Jiang Ying said worriedly: "If Xun'er is really related to the murderer of Wang Heng and Yifeng, then Xun'er will definitely not leave with us. I know her. She can't betray her friends!"

Furukawa comforted him: "It's okay, we'll talk about it later."

Jiang Ying bit her lip, hesitated for a moment, and then nodded, "It seems like this is the only way."

Furukawa looked at Jiang Ying and sighed, "Let's go."

Jiang Ying nodded and said, "Okay."


Within the secret realm.

Su Chen and others walked for a long time and arrived at an ancient city. The ancient city is similar to a city in the mortal world, except that except for Su Chen and others, no one can be seen here, and there is a dark wind blowing from time to time, which makes it particularly scary.

Jiang Xin looked around, a little scared, and subconsciously stood behind Lin Fan.

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment, then raised the corner of his mouth.

Su Chen glanced at them and shook his head.

Gu Xun'er then sent a message: "What? You can't stand your disciple?"

Su Chen's face turned dark and he replied: "You know nothing!"

Gu Xun'er snorted coldly and said nothing more.

Da da da...

At this moment, the sound of footsteps reached everyone's ears, and when they looked around, they saw a young man walking slowly towards them.

The young man is wearing a white robe and is handsome. He holds a long sword in his hand. If you observe carefully, you can find that he is like a sword and the sword is like him. Anyone who can reach this level must be a very powerful person. Strong swordsman.

The young man paused and looked at Lin Fan, and then at Su Chen. When he saw Su Chen, he frowned slightly, and then a fighting spirit appeared in his eyes!

He came to Su Chen, then clasped his fists and saluted, "My name is Jianxin, can I have a fight with you?"

Hearing this, everyone in the field was stunned, and then looked at Kenshin with interest.

Jian Xin didn't care about the eyes of the people around him, and still looked at Su Chen, the fighting spirit in his eyes not diminishing but increasing!

Su Chen smiled slightly and said, "Just forget about fighting me?"

Kenshin shook his head and said: "I feel that you are not simple, so please be sure to fight with me, thank you!"

After saying that, he bent down and looked particularly sincere.

[Name: Kenshin]

[Identity: Senior Brother of Wanjian Sect]

[Age: 18 years old]

[Realm: Pseudo Fairyland Level 1]

[Talent: Immortal Product]

[Physique: None]

Looking at the system panel, Su Chen was stunned.

Immortal talent does not have a special constitution?

To be honest, this really puzzled Su Chen. You must know that immortal talent is more terrifying than imperial talent. However, a person with immortal talent does not have a special physique. This is really a bit surprising. Speechless.

Su Chen looked at Jianxin carefully, and as he looked, a flash of realization flashed in his eyes, and then he smiled, "Then if I beat you, what good will it do?"

Hearing this, Jianxin fell silent. After a moment, he said: "I only have one sword, and I don't seem to have anything else to give you."

Su Chen smiled and said: "It's okay, I don't need anything from you. If I win, you have to promise me something."

Jian Xin raised his head and looked at Su Chen, wondering: "What's the matter?"

Su Chen said: "Be my disciple."

Hearing this, Kenshin blinked and said nothing.

Lin Fan looked at Jian Xin from a distance, wondering what he was thinking.

After a long time, Kenshin nodded, "Okay! If you win, I will be your disciple!"

Su Chen nodded, "If I lose..."

Kenshin suddenly said: "If you lose, you lose. I will not ask you for anything, nor will I ask you to agree to any conditions. After all, I am the one challenging you. It is normal for you to make demands, and I am the challenger." I would feel embarrassed if I made any demands to you.”

After listening to Jian Xin's words, Su Chen nodded with satisfaction, "He has a good character. I saw the right person."

Kenshin smiled, then pointed to the sky, "Shall we go to the sky to fight?"

Su Chen nodded, then disappeared, and when he appeared, he was already above the sky.


At this moment, a harsh sword sound suddenly sounded in the field, and the sword heart suddenly appeared in front of Su Chen, and the long sword in his hand stabbed Su Chen fiercely.

Facing this sword, Su Chen just smiled slightly, and then slowly stretched out two fingers.


With a loud noise, countless sword intentions spread across the sky and the earth. At the same time, Jian Xin's pupils suddenly shrank, and there was disbelief in his eyes.

Su Chen actually caught the sword just with two fingers!

Two fingers!

Su Chen looked at Jian Xin, smiled, and then released the two fingers holding the tip of the sword.

Jian Xin did not dare to hesitate and quickly distanced himself from Su Chen. He stabilized his body and looked at Su Chen with solemn eyes.

Although he only used 60% of his strength for the sword just now, it was impossible for someone to easily catch it with two fingers, unless someone else was several realms higher than him to be able to do it!

His realm is above that of pseudo-immortals!

Jian Xin had already determined in his heart that Su Chen's realm was definitely above that of a pseudo-immortal, but the strange thing was that he knew that Su Chen's realm was above that of a pseudo-immortal, but there was no fear in his eyes, only a strong fighting spirit and madness. !

The aura of pseudo-immortal permeated his body.

Feeling the aura permeating Jianxin's body, the expressions of the people below became solemn.

Gu Xun'er was shocked and said: "He is actually a fake immortal!"

Xiaolan said: "When did there become so many monsters in this pseudo-fairyland? I've never met any of them in the outside world!"

Jiang Xin frowned and said nothing.

I have to say, this is really a bit outrageous. You must know that there are only a handful of pseudo-immortals in the entire Lower Immortal Realm, and all of them are from the older generation. However, since she entered the secret realm, she has met several pseudo-immortals of the younger generation. Among the monsters, there is an existence that is even more exaggerated than the pseudo-fairyland. This is outrageous!

Lin Fan looked at Jian Xin and whispered: "No wonder Master wants to accept him as a disciple."

As he spoke, a smile appeared on his face, "It seems that I will have a junior brother in the future."


At this time, countless sword intentions soared into the sky, and then, these sword intentions began to condense, and in the blink of an eye they condensed into a sword intention hundreds of thousands of feet in size!

Jian Xin held a long sword with madness in his eyes, and then slashed towards Su Chen!

Su Chen shook his head helplessly, "I'm afraid this kid is crazy. He didn't hold back at all. He was afraid that I would live, right? But..."

As he spoke, the corners of his mouth raised, "But I like it, hahaha!"

After laughing loudly, Su Chen slowly spit out one word.



As this word fell, the sword intent condensed by countless sword intent suddenly shattered and then dissipated!

Kenshin stared at this scene blankly, his eyes full of confusion.

His strongest sword was just gone?

It’s just gone!

He was really confused!

I’m really confused!

At this moment, he only felt that his cognition had been severely hit!

One word!

Just one word!

His strongest sword dissipated!

This is really fucking outrageous!




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