But now, he finally felt relieved.

Because just now Su Chen asked him to stand up instead of keeping him kneeling. What does this mean? It means that Su Chen is no longer hostile to him!

No more hostility!

He and Zifu Holy Land will not be retaliated by Su Chen in the future!

At this moment, Su Chen pointed at Ouyang Zhengchu's eyebrows.

Ouyang Zhengchu's heart tightened, but he did not dare to resist because he knew that even if he resisted, it would be of no use.

Su Chen wanted to kill him just like killing an ant.

What's the use of resisting?

But what puzzled him was what Su Chen wanted to do.

Everyone looked at Su Chen with puzzled expressions on their faces.

At this moment, a mysterious and terrifying force suddenly surged into Ouyang Zhengchu's body.

Ouyang Zhengchu felt a chill in his heart. Just when he thought he was dead, he suddenly found that his aura was rising crazily!


A small realm was broken through in the blink of an eye!

Ouyang Zhengchu looked confused.

But before he could recover, his realm had once again broken through!

And this is not over yet!

His realm is still breaking through!

Looking at this scene, everyone was stunned.

"Holy shit! What's going on?"

"You should ask what kind of method this is! He can actually help people break through the realm!"

"Who on earth is he! Isn't this too awesome?"


Wang Yuanwu's pupils suddenly shrank, his face full of disbelief.

What did he see?

He saw that someone could help Ouyang Zhengchu break through the realm!

It’s still the kind that breaks through several levels in a row!

Damn it!

You know, Ouyang Zhengchu is in the Immortal King Realm!

What kind of existence does it take to be able to easily help the Immortal King to break through the realm?

At this moment, he suddenly remembered what sister and brother Wang Xi said.

Maybe they didn't lie?

But it's true!

Wang Yuanwu's face turned pale, and at the same time he was glad that he didn't take action against Su Chen!

If he had attacked Su Chen directly from the beginning, he would definitely have died miserably!

At this moment, he actually had lingering fears.

He took a long breath and said, "Okay, okay."

Shi Lao looked at Su Chen blankly. After a long time, he said in a trembling voice: "I...what kind of existence did I provoke! It's over! It's completely over!"

Shi Lao's face was ashen, and he knew that he might really die today.

Because he provoked a terrifying existence!

Even if Su Chen lets him go, Zi Lei Sect will not let him go!

At this time, Su Chen withdrew his hand that was between Ouyang Zhengchu's brows.

The eyes of Hu Xiaotian in his arms were shining, "Master, you are so powerful!"

Su Chen glanced at Hu Xiaotian and said, "If you fart, just let it go."

Hu Xiaotian chuckled, "Just... just can I..."

Su Chen suddenly said: "No."

Hu Xiaotian's face froze, then fell silent, and then he lay in Su Chen's arms, sobbing continuously.

Su Chen twitched the corner of his mouth, and then patted Hu Xiaotian's head, "Didn't I help you break through to the true fairyland before? Are you still not satisfied? I think you need to take care of yourself."

As he spoke, he raised his hand again.

Seeing this, Hu Xiaotian quickly waved his two little paws, "Don't hit, don't hit! I was wrong...ah!"

But it was too late for him, Su Chen had already slapped him on the butt.

Hu Xiaotian screamed immediately, tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, and he quickly covered his swollen butt with his two paws.

Su Chen smiled and said: "I call you Pi."

Hu Xiaotian looked aggrieved, "I was wrong."

At this time, Ye Lingxi suddenly appeared. Looking at Hu Xiaotian who looked aggrieved, she couldn't help laughing and said, "Brother, did Xiaotian just make you angry?"

Su Chen nodded and said, "Well, this guy needs to be dealt with."


Ye Lingxi couldn't help but laugh out loud, and then hugged Hu Xiaotian in Su Chen's arms, "Forget it, you dared to do it in front of me, I really admire you. "

Hu Xiaotian had tears in his eyes and said nothing.

Looking at this scene, Su Chen smiled and shook his head, "This little guy."


At this moment, Ouyang Zhengchu suddenly burst out with a terrifying power that destroyed the world!

First level of Immortal Saint Realm!

Looking at Ouyang Zhengchu who had broken through to the Immortal Saint Realm, Wang Yuanwu clenched his fists, his eyes were red and full of jealousy!

Immortal Saint!

That was the realm he had dreamed of reaching!

But only he knows how difficult it is to break through the Immortal Saint!

However, Ouyang Zhengchu actually broke through to the Immortal Saint Realm so easily!

He is jealous!

He is so jealous!

To be honest, he wished he could kneel in front of Su Chen and beg him to help him break through.

But this is really embarrassing and embarrassing!

Ouyang Zhengchu's whole body was shaking. He held his hands tightly, unable to conceal his inner excitement.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

He said the quintessence of the Chinese nation three times in a row, and he was extremely excited, "I have broken through to the Immortal Saint! Hahaha! I have broken through to the Immortal Saint!"

Immortal Saint?

What is that realm?

Everyone in the field looked puzzled. This was the first time they had heard of this realm.

Ouyang Zhengchu was excited for a long time before he calmed down, but his body was still shaking uncontrollably.

He really felt like he was dreaming, but this was not a dream, it was real!

At this time, he turned to look at Su Chen, his eyes full of gratitude. Without any nonsense or hesitation, he knelt down directly towards Su Chen, "Thank you, senior! Thank you, senior! If it weren't for senior, I would never be able to break through in my life." Immortal Saint!”

This sentence was spoken from the bottom of his heart,

Originally, he was already very old, and it was difficult for him to break through a small realm, let alone break through the Immortal Saint.

But breaking through to the Immortal Saint was really his dream, but he knew his talent in cultivation, and there was no hope for him to become an Immortal Saint.

But now, his dream has come true!

He really broke through to the Immortal Saint!

Therefore, he was really grateful to Su Chen!

Even if Su Chen asked him to die now, he would never hesitate!

There is no other reason, just because Su Chen made his dream come true!

Su Chen looked at Ouyang Zhengchu and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "I am not helping you break through to Immortal Saint for any other reason. I hope that after you break through to Immortal Saint, you can put some pressure on my two disciples."

Hearing this, Ouyang Zhengchu was stunned for a moment, then nodded heavily and said, "No problem! Senior, please rest assured, I will definitely let them truly experience the cruelty of the world of immortality!"

Ye Lingxi on the side was silent.

She was a little lucky, lucky that she was Su Chen's sister and not his apprentice, otherwise...


I dare not think about it!

Hu Xiaotian in his arms was silently praying for Lin Fan and Jian Xin in his heart.

I met such a master.

It's too awful!

It’s so miserable!

The pressure is already great, and we have to put more pressure on them.

Damn it!


At the same time, the jealousy in Wang Yuanwu's eyes almost condensed into reality!

He roared angrily: "Fuck my face! I want to break through the Immortal Saint! Immortal Saint!"

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