You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 207 Target To Death!

Ouyang Zhengchu said in a trembling voice: "Senior...senior..."

Su Chen nodded, "What's wrong?"

Ouyang Zhengchu forced a smile on his face that was uglier than crying, "Please...please let me go!"

Su Chen calmly said: "Reason?"

Ouyang Zhengchu's expression condensed instantly.


He has a stupid reason!

At this time, Su Chen's voice suddenly sounded in Ouyang Zhengchu's mind, "I can let you go, but if my disciple goes to the immortal world in the future, you have to target them, is that okay?"

Hearing this, Ouyang Zhengchu was stunned and glanced at Lin Fan and Jian Xin subconsciously.

Targeting his own disciples to death?

Damn it!

Is this disciple a relative?

I just went to the Immortal Realm and you want me, an Immortal Lord, to target you?


How cruel!


Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, "What? Is there a problem?"

Ouyang Zhengchu's tiger body trembled, and he quickly shook his head and said: "No problem! No problem! Please rest assured, senior, if your two disciples come to the immortal world, I promise to kill them!"

Hearing Ouyang Zhengchu's assurance, Su Chen smiled and said, "Yes, a kid can be taught."

Ouyang Zhengchu: "..."

I seem to be older than you. Is this appropriate for you to say?

He was complaining, but he never dared to say it out loud.

Who makes people awesome?

At this moment, he felt extremely frustrated.

Really frustrating!

Such a dignified Immortal Lord actually fell into such a state!

So damn frustrating!

At the same time, Lin Fan and Jian Xin felt a bad premonition for some unknown reason.

Jianxin said solemnly: "Senior brother, I have a bad feeling."

Lin Fan said solemnly: "I also have this premonition."

Hearing this, Kenshin wondered: "What's going on?"

Lin Fan was silent. After a moment, he smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know either."

Kenshin frowned and said nothing.

At this time, the invisible terrifying force pressing on Ouyang Zhengchu and Xia Jiuyou suddenly disappeared.

Xia Jiuyou was confused for a moment.

Ouyang Zhengchu stood up slowly, then saluted Su Chen and said respectfully: "Thank you, senior!"

As he said that, he glanced at Xia Jiuyou and scolded: "How presumptuous! Why don't you thank me, senior, for sparing your life?"

Xia Jiuyou was stunned, but he reacted quickly and quickly clasped his fists and thanked: "Thank you, senior!"

Su Chen shook his head and didn't say anything. Instead, he waved his hand, and the meaning was self-evident.

Ouyang Zhengchu saw that Xia Jiuyou was still stunned and said angrily: "Get out of here!"


Xia Jiuyou was frightened.

Ouyang Zhengchu continued: "Go back to the Holy Land!"

"Oh oh oh!"

Xia Jiuyou nodded quickly, then turned around and disappeared.

Ouyang Zhengchu had a look of hatred on his face. Then he looked at Su Chen and said with a smile, "Thank you very much."

After saying that, his body began to dissipate. Before his body completely disappeared, he glanced at Lin Fan and Jian Xin thoughtfully.

Seeing this scene, everyone frowned, with doubts in their eyes.

They wondered why Su Chen let Ouyang Zhengchu and Xia Jiuyou leave. In their impression, Su Chen was a decisive and decisive person, so how could he let these two people go?

Lin Fan looked at the place where Ouyang Zhengchu disappeared and said bitterly: "I should know why we have a bad premonition."

Kenshin quickly asked: "Why?"

Lin Fan said with a bitter look on his face: "We may suffer a lot when we go to the immortal world in the future."

Jianxin was anxious, "Senior brother, what's going on? Don't show off!"


Lin Fan sighed, and then recounted the things that had been targeted against him in the past.

After listening to Lin Fan's words, Jian Xin's heart was pounding. He seemed to know why he had that bad premonition.

He swallowed and said in a trembling voice: " mean that the reason why Master let those two people go is because Master made a deal with them. The content of the deal is that we will go to the immortal world in the future. , let them target us?”

Lin Fan said seriously: "It's not about letting them target us, it's about letting them target us to death!"

Hearing this, Kenshin said in disbelief: "We haven't even reached the True Immortal Realm. If we go to the Immortal Realm, it will only be the True Immortal Realm. If we are targeted by the two of them, can the two of us survive?"

Lin Fan gave a wry smile, then shook his head and comforted: "It's okay, Master won't let us die. If he wanted us to die, I probably wouldn't have survived long ago. He just wanted us to experience it, so don't be too Panic, calm down!"

As he spoke, he secretly circulated his immortal energy and evaporated the cold sweat behind him.

Although he said this, he was still very panicked in his heart. Su Chen would not let them die, but he was aiming for death. He almost burped several times.

Sometimes Su Chen would show up when he couldn't hold on any longer. If he could still hold on, Su Chen wouldn't care at all!

After hearing Lin Fan's comfort, Jian Xin was still very panicked. He wanted to calm down, but he couldn't calm down. It was strange.

Lin Fan said: "Okay, stop thinking about it, just let nature take its course."

Kenshin was silent for a moment, and then said: "Yes! I understand!"

Lin Fan smiled, but there was worry and helplessness deep in his eyes.

Sometimes he even doubted whether he was Su Chen's disciple.

Master loves his apprentice as much as he loves his own son, but what about Su Chen? He wished that his apprentice would burp his fart quickly.

How can any master treat his disciples like this?

So inhuman!

At this time, Su Chen looked at Lin Fan and said calmly: "Let's go."

After saying that, he turned and left directly.

Seeing this, Lin Fan and Jian Xin quickly followed.

Looking at Su Chen's leaving figure, Gu Xun'er felt empty and even had difficulty breathing.

She stretched out her hand to stop Su Chen, but in the end, she put her hand down without saying anything.

At this moment, she felt that her heart hurt like needles.

It is really painful to love someone but not be able to be together.

Gu He and Jiang Ying looked at Gu Xun'er and sighed secretly in their hearts.

They want to be comforted, but they don’t know how.

After a long time, Gu Xun'er regained her emotions and turned to look at Gu He and Jiang Ying, with a smile on her face, but this smile made people feel distressed.

Jiang Ying reached out and touched Gu Xun'er's cheek, saying heartbrokenly: "Xun'er..."

Gu Xun'er smiled and said, "Okay, Mom, I'm fine. Let's go back."

Jiang Ying looked distressed, then nodded, "Okay."

Furukawa on the side hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Your grandfather said that after this matter is over, he will ask you to go to the immortal world to find him. Will you go?"

Hearing this, Gu Xun'er frowned slightly, "Did grandpa tell dad the reason?"

Kohe shook his head and said, "No."

Gu Xun'er was silent. After a moment, her eyes lit up.

If I go to the immortal world, will there be a chance to meet him again in the future?

Thinking about it, she immediately became excited and said quickly: "Dad, I'm going!"

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