taotutu. You are quite worthy, seeing it reminds me of you... Shen Mochen said casually, and the pen in his hand continued to quickly calculate.

... Tao Zi's smile froze on her face, thinking of herself when she saw that ugly rabbit? What's the meaning? Is she ugly?

Taozi, it's already past eight o'clock. If you don't do your homework, you won't be able to sleep tonight! Although Shen Mochen kept his head buried in his homework, he paid attention to Taozi from the corner of his eye, watching her blankly by the desk , there was no movement for a long time, after all, I couldn't help reminding her.

Oh... Taozi reluctantly took out her homework book from her schoolbag, thinking angrily, why should that ugly rabbit be called Taotutu, and this beautiful rabbit should be called Motutu? So childish! !

Time passed quickly, nearly a month passed in the blink of an eye, on April 1st, Shen Mochen was going to the province to participate in the physics competition for middle school students. He asked in a low voice, Can you make it back on April 3rd? That day is our farewell to the Young Pioneers performance, you want to come back and watch my performance!

Shen Mochen folded the scattered clothes on the bed and put them into the suitcase, looked at Taozi and said, The first and second are weekends, are you sure you don't want to go with me?

But you didn't come back until the 3rd. If I go with you, I have to come back by myself on the 2nd night. I don't know the way by myself... Tao Zi wrinkled her small face and looked at him pitifully. I also want to go with her, but my parents, godfather, and godmother are not at home on weekends, and no one will accompany her, and she doesn't know the way. Then Shen Mochen will go to the competition, what can she do alone... …

Then what do you eat at home alone?

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