You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 186 The Gu Master Appears!

Su Chen looked at the people in the air with a hint of impatience in his eyes.

Lin Fan resisted the Gu insects that were attacking him, and said with a bitter smile: "Master, we also want to kill these Gu insects quickly, but we can't kill them all!"

Kenshin chopped off dozens of Gu worms with one sword, then nodded and said: "Yes, and every time you kill a Gu worm, a stronger Gu worm will appear. How do you fight this?"

After the two of them finished speaking, they both looked at Su Chen with a hint of expectation in their expressions. Obviously, they wanted Su Chen to take action.

After listening to what the two said, Su Chen twitched the corner of his mouth, shook his head and said, "You can't do this. You have to take action for the teacher every time, so you might as well just find a place to retreat."


Hearing this, both of them looked embarrassed.

Su Chen put his hands behind his hands and glanced at the two of them, then slowly looked at the Gu insects, then slowly opened his mouth and spit out one word.



As the word fell, countless Gu insects in the field suddenly spontaneously ignited. The raging fire shone on the sky. The terrifying temperature actually melted time and space. Countless Gu insects were burned out in an instant!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the scene seemed to be petrified, frozen in place.

Holy shit!

Countless Gu insects were just gone!

And these are all Gu insects from the pseudo-fairyland!

At this moment, everyone was stunned, and their expressions were in disbelief.

After a long time, Xiaolan said in a trembling voice: "With just one word, these Gu insects will be gone...gone?"

Jiang Xin said in disbelief: "Who is this Mr. Su Chen?"

Gu Xun'er was also confused at this moment, "Is he so strong?"

She originally knew that Su Chen's strength was absolutely extraordinary, but she never expected that Su Chen could kill these Gu insects instantly with just one word.

One word!

There were nearly a million of these Gu insects at least, but Su Chen wiped them out with just one word!

This, this, this is outrageous!

Kenshin's mind went blank, "Is this... so awesome?"

After a moment, Kenshin reacted and his expression became excited.

At this moment, he realized that his master was so awesome. Su Chen wiped out all the Gu insects they could destroy with just one word!

Damn it!


He looked at Su Chen with excitement and admiration in his eyes. At this moment, he gradually understood what Lin Fan had said to him before. At this moment, he decided in his heart that he must become as strong as Su Chen in the future!

Su Chen can destroy all enemies with one word, then he will also destroy all enemies with one sword in the future!

Lin Fan acted very calmly, for no other reason than that he had seen Su Chen take action too many times, and every time he took action, it subverted his understanding, so he was used to it.


At this moment, a roar suddenly sounded in the field, and the whole world began to tremble due to the roar.

Except for Su Chen, everyone in the room changed their expressions and looked in one place, only to see a Gu worm appearing in the distance.

This Gu worm was different from the previous ones. It was red, and its whole body was red. Moreover, this Gu worm was dozens of feet in size, and the aura it exuded was extremely powerful.

Jian Xin stared at the Gu worm and frowned, "How can the aura of this Gu worm be so strong?"

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes, "This Gu insect should be in a true fairyland."


Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed drastically, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Gu insect in the real fairyland?

You know, they have never seen anyone from the True Immortal Realm, let alone the Gu worm from the True Immortal Realm. Therefore, at this moment, when they looked at the Gu worm, in addition to being incredulous, they also had curiosity in their eyes.

Jian Xin murmured: "How powerful will the True Immortal Realm be?"


At this moment, a sword suddenly flashed across the field!


Under everyone's gaze, the Gu insect with the true fairyland split into two halves on the spot.

Everyone was like a thunderbolt, watching this scene blankly.

Su Chen glanced at the red Gu worm and said disdainfully: "Why are you pretending to be in front of me?"

The words were spoken in a low voice and no one heard them. Everyone was still in a state of confusion at this moment.

The Gu insects in the True Fairyland were just killed like that?

What a wonderland!

That's a wonderland!

No creature in the entire Lower Immortal Realm has ever reached the True Immortal Realm, because it is really too difficult to break through to the True Immortal Realm. However, at this moment, a Gu worm with the strength of the True Immortal Realm was actually killed!

Got caught in seconds!

It's like being killed in seconds!

Everyone looked at Su Chen with admiration in their eyes!

Being able to instantly kill the Gu insects in the True Immortal Realm, Su Chen's strength is definitely above that of the True Immortal Realm!

A dim light flashed in Gu Xun'er's eyes, his fists gradually clenched, his jade teeth bit his lips, and his body was trembling slightly.

Jiang Xin noticed Gu Xun'er's condition, she shook her head slightly and sighed helplessly.

She had been getting along with Gu Xun'er for some time. During this period, she naturally noticed Gu Xun'er's affection for Su Chen, but she knew that Gu Xun'er and Su Chen were destined to be impossible.

Su Chen is the sky, and Gu Xun'er is the earth. How can the sky and the earth be together?

Only a goddess or saint from the fairy world could be worthy of a being like Su Chen.

Su Chen stretched at this time and said, "Don't look for this inheritance."

Hearing this, everyone was stunned, with doubts in their eyes.

Lin Fan asked in confusion: "Master, what's wrong?"

Su Chen glanced at Lin Fan and said, "The inheritance of this secret realm has been taken away."


Lin Fan was shocked and said: "How long has this secret realm been open? Has someone found the inheritance so quickly?"

Everyone also looked shocked and confused.

Su Chen said calmly: "This inheritance disappeared a long time ago."

Kenshin frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

Su Chen pointed to the corpse of the Gu worm in the distance and said, "The owner of this Gu worm received the inheritance of this secret realm a long time ago."

Lin Fan said: "Is it that Gu Master?"

Su Chen nodded and said, "Yes."

Jiang Xin wondered: "But didn't this secret realm just begin?"

Su Chen glanced at her, and then said: "Is there a possibility that this Gu Master was in this secret realm as early as when the owner of this secret realm created this secret realm?"

Bang bang bang!

Before anyone could say anything, there was a burst of applause. Everyone frowned and turned to look, only to see a person walking slowly in the distance.

This man was shrouded in a black robe, making it difficult to see his face. He could only vaguely see two green eyes staring at Su Chen and others, but only a thin layer of skin could be seen on this man's hands. , the bones are clearly visible.

While applauding, he said: "Interesting, you are interesting."

He seemed to be talking to Su Chen.

Lin Fan said solemnly: "Who are you?"

The man in black robe glanced at Lin Fan, "Gu Master Wang Kun!"

Jian Xin's pupils shrank suddenly, "Are you that Gu Master?"

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