You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 233 No Need To Exist Anymore!

The woman looked at Ye Lingxi, her eyes full of solemnity and shock.

To be honest, she never expected that Ye Lingxi almost killed her!

You know, her realm is the peak of the ninth level of the True Immortal Realm, while Ye Lingxi's realm is only the first level of the True Immortal Realm.

There is a difference of eight small realms between them!

Eight small realms!

But even with a difference of eight small realms, Ye Lingxi almost killed her!

It's against the will of heaven!

It's really against the will of heaven!

She has never seen such an outrageous demon genius!

It's really outrageous!

But the more such a demon, the more it must be killed!

Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous!

The woman stared at Ye Lingxi, her whole body filled with murderous intent, almost condensed into substance.

Feeling this murderous intent, everyone in the field couldn't help but tremble all over, with a look of horror on their faces.

"This killing intent is so strong!"

"Yes, it's suffocating me."

"I'm afraid this woman is finished."

"Alas, to be honest, I don't quite understand why she has to die? Isn't it good to be alive?"


At the same time, the woman no longer hesitated, stepped into the void, and walked towards Ye Lingxi step by step. With every step, the killing intent emanating from her body became stronger.

Ye Lingxi must be killed today!

At this moment, everyone in the field was nervous. They looked at Ye Lingxi with regret in their eyes.

"Alas, it's a pity that such a demon and genius is going to fall. It's a pity."

"Yes, if this woman doesn't fall, she will definitely be a top powerhouse in the future!"

"I wonder, why is she dying?"


In secret.

Hu Xiaotian stared at Ye Lingxi, and at this moment, his heart was in his throat.

But Su Chen was extremely calm, without any emotion in his eyes.

He seemed... not to care about Ye Lingxi's safety at all.

On the other side, as the woman got closer and closer to Ye Lingxi, the atmosphere in the field became more and more tense and heavy.

Ye Lingxi was still curled up, but she didn't show any breath of life!

At this moment, some pictures appeared in Ye Lingxi's mind.

The general content of these pictures was that she had been hiding behind Su Chen, and every time she was in danger, Su Chen would appear to protect her.

Until one day, a strong man stronger than Su Chen appeared. In order to protect her, Su Chen sacrificed himself and died with that strong man.

And she was like a waste, unable to do anything, and could only stare blankly at Su Chen dying in front of her.


I don't want to hide behind my brother all the time!

I want to surpass my brother!

I want to be invincible!

I want to protect my brother!

I don't want to hide behind my brother forever and be a waste!

I don't want it!


Suddenly, Ye Lingxi opened her eyes abruptly, and the terrible invincible sword intent swept from her body, and instantly spread to a million miles away!

The woman's face changed drastically, and she was blown away by the terrifying might of the invincible sword intent!

Not only the woman, but everyone in the field was shocked and unbelievable when watching this scene.

At this moment, Ye Lingxi soared into the sky and stood above the sky, with countless terrifying invincible sword intents lingering around her.

It is worth mentioning that these invincible sword intents have undergone earth-shaking changes from before, becoming more pure and more terrifying than before.

And her aura also surged wildly at this moment!

In the blink of an eye, she broke through to the peak of the fourth level of the True Immortal Realm!

She should have been able to break through, but she was forcibly suppressed.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the field was stunned.

"She...she seems to have broken through!"

"Fuck! She broke through several realms in a row!"

"She is going to defy the heavens!"

"It's outrageous!"


Everyone in the field was boiling instantly, looking at Ye Lingxi, their eyes full of disbelief.

At this moment, the middle-aged man and the woman were also dumbfounded.

How could this...this still break through?


God kisses his daughter!

Could it be any more outrageous?

The woman and the middle-aged man burst out several Chinese quintessences in succession.

Because they really have never met such an outrageous person!

It’s really outrageous!


Hu Xiaotian's originally worried heart finally calmed down.

Su Chen couldn't help but have a smile on his face.

Ye Lingxi took a deep breath at this moment to calm down the restless power in her body, and then she looked at the woman in the distance.

Without any nonsense, she disappeared on the spot, very fast, and appeared in front of the woman in the blink of an eye. Then, she stabbed out with a sword!


This time of reunification is dozens of times stronger than any previous reunification she used!

Extremely terrifying!

The woman was shocked, and her hair stood up immediately. Before she could think about it, she quickly raised her sword to resist!


In an instant, countless sword intentions vibrated around, and soon swept across the entire world!


At this moment, the sword in the woman's hand suddenly cracked.

The woman's expression changed, but before she could react, the long sword in her hand shattered into pieces!


The sword light flashed, and the woman's body froze in place, motionless, with a look of confusion in her eyes.

next moment!

Her head shot directly into the sky, and her aura completely dissipated at this moment.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the room took a deep breath, turned pale, and did not dare to breathe.

The man at this moment was even more dumbfounded.

The woman was killed!

Got killed instantly!

Damn it!

At this moment, he was confused!

At this moment, Ye Lingxi suddenly looked at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man shuddered, and the aura of death enveloped him.

He gritted his teeth, turned around and ran away!

But the moment he turned around, Ye Lingxi suddenly appeared behind him, and then stepped on the middle-aged man under her feet, and the sword in her hand was pointed directly at the middle-aged man's head.

The middle-aged man's face was full of fear, "You... you can't kill me! Otherwise... otherwise the forces behind me will not let you go!"

Ye Lingxi said nothing, with a look of indifference in his eyes.

The middle-aged man's face was ashen, he knew that he was finished!

"If you dare to kill him, I will cut you into pieces!" Suddenly, a vicissitudes of time and cold voice sounded from the Immortal Sect.

next moment!

An old man suddenly walked out of the fairy gate.

The old man's face was full of wrinkles and he looked a little ugly, but the aura exuding from his body was so terrifying that it made people despair.

Looking at the old man, the expressions of everyone present changed drastically, and a breath of death surged into their hearts.

"Another strong man from the immortal world has arrived!"

"This person is probably more powerful than the two before!"

"The aura that comes out of his body makes me feel suffocated. It's so terrifying!"


After seeing the old man, the middle-aged man felt like he was seeing a savior, "Old Shi, save me!"

Mr. Shi looked at Ye Lingxi and said coldly: "If you dare to kill..."


Before he finished speaking, Ye Lingxi cut off the middle-aged man's head with a sword. Then, she looked up at Mr. Shi with a stiff expression and said calmly: "What did you say? I didn't hear clearly just now. Please say it again."


Old Shi was furious, and the coercion of the ninth level of the Golden Immortal Realm suddenly burst out from him.

It enveloped everyone in an instant.

Everyone's legs weakened and they knelt down on the spot. Their faces were full of disbelief and they looked at the old man in horror.

Damn it!

So strong!

At this moment, Ye Lingxi was gritting his teeth and desperately resisting this pressure.


The old man's eyes were surprised at first, and then he snorted coldly, and an even more terrifying pressure spread.

Ye Lingxi gritted her teeth, cold sweat broke out on her forehead, and her knees gradually bent.

Just when she could no longer hold on, the pressure on her suddenly disappeared, and at the same time, a calm voice sounded throughout the venue.

"I think you and the forces behind you probably don't need to exist anymore."


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