You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 188 You Guys Are Too Good!

Su Chen's eyes were as calm as a deep pool and he said nothing.

Seeing that Su Chen didn't speak, Wang Kun's face was extremely gloomy. At this moment, he felt very regretful.

Regret appears!

If he didn't show up, he wouldn't provoke Su Chen.

But there’s no point regretting it now!

Because he knew that even if he regretted it, Su Chen would not let him go.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes tightly, and then made another seal, his lips moving. The next moment, countless Gu worms suddenly emerged from the millions of corpses. In the blink of an eye, there were tens of millions of Gu worms in this world!

The people below were shocked, and then quickly moved away from the area, watching this scene with numb scalp.

Xiaolan was shocked: "So many Gu insects! Moreover, these Gu insects are all fake fairyland!"

Thousands of pseudo-fairyland Gu insects!

At this moment, everyone's expressions became solemn, and their hearts were extremely heavy.

At this moment, they truly realized the terror of a Gu Master!

At this moment, tens of millions of Gu worms suddenly began to kill each other. Every defeated Gu worm would be eaten by the victorious Gu worm, and those victorious Gu worms would be eaten by the defeated Gu worm. The moment the Gu insect appears, its aura will become several times stronger!

In the blink of an eye, there were only a million Gu worms left in the field. The auras of these millions of Gu worms were extremely terrifying, and they had all reached the true fairyland!

But these millions of Gu worms did not stop, they continued to devour their own kind, and their auras also surged crazily.

Xiaolan's face changed drastically, she looked at Lin Fan and Jianxin, and said anxiously: "Quickly take action to stop these Gu insects! Otherwise, how far will they grow?"

Lin Fan looked at Xiaolan and said helplessly: "You want the two of us to fight these Gu insects that are all from the true fairyland? Then you think too highly of us."


After hearing this, Xiaolan's face froze, and then she looked embarrassed. She almost forgot that Lin Fan and Jianxin were only as strong as the Pseudo Immortal Realm. After an awkward moment, he quickly looked at Su Chen and asked doubtfully: "Why doesn't Mr. Su take action?" Stop it?"

Lin Fan replied: "Master may not take these Gu insects seriously at all."

Xiaolan blinked, looked at Su Chen's calm eyes, and nodded subconsciously, "It seems really..."

Jiang Xin said at this time: "Okay, don't worry. Since Mr. Su didn't stop it, he definitely doesn't care about this Gu insect."

Xiaolan hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "Okay."

Wang Kun looked at Su Chen's calm eyes and couldn't help but feel nervous, "Why is this kid not panicking at all?"

At this moment, only one of the millions of Gu worms was left. What was outrageous was that this Gu worm actually grew to a size of tens of thousands of feet, and it was filled with the terrifying aura of the Golden Immortal! (True Immortal, Heavenly Immortal, Mysterious Immortal, Golden Immortal, Immortal Lord, Immortal Saint, Immortal Venerable, Immortal Emperor, Immortal Emperor.)

Feeling this breath, everyone in the venue felt suffocated, and there was a trace of fear on their faces.

The aura of the Golden Immortal is so terrifying!

They have never felt such a terrifying atmosphere!

At this moment, they only feel like ants, who can be wiped out at will by that golden fairyland Gu insect!

This feeling makes them feel suffocated!


At this time, Wang Kun suddenly laughed.


A sword light sounded in the field.

Wang Kun's smile suddenly stopped at this moment, and his whole body froze in place as if struck by lightning.

Lin Fan and others felt their heads buzzing and looked confused.

They stared at the golden immortal's Gu insect with disbelief on their faces.


At this time, the golden immortal's Gu insect suddenly split into two halves, and a large amount of blood spurted out, instantly dyeing the world red, and its aura completely disappeared at this moment.

Everyone stared at this scene blankly, speechless.

The Gu insects in the Golden Wonderland were also killed...

He was also killed!

Damn it!

Kenshin jumped up excitedly, "Master is awesome!"

Lin Fan and others also looked excited at this moment, and their bodies could not stop trembling.

So awesome!

It’s really awesome!

The Gu insects in Golden Wonderland can also do it in seconds!

Damn it!


Wang Kun's face was as pale as paper, with no trace of blood visible, and the fear in his eyes almost condensed into substance.

At this moment, his cognition was completely subverted!

The Golden Immortal Gu Insect he cultivated was actually killed!


His Golden Immortal Gu insect was killed!

At this moment, he felt like he was in a dream, and his face was confused, ""

At this time, Su Chen slowly looked at Wang Kun.

Seeing Su Chen, Wang Kun felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, his breathing stopped, and the fear in his heart made his body tremble uncontrollably.

Su Chen said calmly: "Do you have any backup plans? If you do, use them. I'll give you time."

Hearing this, Wang Kun became even more powerful and did not dare to hesitate. He quickly lay down on the ground, with his head on the ground, and said tremblingly: "Senior...Senior, please forgive me! I have offended my senior because I am ignorant of Mount Tai. Please spare my life, senior!"

Su Chen ignored Wang Kun and continued to ask: "Is there any more?"

Wang Kun's forehead was covered with cold sweat and he did not dare to speak.

any left?

What a fart!

You have killed all my strongest Gu insects, and you still ask me if I have any?

At this time, he gritted his teeth, turned around and ran away, disappearing from this world in the blink of an eye.

Xiaolan exclaimed: "He ran away!"

Gu Xun'er and Jiang Xin also frowned. Only Lin Fan and Jian Xin looked calm.

They believed that Wang Kun could not escape!

Su Chen put his hands behind his hands and looked calmly at the direction in which Wang Kun was escaping.

At the same time, tens of millions of miles away, Wang Kun looked back and ran as fast as he could, not daring to stop at all. He ran tens of millions of miles again, with a smile on his face.


However, as soon as his smile appeared, a flash of sword light slashed across his neck.

His eyes widened, filled with disbelief and unwillingness. He used his last bit of strength and said angrily: "I regret it!"


As his voice fell, his head separated from his body, and his breath completely disappeared at this moment.

On the other side, Su Chen withdrew his gaze expressionlessly, and then disappeared into the air. When he appeared, he had already reached the ground.

Seeing Su Chen appear, Lin Fan and others rushed to greet him.

Xiaolan quickly asked: "Master Su, where are the others?"

Su Chen glanced at Xiaolan and said calmly: "Dead."

Hearing this, the corners of Lin Fan and Jian Xin's mouths curled up.

They knew that Wang Kun would not survive.

Although the two of them were calm, the three women were shocked.

Xiaolan's eyes widened, "But I haven't seen you take action?"

Jiang Xin and Gu Xun'er also looked puzzled.

Su Chen said calmly: "You can't see it, which means you are still too weak and you have to continue to practice."

Everyone: "..."

Seeing everyone looking at him speechlessly, Su Chen said calmly: "If you are incompetent, how could you not see me take action?"

After listening, everyone's faces were filled with dark thoughts.


Is this human language?


Is it human language?



New January, new beginning, I wish you all a happy day, hehe.

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